I confess!
I too am guilty of being lazy with my quilting...

I love quilting Stillpraying. If I had my old floor frame, I could stand at it, or even pull up a chair and sit at the frame stitching away, but I didn't bring it with me and having a big, hot, quilted blanket on my lap in 25-30C temps, is simply not an option. So a bit of lazy, yes... but mostly, a legitimate excuse hehehe.
Riverbirch, did you EVER believe your h would do what he is doing to you and the kids now? Did you ever think he would cheat, lie and be outright nasty to you. Somehow, I don't think so. SO, do not rule out TRUE REMORSE.... this is a pretty severe episode in these ppls. lives. I know from discussing this with my h, his CRUELTY AND NASTINESS, still shocks him to his core. He knows he did all of these things, he KNEW he was doing them at the time. He admits, he DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO STOP doing them!
This is one very weird affliction. Very, very nasty and disgusting. I honestly believe, anybody with a HEART looks back on this event at some point with... sincere remorse.
Keep the faith. Believe in yourself. You will come out of this ahead, if you focus on yourself. It is their REMORSE, if they don't find it within themselves, then they really are not worth having.
Hugs Stayed