Okay, I'll play. I'll adapt an old poem I wrote way back when I was a spitfire of a teen, haha! Full of righteous anger written in my head while I vacuumed the restaurant where I waitressed at the time. S20's dad used to read my poems, and he wasn't very thrilled at this one, as we were dating. It wasn't for anyone in particular, just crazy thoughts spiraling through my head. Okay, yes...my crazy is showing!

Front of card:
"This card is dedicated to...
all you...
snakes out there...
who don't understand how unfair you have been...
to women.
Well, we've had enough of your two-timin' love."
"So don't come back home
I just want to be left alone
Don't even wanna hear your voice on the phone
I just want you gone
So don't come back here
Have I made myself perfectly clear?
Get your breath out of my ear
I just want you to poof! To disappear!
I don't wanna know where you've been
I don't need to take that again
You told me 'she's just a friend'
But boy you were wrong in the end.
So get outta my life
I don't need all this pain and strife
Baby, it cut's like a knife
After all, which one of us is your wife?
So get yourself lost
I won't take you back at any cost
All you'll ever feel is my frost
As I sting you like a wasp.
So get outta this town
I don't want you comin' round
Boy you made me look like a clown
It's gonna be a while before I calm down.
I hate you so much
I don't ever wanna feel your d*mn touch
Boy, I've had about enough is enough
I'm kicking you out on your duff
You've gone too far
This time there's gonna be feather's and tar
You're the one that started the fire
You're gonna wonder where you are!
You aren't in Pleasantville now
So don't you even take a bow
You chose to see that fat cow
You can't even remember your vows
So boy why don't you take a hike
You turned out much worse than Mike
There's not much left of you to like
You better leave before I strike!
You son of a b*tch
Your just like some frickin' itch
I wanna scratch like a witch
And then throw you in a ditch
Your not allowed here any more
Boy I'm declaring a war
You made your bed with that wh...
Now I'm slamming my front door!
I'm not gonna swallow my pride
Boy I know that you lied
I'll give you up without a fight
But I haven't laid down and died!
Your a piece of history
Just another one of those mysteries
Go swallow some nitro glycerine
Put you out of my misery!
So honey just kiss my a$h
Babe, you haven't got any class
Let's leave the past in the past!
It's over, this line is the last!