My heartfelt thanks for the sharing you are doing; and I pray that you will heal within yourself as you continue to share your experience.
No EVER sees this coming, regardless if they remember their parents going through or not.
This is an individual trial that is faced by the individual alone. The Lord had shown me that it wouldn't have mattered if I'd seen it coming or not; it would STILL have happened, based on the individual issues each person has with themselves, wounds suffered from childhood forward.
The only way to avoid a MLC is to have settled the issues/aspects within, and have already learned the lessons one was set to learn....people tried to teach me long before his MLC; and I didn't understand until I finally got it during his MLC.
In your postings, you have confirmed so many things the Lord had shown me during his MLC; and the fact that if the problems that caused the MLC aren't faced, plus the is a setup for a second round of would come in only a matter of time.
AND the second time would be MUCH worse than the first; I'd seen that when the Lord was cautioning me to help my husband at the times I was needed to be there for him.
He said that if he didn't get through completely; we'd go through again; and the second time would be worse, because the issues and aspects would be more deeply ingrained, MUCH harder to face, than the first time, if that makes sense.
What generally happens is no one can "fix" another; if the issues aren't settled before Mid Life; they will come back during the transition that becomes a crisis.
My husband had issues I was unable to "fix"; he had to do this for himself; I had my own issues that he couldn't fix...I had to fix myself.
But, there CAN BE issues that are too painful to face during the tunnel; and these are faced is only a matter of time before these issues come to the surface.
The final issue my husband had "set aside" during his initial tunnel was one that bit him pretty hard; and in a way, it was an extended period of crisis; yet, a different kind of tunnel for him.
It was bad, at times, because it seemed that the changes I'd made during his initial crisis weren't working at all....and I had to show some deep anger toward him for his actions toward me during that time.
In fact, things finally got so bad the Lord had to intervene and allow him to break his ankle to bring him down upon his face...nothing I did was making any difference, and I was seeing it clearly.
It was coming down to a choice I might have been forced to make...making him leave because he was refusing to carry his weight within our financial situation.
I prayed to the Lord to do whatever it took to bring him down; and the Lord showed me something would happen to bring him down; and instructed me to prepare for this.
After he went down, he saw, for the first time in his life that I could survive without him....I was paying all of our bills on my own without his help...and that rattled him in a way that wasn't shown to him in the initial crisis.
Back during the initial crisis, I didn't make enough money to survive on my own; although I could have found a way, if I'd been forced to..but I wasn' my husband had had the impression that I needed him financially...I believe that was some of the "pride" he'd had leftover from the initial crisis; pride that led him to his downfall this time.
When he saw that I honestly did NOT need him; that was one of the factors that turned him around in a completely different way in this go around....and it brought him forward to this secondary ending.
I cannot say with any certainty that I had anything to do with what happened this time; God worked His Will within our lives; and took care of us at the same time....and brought me to the fruition of a promise made to me long ago.
This secondary tunnel was NOT my fault...I'd done all I was supposed to do the first time around.
It was my husband who didn't face it all the first time.
Stayed once said she thought all MLC'ers come out with issues that are being settled on an ongoing basis, and she's I recall, my husband was still settling issues within himself for the first two or so years.
Yet, this final one; the issue of his parent's divorce that brought forth a 7 year old child; was the most painful within him...and it was SO painful; he was unable to face it within the initial crisis.
I think he tried to run from it, but there was no more running to be cried out to be faced.
So, my point is, what you don't face WILL come back to be faced; if not during the initial crisis, then afterward, or even years later....but it will return until faced and settled; even if it takes an extended amount of time to do so.