Hello everyone, it's been about a month since I last posted on my own thread. Time just flies. I do come here once in a while and try to catch up on about a page or 2 of posts before I'm usually off again. I am just continuing on living life. I've had a couple of teary moment's recently, maybe something to do with the full moon or something. I just had a moment in my car one day where I thought to myself "he will most likely never know the depth of my pain" and that made me emotional. Usually the emotions come in pretty short bursts these days. I think nostalgia gets me sometimes too.
Most of the time when he comes up randomly in conversation from the past, I am sharing a story with a co-worker, I have to often stop and go "huh, that actually was fifty shades of f-ed up, wasn't it?" and I'm often having to re-evaluate the relationship and what I really put up with.
Some days, I miss my best friend and wonder where they're gone and other days I wonder if I every really actually knew him. I think a lot of the time, what I am mourning, is the loss of the marriage and family unit, and what that meant long term, as well as the potential for what kind of husband and father he could've been vs. actually mourning the loss of the person that he turned out to be. It's complicated.
Anyway, it is take my breath away baffling sometimes how we got here and the lack of closure but for the most part, my daily life just goes on. There is always that level of wtf-ery in the sub-conscience. But on the surface, I am more in control of my emotions and don't struggle hardly at all except in those moments in the car (why is it always in the car?")
Enough about that...back to my journey and the life abundant that is still to be had....
So since we went on our big trip in May, the Summer has felt a little off kilter. Usually we do squeeze in some camping trips and the whole crew since getting back has just been thrown into working and squeezing in short burst of play in between. My SIL's boss is quitting, which puts her in a place at work that it's hard to get away right now and since her and my B are usually my shared travel friends, and work for me is extremely booked right now, it just is what it is.
I've had a great month though, despite the lack of camping excursions. The weather has been rainier this year, so paddle boarding has been hit and miss depending on that. Can't complain about the rain though as it's keeping the fires at bay. There's been several occasions it has rained in town, but completely missed us when we've been out on the lake, so that's been great. I could do without the high humidity though, that's just not normal for our neck of the woods. I mean it's great for the skin, but I'm miserable being used to a much dryer climate. We also have a swamp cooler vs an air conditioner as most houses here do, meaning that they don't work as great in high humidity. However, reading about the deaths due to extreme heat in England, I am loathe to complain at all about my situation.
So some of the highlights from this past month:
Got to go to lunch and to see Buzz Lightyear with S22 which was a rare treat with his schedule right now.
Then a few days later it was dinner with S17 and D20 and off to see Jurassic World. My niece20 joined us for the movie, but not dinner.
July 1 we did a watch party at S22's house with S22, D20, S17 and niece20 to wrap up the Stranger Things Series. We had Eggo Waffles in honor of the occasion. If you aren't a ST fan, you probably don't get it, lol. Before we started the watch party, nephew's GF asked me about my tattoo and we had a pretty vulnerable moment together. She said the sweetest thing. "The more I hear about you from Nephew 21, S22 and D20 and the more I learn about you when I am around you, the more I am amazed by you and your strength." Nephew 21 and GF live with S22 and D20, but they hadn't seen all of Stranger Things, so they disappeared into their room during the Watch Party.
July 3rd we had a nice big 4th of July a day early BBQ and fireworks at my B and SIL's house. I even got my M out for that one.
July 4th was low-key, but D20 and S22 did come grab me in S's car to go watch the City fireworks on the hill above my house where we had a great vantage point. S22 says that he's a little disappointed that we've made all these modern advancements and can do amazing things and yet all this time it seems to him that fireworks are one of those things that have never changed and could be made better somehow. He loves the Lord of the Rings series and of course was impressed with "Gandalf's" fireworks lol. He's wondering why we don't have modern day advancements like that. Hmmm...good point. Although, we both know it's CGI. Still. And of course we were talking about how many pets and vets (veterans) suffer over the 4th because of the booms and quakes. Where we live, it's carried on for days, not just the 4th. I cannot believe the arsenal of fireworks my city neighbors carry with them. Still going off as of last night! Could there be an amazing, cooler way to do them, with advancements, and maybe without all the noises that set off the pets and cause PTSD to our wounded warriors? Hmmm
July 6th I had a great paddle boarding evening with my SIL. They have turned Wednesdays into "Wakeless Wednesday's" at the lake and so we pretty much get most of the lake to ourselves and don't have to stay out of the boat's and (water skiers/large tubes being towed) way. It was a tad windy but made for a great workout and there is so much fun and accomplishment to SUP'ing and being able to stand and whoosh yourself across the water with your own rowing. Whether standing, kneeling, sitting, which we always switch it up, it's working different muscles.
July 10th my B from Alaska texted us to let us know that his son, my oldest nephew22 was in town on a military leave. He's been stationed near Seattle but my SIL's F recently had a heart attack and so he chose to come out here and spend some time with them and other family during his leave rather than go home to Alaska, which he did at Christmas and will do again this coming winter. So July 11th, D20, niece20 (not related to my side of the family) and I all met Nephew22 for the movies. We were going to see Top Gun Maverick but Nephew22 hadn't seen the original and D20 had already seen the new one (even though she hadn't seen the original either). I told Nephew22 he needed to see the classic so we opted for Thor movie instead. I still want to see the new Top Gun though.
The next day, the 4 of us went out to the lake again and met SIL and Nephew18 (the ones we lived with and travel with and all that) and even got M to come along this time. We had a picnic and the 4 young adults took the paddleboards out. SIL floated around in a floaty relaxing and I decided it was too hot for anything else but being fully immersed in the water, so I dove in and swam the swim area of the lake instead. That was an amazing workout as well. Then I balanced myself on the cable that holds the buoys for the edge of the swim area with all but my head and neck immersed and chatted with SIL until our paddle boarders arrived back from their excursion across the lake. Treaded water for a while too when my toes started cramping on the cable lol.
Saturday was my friend's grandson's 4th birthday party and I've been to all of his parties so far. His mama is also pregnant with her second so they did a gender reveal. M decided that she would like to do some shopping while I was at the Fun Park for the birthday party and so I dropped her off in one of the shopping center's that had some good choices of stores. It was also the same shopping center where D works as a manager at an ice cream parlor. M thought she might go sit over there and wait for me if she got done shopping before I was done. Alas, M forgot her cell phone at home, so there was a bit of some wandering around by me looking for her, but just as I started to worry, M called to say that she figured it was best to just take a cab home and phone me since she didn't have her phone to meet up and of course has our address memorized. Mischief managed!
Last night those who could get together, met up at my B and SIL's house to use their theater room to watch the classic Top Gun and we did a cake and ice cream for Nephew22 as he turns 23 at the end of the month and we figured we should celebrate him while he's here. M decided she was up to another excursion even after her adventure Saturday, lol. She was a trooper and even watched the full movie with us. I feel like she's settling quite a bit into our shared life and has much less anxiety, even though there are still bouts of short term memory loss!
Tomorrow night is our last hurrah with Nephew22 before he leaves again. And Niece20 is moving to Texas on Saturday so it's a combination last Hurrah/going away party. We have a big group going out to the lake for paddle boarding and then we will end up back at BFF's house afterwards for food and cards. M has decided to opt out of this one and said she would enjoy the quiet house and keep Lucy the kitty company. They've really been getting on quite well together.
So there you go, there's the recap, which I can never seem to narrow down to a short and sweet version. Ha!
