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Author Topic: My Story How did you meet someone else?

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My Story How did you meet someone else?
#60: September 29, 2024, 10:28:28 AM

I know we might feel like just words on a screen but we are real people and we care about you.

This is so true and just know that you have to see your own value as a person who belongs with us. It is sometimes on our darkest times that we feel as if we don't belong, but we do. As I sit here typing, my baby nephew is occupying all my wife's time. He has been with us for two days and both my wife and mom are tired. I have forgotten how tiring babies can be especially at six months. He is so, so cute and I am sitting on my couch drinking a cup of  Vietnamese coffee. We are both watching the football game.

The point is that I would have never imagined myself in this place eleven years ago. My ex had just left the house and I was alone trying to make it all work. With my alimony and child support payments, I was left with next to nothing. My back account was wiped out and I had nothing but debt and paying for my daughter's college as well. I saw no end to the dark tunnel, but I made it through.

I know it hurts now and you are in the same dark tunnel. However, get help! I will say it again, get help! Heal yourself and concentrate only on you!

Please keep posting and please know that we deeply care about you.

(((Hugs))) and more (((Hugs)))

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"Always look in the mirror and love what you see."

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How did you meet someone else?
#61: September 29, 2024, 09:53:28 PM
I was in that dark place too.  I am so glad that I pushed through.  I never would have believed back then that I would have joy again, that I would be traveling to new places I'd never been, that I'd have a new and better job. 

We are here, listening and understanding, and remembering being in that dark place.

Check in when you can.  Thinking of you!
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Survival Instructions for Newbies

The Apology Every LBS Deserves

My Journey

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - it's about learning to dance in the rain."

"Don't become a container for bitterness.  It's a toxin that destroys what it's carried in."

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How did you meet someone else?
#62: September 30, 2024, 11:42:17 PM
I just want to say like the rest of us; we (partly) know what you are going through. I know I had some severe low moments after BD. Just know we're here for you if you want somebody to talk to and if things get too rough try and get help through a doctor or therapist.

You can't imagine it right now, but it will get better!

Love TH!
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Together for 15 years, married for 4 years
H: 33, me: 33, D: 1,5
BD: april '22 (EA + 'I want to live alone, have no responsibilities')
Left home: june '22
Divorce final: october '22

“They didn’t cheat because of who you are. They chose to cheat because of who they’re not.” ~ Charles J. Orlando

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How did you meet someone else?
#63: October 01, 2024, 09:04:30 AM
Hearbeat I hope you are ok. We haven’t heard from you for a while. I was also once in your situation and I tried to take my life and ended up in a hospital. Now I am glad nothing happened to me. That person was not worth taking my life. If there’s someone you should protect, it’s yourself. Be kind to yourself and please talk to a therapist. It helped me get out of that rabbit hole.. please do not hurt yourself. You are valuable.
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Me 43 at BD
H    45 at BD
Married 11 yrs at BD, no kids,
BD May 2019 (I moved out Nov 2019)
EA or PA with ex gf (not sure), H spent 3 nights with the hoe during our vacation in July 2019, it was a friendly encounter according to H
H wanted D April 2020 seeing suspected OW2 (divorced with two kids) and 2 years older than him, H didn’t file the D
Clinging boomerang
6/21 H moved in with me; kicked him out 01/22
H turned into a vanisher, wants a Divorce, OW 3 (16 years younger and extreme sporty)
14.11.22 Divorce final, I'm done


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