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Hey F5  ;D I hope you're doing good my friend  :D


Today is my 5 year anniversary of BD!!!  :o  ;)
Hard to believe so much time has gone by, I can scarcely recognize the person I was at the beginning next to the person I am now...... the same, and not.
Back then I was so worried about saving the marriage, and so concerned about "how long with this take?", "what about OM?", "what about vows, love, history......" on and on........ It had to be that way, but it sure wasn't fun.  ;)

The best time of my life is here right now, and ahead of me. I'm very blessed. Doesn't mean much hasn't been sacrificed - it has (and then some)..... but it has absolutely been worth it.
Shocking.... 5 years..... it some ways it has gone by so fast, and in some ways so slow. It is curious. I suppose it is the work which takes so long, and it certainly is the journey and not the destination which is so important (and rewarding). I have to say, I'm fortunate and lucky to experience MLC from this perspective and not from the broken-down person side. What I have gained I value beyond measure. The future, no matter what, is very bright.  8)

On to W!!! Almost there, almost there...... each time I think "she's almost there", I learn how much more she has to go!!! HA!!! The signs are all there, the changes are happening (most are done), and right when I think she just has to turn the light on and "Get it", there is more to the race, more distance to traverse, more fear to overcome.
She is at the point of being too fearful to reach out and connect to those she abandoned...... and this has to be one of the main final things to do. Her values are back, her thinking is back, memories are back, mannerisms back, smiles back, concern for others back...... so close, just that pesky finish line to drag herself over (something I can't do - nor would allow myself to do). At the end is the avoidance of what has been done and acknowledgement of pain inflicted,  oh I can't imagine how hard that would be to take responsibility and accountability for it...... she is at this point: it is known but unspoken. To admit would be to open the dam to a flood of consequence.... and I will allow this to continue for a time, and if she doesn't open the flood gates: I will. I'm proud she has come this far - I know it has been hell, and I know another hell will come when that last wall is broken down.

It is an interesting thing to think about though: what will happen then? Will "we" survive? Or be swept away by consequence? HA!! "We".... "we" was destroyed - can there be "we 2.0"? I know for certain she is very afraid of this, and a big reason why she is avoiding it. I on the other hand am not really concerned one way or the other. Everything has changed because I have changed. I no longer "need". I don't think she does either. My expectations of another human has dramatically fallen, and I accept that people are just people: flaws and all, even if some are beyond reason.  I know I have done my part, and had I not: she would have been lost forever many times over. In that respect, have I truly loved and upheld my promises? Yes. Oh yes. Do I expect anyone to ever do the same for me? No. That time has passed, it shall never come again. What I dreamed of having, I didn't have, and never did.... I projected what I was onto her, and expected her to be what I thought she should be. This was not right, but I didn't know any better. I had a broken woman from the start, and it was always her future to crack and buckle under her own stress. It was never my place or purpose to fix and mend her core self (even thought I thought it was thru love). It was my place and purpose to be unbroken so that she could have a chance to mend herself. She got her chance, and used it.

Well, here's to 5 years...... figured I'm come and let my brain dump out whatever is in it. HA!!!

One day, One year, at a time....

Our Community / Help Please 5
« Latest by Helpnewc on April 27, 2024, 06:59:59 PM »
It is so odd.

We spoke for the first time in months. Our dog passed away last night and I wanted to discuss how to speak with the kids. Initially, the would not talk to me as I confess I had told her to f%#k off in a text. I know I should not have but it felt good.

Anyway, when she realised what had happened she kept ringing. And I asked if she could ask her lawyer to cut me some slack. She said it was just paper work and professed to ignorance to some of the behaviour. I asked if the lawyer was not acting in accordance with instructions. It was all a bit cray cray.

I was struck by the fact it seem revelatory that her behaviour was impacting on my well being. She literally did not seem to understand that. She really is completely self absorbed.

Anyway, hopefully I will not have contact for a while.

Our Community / Sometimes the finish line is just the start of somethin' new
« Latest by Treasur on April 26, 2024, 11:25:53 PM »
First of all, I am very glad that the universe decided it was time for that piece to come home. And well done on navigating the rather complicated emotions to be able to cut through to the core of what you wanted to do about it.

Gosh, when the lid blows off these folks, it stays blowed for a long time, doesn’t it? I’m sure you’re right about the pattern behind it, but still - even now - I find it a remarkable thing to even witness second hand. Remarkable tbh how seemingly capable they are of doing just plain $h!tety things. Sad festering pools of strange resentment and self-centredness quite at odds with the reality often of how others have behaved towards them vs how they have behaved towards others.

Still, useful reminder too that your xh took himself with him and that it really was never about you as you have been absent from his life for so long. I have often wondered here, reading others’ stories, if the real LBS truth is that we unknowingly were such great partners that we kept their metaphorical cheese on the decent human stick bc of who we are day to day. Even if that wasn’t and shouldn’t have been our life job. So, hurrah for all the decent LBS humans imho lol.

Most days I no longer give Xh much thought. It is something I probably never thought possible way back when life just blew up.

I have often said it was best for me to treat Xh like he died. In my situation it was the healthiest thing for me to do, in all honesty.

Me too. Word for word. Quite early on - even though I knew he wasn’t actually dead - that made sense to me. It fitted how the experience felt. And it fitted what I needed to do to move towards my own next. I have no idea how MLC folks see it, maybe they kill us off somehow in their minds long before we do the same, idk. Their behaviour is quite violent really, isn’t it, even if they are not actually physically violent? Strange experience to have lived through, for sure.
Most days I no longer give Xh much thought. It is something I probably never thought possible way back when life just blew up.

I have often said it was best for me to treat Xh like he died. In my situation it was the healthiest thing for me to do, in all honesty. He had become capable of being a monster and lashed out in ways I never thought possible. He was spending money and didn't care what happened to the kids and I. Had I held on, I am convinced now that the kids and I would have had to move in with my parents because I would have lost the house and more. It is a sobering thought.

During the very stages of when Xh began his departure (it took him months to actually move out entirely, as he was renovating his new place) we didn't have a separation in place. I kept thinking he would change his mind, as I feverishly worked on myself, thinking I had some ability to change the trajectory. It was not worthless, I learned a great deal about myself along the way.

One of the things that started before Xh moving out - perhaps a handful of years prior, Xh adopted a bit of a shocking pattern. It took me awhile to pick up on it being a pattern and looking back, it always correlated with something in his life he didn't want to deal with or couldn't control. He would go on massive cleaning sprees and would get rid of things. The hauling out of things didn't always bother me, but often he would get so out of control with this process, he would put things out by the road to give away that made no sense. Things that months later he would come to me and ask where for instance the table saw was. I would remind him he gave it away and he would look at me like I had just answered him in a foreign language he didn't understand. He truly didn't quite seem to grasp he had gotten rid of this or that.

At one point in time as he was starting to move things to his cottage, he took 2 pieces of artwork. There was no logical reason for him to select those two pieces in terms of importance, so that was a bit odd. He left some pieces that had once meant something to him. The 2 pieces he took actually belonged to my F. There was no formal paperwork with these loans of artwork - why would there be? I often had borrowed work from my F's collection and returned it. With no agreement in place there was little I could do. One piece was a sculpture of my F's and the other was a real head scratcher. It had hung in the wine cellar for a very long time. It was a gift given to my F from a dear friend of his who was an artist as well. Xh took that with him when he left.

I initially had confronted Xh about these two items, expressing that those pieces were not mine nor his. The short version of that part of the story was Xh promised me he would make sure the kids got the items if he ever got rid of them. My F was fine with that and when the sculpture came back some time ago, we didn't really think too much about it.

The piece that remained has some significant value. That was never the point for me. It was that it was my F's and sentimental. The last I knew it was still hanging up somewhere in Xh's cottage. I hadn't really thought about it in a very long time. I always knew it was possible Xh could sell it, but I had put that out of my head.

Yesterday, I made a stop at a thrift store on my way home. I can't even begin to recall the last time I was there. I had decided to just pop in and take a quick look around, as I was seeing what they had that we could possibly use for D's apartment. This place is also somewhere that gets artwork in.

I made my way around and noted some ideas and decided to check out the artwork as I had found several pieces from an artist I know well. My guess was someone passed away and what was there was from an estate. As I made my way down the wall of artwork, I stopped in my tracks and saw the piece that had hung on the wine cellar wall. I pulled it off the wall and saw my F's handwriting on the back, noting the date he received it and who the artist was. I could feel anger bubbling up. I left without the piece, torn with what to do.

This particular store is somewhere my F comes to buy used books regularly to read. He likes buying several at a time and it means there is no date he has to worry about returning them to a library. When he is done, he donates them back to the organization. This particular organization uses any proceeds from their sale to go right back into the community and it is run by volunteers.

My fear was my F finding this piece that was his hanging on the wall, full well knowing that Xh donated it. He didn't return it to my F or to my kids as promised. I knew my F would be very hurt and upset. I drove home wresting with how to handle it. I have always like the piece, but the price on it was not exactly what I was wanting to spend at the moment and I was just annoyed and angry. I decided to leave it behind and sleep on it.

I had a couple of people who told me I should call and ream Xh out. I thought about that scenario. Hmmm. I would get it off my chest, but what would it really solve or accomplish? Xh might create waves with S or D it. That was not a scenario I need, since my focus is getting D to grad school, not having a row with Xh. I thought about telling my F. He would be hurt and angry. I thought about leaving it hanging there and hoping my F would not see it. One person suggested I should tell the shop owners. I laughed thinking sure - I didn't file a police report. There is no paperwork trail. Why would I bother volunteers with this - who had nothing to do with it and how would I prove it anyways?

I went to work this morning and had let go of it, until I left work. I found myself going back to this shop and with no hesitation I took it off the wall and paid for it. The volunteers asked me about the piece, as they were intrigued by the artwork. I recognized the one cashier as someone my F knew. I laughed and said there was a bit of an odd story behind it. I gave them the quick story and the one gentleman who knew my F said he is glad I rescued it because it would be hurt my F to see it just donated. The other cashier informed me I was a good D for worrying about my F's feelings. They were a bit surprised I was willing to pay the price that was on there. I told them that frankly, I was okay paying what they had on the tag because I know it is going to a very good cause and it was worth way more than what they had on the tag - just from the emotional standpoint.

The thing is, the minute I made the purchase, I felt an immediate sense of something else. It was closure for me. Both pieces that had been taken are now back in my possession. It has nothing to do with the material aspect for me. It was more about those particular pieces and the sentimental meanings to my F. They were taken before the divorce and now it feels like that closed the loop for me in a strange sense. Maybe a bit of taking back what is my life and such.

When I mentioned it to one of my friends this morning, they asked what anniversary was coming up that set Xh off. I hadn't even thought about the crazy behaviors that would go on and the mass cleaning out scenarios that often corresponded with those anniversaries. Hmmm - BIL having a tumor was a new one, but the anniversary of FIL dying is coming up as is BIL 5's death. The biggie though is this week and that would be both his best friend and MIL. It would make sense, but it is not for me to worry about, as sad as it may be for Xh.

I took an extra side trip on my way home. I brought the piece to the frame shop and decided to have it reframed. It has some damage to the frame, but it was more me deciding that with the rescue, I was going to give it a new life.

I will show my F the piece is back, but I will not be telling him how it came back in my possession. He doesn't need to know that part.

As for Xh - I don't need to know what is going on in his life nor do I want to at this point. I can say he is unhappy and spiraling, but that is a guess. I don't really know. He might just be cleaning out and happy in his new life. My anger and aggravation yesterday had nothing to do with that part of it all. I wasn't mad about Xh's MLC behaviors or any of that. It was odd that the only thought I had today after all was said and done was perhaps this is part of me being able to put another big chunk of the MLC truly behind me.
Our Community / My journey post D
« Latest by Dragonfly33 on April 26, 2024, 01:04:18 PM »
Thank you Treasur, Marvin, Madluv, Ursa, Imgood and BB.

Marvin I remember at the time when you pointed out to me the obvious, I have to say honestly that I was really butthurt. It was hard for me to accept the reality that my exh never cared about me or my well-being anymore. That that marriage was over. I could not accept that I wasn't his priority anymore, that what he was doing was abusing my kindness. And I kept trying and trying. It was indeed a crazy rollercoaster ride. In hindsight, I could have stopped the bleeding earlier but it was hard to see the truth because in my mind this is my husband. Even now I don't think anything has changed with him. And with him I don't think it is just MLC. I think it was a pattern to be contacting the ex and try to flirt or get the high whenever the ex flirts back. Because what he did to me with his ex gf from 15 years ago during the onset of MLC or even before MLC was exactly what he's doing now with his young sporty OW with me. The only difference is I don't take the bait. I'm so done with all these dramas and I don't need it anymore after what I had to go through with him. I'm sure the OW isn't aware he's greeting me on my birthday. somehow, it's a blessing in disguise the OW is with him. She kept him occupied and gave him another high and eventually he stopped bothering me. For as long as there is a supply he will be at an arms length from me.

Also a blessing in disguise for me as I had finally faced all my childhood traumas and understood myself better. My therapist pointed out something that was really very important for me. My parents' separation was not my fault and my husband's infidelity or so called misery was not my fault. I have to remind myself of this every day. My mom didn't leave me because I was not enough, she was unfortunately in that situation where I was almost 5 years ago and had no choice. My ex left me because of him not because of me. Those realisations have helped me a lot in moving on and be confident with myself again. It helped me see my value as a person. Of course it is never over, this is a journey and once in a while I may trip over but then I stand up right away and keep moving. And I thank you all for sticking with me when no one else understood what I was going through. This group was part of my therapy.
Our Community / Its not you, its me
« Latest by Atari25 on April 26, 2024, 12:55:06 PM »
Once the dust settles that is exactly what helped me. Look what they put us through and we don’t behave this way. The problem is that we are so anxious to change their direction that all their behavior just verifies to us that they have lost their mind.  I think for me it wasn’t that I couldn’t accept something was terribly wrong, but wanting to save him from Himself and from destroying our family with more mistakes that could not be reversed.

Bottom line is that you cant. You cant save them. They have to save themselves and we have to let them go and make all the mistakes  they are making and will make. We have to let them destroy the foundation of  our families and destroy themselves. That’s the most important acceptance for me at least. You can’t save anyone but yourself. That is and was the number one thing I wish from the beginning I could have accepted.

I still have trouble accepting there is something wrong with my wife. I was in denial for months and months before I realized it probably was her and not me. When someone has been a certain way for 28 years it's very hard to change your view of who and what they are.

Our Community / In a Little More Than Four Months.....
« Latest by mcm64d on April 26, 2024, 05:24:40 AM »
Just a bit of journaling.

This week I finally caved in and contacted my lawyer to help finish off the divorce process and get the money I am owed per HER Property Settlement Agreement. Just got really tired of hoping to see the divorce decree everyday in the mailbox and the having to call the county to see if she had done told her months ago needed to be done. Why she lied to me and told me that the county on numerous times told her it just needed to go through the proper channels is so frustrating but now its not a worry- unless she refuses to sign the affidavit.

All of this additional nonsense on top of a needless divorce over a freakin 2 page document........but thankfully I had the sense to move it on. Now up to her to sign.....finger crossed:)

Hoping everyone here is having as good of a day as possible.
Our Community / Yet another love, but not in love.
« Latest by Anoi on April 25, 2024, 03:48:42 PM »
So days go by, hard days, tiring days, hopeless days, life is different every day. I am still struggling with my anxiety, i am still completely lost in what to do with my life.
H is a depressive mess, he hates our "relationship talks", cause it's getting worse every time, he is so sure about his decisions, but at the same time he sleeps very bed, because he has anxious dreams, it doesn't seem like he is very happy with his life or the state of EA, it just continues to drag him through the misery of uncertainty and our ruined marriage.
He has cycling moods, but they seem to be more and more in the depressive range. To understand that it's only the start of his journey is actually pretty awful.
Yes, sure, if his EA will turn into PA it will make him happy, but... well, i guess will live and see.
I don't like being around him much in this state, he is like a dark cloud hanging over, reminding me silently that i should free him from my presence. And i am just a little child desperately looking for live in his cold eyes, not understanding still how did it happened that from the wormest, most protective creature in the world he turned into somebody who looks at me like that. I miss him...old him, so much. For a second sometimes i forget that old him is no more and i hug him... or tell a joke, or just smile looking in his eyes and i see no response.
So i try to keep myself busy and away from him. But it hurts... it just hurts. Every day a little bit less, cause every day i am getting more and more used to this version and forget more and more how it was... how it could have been.
There is nothing positive in this jorney, it's a pure misery that i need to survive and i hope that everyone else in the world will not have to experience  this awfulness. I wouldn't wish it to the worst enemy, which i don't have.
Our Community / Yet another love, but not in love.
« Latest by Anoi on April 25, 2024, 03:33:37 PM »
I think Ursa Major is offering some very good points for reflection.  You will not be able to have or start a healthy relationship if you aren't healthy first.  So, what is your goal in the dates.  I understand wanting to be noticed and wanting that validation, but as tempting as it is, that is not going to fix anything in the long run.

Well, yes and no. I'v never been healthy to start with, so no danfer there, been there, done it, ended up here and living with a poor man who is to kind to kick my ass out.
My H told me he doesn't love me, didn't have any desire for me as a woman for a long time, that he will not be with me again under any circumstances. Not only it hurts, but also it's a position you know and should be taken into consideration.
I am not jumping in any one's bed for sure, it's not who i am. I just scan the "market" to see whats available and at the same time there is no harm in drinking coffee and meeting new people.
If, and it's a huge if, someone will interest me and i will be interesting to him i will let it go forward and see where it leads.
I told my H today that i love him and i want to be with him. And it's true. It's my preference.
It's also true that he is not the only man in the world and i am not bound to be alone for years, just because he decided to quit our relationship. He didn't ask for my permission or for that metter didn't discuss with me his decisions for so long and it led us where we are. And i don't feel obligated to stay completely put near the person who doesn't love me at all according to him.
It's not vengeance, in my opinion it's just common sense to be open to something new, when something old doesn't go your way.
I changed a lot in my life already, i am not happy with those changes, but they are necessary. Still i am the same girl, who wants to make pancakes for breakfast for the man i love and the man who loves me. And i am not sitring on my ass waiting for healing, that will never happen. I just give it a try.
But again i got 5 dates and i deleted my profile for now, will see if anything cool will come out of it, i already found one guy in the neighborhood that i really liked to spend the time with in friendly way and he didn't seem to be looking for more:) so for now it's just coffee and blablabla, nothing more, nothing less.
Our Community / Its not you, its me
« Latest by Nas on April 25, 2024, 12:23:10 PM »
You can’t save anyone but yourself. That is and was the number one thing I wish from the beginning I could have accepted.

I just wanted to quote and emphasize this, I could not agree more. It is true in life just as much as it is in dealing with our MLCers.

Something I used to think about also is the reality of what the dynamic in our relationship would have been like if I were even able to “save” him. Contemplating that was actually an important step in my acceptance and moving forward, that understanding that a healthy partnership could never be achieved by me rescuing him from whatever inner turmoil I thought he was experiencing.
It’s not a dynamic I would accept in any relationship, having one person who “saved” the other. It sounds almost Disneyfied in a certain sense, and it’s the opposite of the kind of intentional connection I want and came to understand through this experience that I absolutely deserve. And since I cannot ask something of a partner that I could not give in return, the only thing I could do was move forward and do the work I needed to do on myself, for myself.

The best we can do as those farther along the path is to present a good example of what's on the other side, once people are ready. And they will be. :)

True, but I think there is also something to be said for those of us who’ve been there pointing out some of the ugly truth, even when it’s painful. R2T, I will never forget when you were my mentor (back when newbies were assigned mentors) and you said something to me the very day I found out about the OW that literally changed my mindset instantaneously. And I don’t think that you had the intention of doing that when you said it, but I needed to hear it. You said, and I quote, “he has recoupled.”

As simple as that. Three simple words that told me that my husband was in a new relationship. It was not a fantasy (unreal), he was not battling his way through a foggy tunnel, he was not playing out a movie role. My very real husband and his very real new girlfriend were in a very real relationship. Reality. It really did bite. Hard.

I wasn’t ready to hear it, but by the time I was ready to hear it, I wouldn’t have needed to hear it as badly. So I am very glad that those who came before me were there to help me see and accept reality.

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