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I just have to comment on the singing.  WHY is right-- this happened to me too.  I was lying in a puddle of misery on the bed and I hear my H singing in the bathroom-- Freaking singing- joyfully, happily singing (Elvis- Can't help falling in love with you)  Guess, what it wasn't "falling in love" with me.    This devastated and enraged me.  Somehow by a miracle, I was able to keep my mouth shut and my dignity in tact.  But, I'll never forget it.

I think this is a combo of relief (that's what I believe they feel at this point) that they got the unpleasant task of ending things with you under way and intense limerence for the other person. They think their dream life is going to start.   It is really about them -- it seems they are barely (if anything) considering or thinking of you at all.  So in a very strange way, it's not even totally personal.  Although it 1000% feels that way.

As for a bit of insight, my H did return (he's been back over a year and a half) and I actually brought up his horrible hurtful singing.  He said he doesn't remember it at all.  (I believe him, he seemed genuinely unaware of this event).   So I don't know if that helps but wanted to put that out there.

Our Community / One week after papers come through MLC wants to talk
« Latest by Treasur on May 12, 2024, 06:32:35 AM »
   I hope you rolled your eyes and got on with your day. An emoji is much easier than showing up and being a decent adult, after all. Grrr on your behalf.

But I hope you are having a lovely day with the small humans that came from that initial day, that’s worth celebrating x
Our Community / I Had a Midlife Crisis
« Latest by WHY on May 12, 2024, 05:10:57 AM »
It would be great to get back on point and have this thread be more like a Shocksis thread.  Hopefully the mods can clean it up!

Our Community / One week after papers come through MLC wants to talk
« Latest by Hollie220423 on May 12, 2024, 03:55:48 AM »
Omg today on what should have been our tenth wedding anniversary I get a text to wish me a lovely weekend with the boys and that he is thinking of me today and a love heart emoji. what does he feel sorry for me? Thinking of me whilst he’s with the OW 🙄
Our Community / Re: I Had a Midlife Crisis
« Latest by KayDee on May 12, 2024, 03:13:34 AM »

We get into our echo chambers online, point fingers and avoid any and all critical analysis of ourselves.

That to me is what's dangerous. Not so much just using the word narcissist.

To respond this aspect, I actually think it is good that we can disagree here. That we can debate. And this remains a safe space for us to do so. From my perspective, if someone writes something I disagree with, or jars with me, it gives me pause for thought. I believe this is how we learn and grow.  Yes, echo chambers are dangerous, they polarize the world. We see it on a micro and macro level. What brings us together on this forum is a life changing event that caused us extreme distress, in most cases, trauma.  And we are brought together, first for a desire to understand what the firetruck happened and to get support from those who have been dealt a similar blow. Later, if we can, we support others (and this can also help our own healing IMO).  I actually think this community is such a rare and wonderful thing and I hope we all feel able to stay and express ourselves, and learn from each other, as long as we need to.

(so. yes, I am agreeing with gman :) here)

BTW, do the mods think this thread should be split into the two different questions strands now? It's getting a bit thematically muddy.
First of all, Happy Mother’s Day! The kind of mum you are - and we can see by your long list as well as by your choices now - is the kind of mum you are. Well worth celebrating. And it isn’t caused by what your h does and won’t be changed by what he does in future either. Hurrah for you and your two small humans!

I am one of those who perhaps wish you were not choosing to knuckle through the next few weeks as you are but I respect your choice to do so for your own reasons. So, on the issue of figuring out how to do so the best you can? My sense is that you need to make him smaller in your mind. He IS behaving like a teenager, mood swings and all, and one doesn’t let a teenager define one’s value. Or indeed run the show. So, next time, don’t ask the question unless you are value the BS answer. In fact, probably don’t agree to watch a show either unless you were planning on doing so anyway. Just do you, and let him look after his own entertainment.

Like teenagers, MLCers seem to be big fans of what another site calls ‘b!tc# cookies’, wanting a parade for 10 minutes of washing up. And false equivalences…..oh my god, you left a book on the floor so of course I was entitled to have an affair/leave you/rant at you. Adults know better. And what I find encouraging in your post is that you know how out of kilter his evaluation of your behaviour vs his own is, that’s accurate, so keep reminding yourself of that. Are you perfect? Well, no, me neither…..but I don’t remember that being in the wedding vows even in hidden ink lol. And if it were, by the same standard, your h (and mine) would have failed spectacularly.

Why do they do that? My best guess is pretty close to yours. To justify their own awful behaviour. To lash out when they feel uncomfortable. And, more concerning wrt to their mental state perhaps, unconsciously maybe, they feel entitled to an easy rosy life and see us as at least partly responsible for making it so. Or not.  That’s a big flaw in an adult human and makes them at best almost parasitic…at worse, well, what you’ve got in front of you. That won’t change by him just replacing one source with another, but that kind of insight will be his to figure out as his perfect magic happy - and then increasingly not entirely perfect magic happy bc that’s how life is - unfolds. I imagine some folks gain insight from that and some just don’t. Not yours to fix and time will tell how that works out for your stbxh.

And, as I hope you can see, it has nothing at all to do with you. Or the Moscow Mule either. Neither of you are God, capable of making your h’s life endlessly perfect and easy. (Tbh I’m not sure even God sees that as his job either lol) Its about what and who your h has allowed himself to become. It won’t change until or unless he decides to do the really quite hard work involved in changing it. Your job - and mine, and most folks here - becomes more about why we tolerated what we did and how our BS boundaries evolve in light of our experience imho.

So, in summary, imho you do the next few weeks by doing much more you and much less him. Listen to him less. Pay him less attention. Share less of yourself. Care about his moods less. Say No more without explanation or justification. Walk away more. Shrug more. Superficial ‘cool, bummer, wow’ type responses like you do with a teenager. And not your teenager so you release yourself from inadvertent parenting too - more like the irritating teenage child of a neighbour over at your house for a play date. You may overhear them saying that you are fat or your couch is ugly, but, other than thinking what poor manners they have, ypu don’t actually care what they think about your bum or your couch. They live in Teenage World and you don’t. Which you are probably grateful for lol.

There’s a discussion on another thread about labels and taking responsibility for one’s own LBS contributions - whatever they might seem - to the situation one finds oneself in. Imho, this kind of reflection is valid but, like dining with the devil, needs a rather long spoon in the first couple of LBS years. Bc we are dealing with disordered not very adult folks who have a vested interest in holding us responsible for everything and themselves responsible for sod all. It is not so easy to see the honest wood for the trees of one’s own imperfections in that kind of situation. And it can be an easy lever of manipulation when we are vulnerable. Hard to do fairly when one is on the metaphorical battlefield of dealing with people whose intent towards you is not good or fair minded.

So, imho, take the same attitude towards your imperfections - and mine too, and other LBS here - as you do towards your kids’ imperfections. Use the same kind of kind generous eye on yourself as you do with them, the eye that wants them to do better where they can, celebrates their successes and enjoys all those little things that make them absolutely unique and wonderful…..but does not expect them to be perfect (even if they are perfect to you).

But imho again it is unwise to use an overly generous eye on anyone whose behaviour shows bad intent or a lack of reciprocity….as my gran would say, you don’t have to be so kind that your brains fall out lol. So, unless reading here you think that all the other LBS are terrible people who were obviously abusive, mean, dreadful spouses - bc each of us could probably roll out a long list of awful ‘crimes’ we committed according to our spouses - please don’t judge yourself based on his list with any less fairness and kindness than you would judge us! In life generally, one really does need to consider the source in evaluating the information, right?

I hope you have a lovely day with your kids and that your h fades into the wallpaper of your day x
Our Community / Re: I Had a Midlife Crisis
« Latest by marvin4242 on May 11, 2024, 07:48:05 PM »
I think I stated the same. We all have the traits. MLC is a label. Are we all here to make it all make sense.  Saying they are in a crisis?  Maybe this is just what they chose then? There really is not a major difference. Its a term that matches or that you can relate to the situation. After 3 health professionals, 16 years of crisis and 30 years of marriage it is my opinion. If we don't need answers why are we here? We all want to understand.  I’m not calling my XH anything to his face.  On a board  discussing. MLC  talks about all these traits being more  common in this crisis. I agree with that. That’s all. Once I cant state my thoughts an opinions then this board is no longer a safe place for me either.

Sorry Madluv my comments were not directly aimed at what you anyone said. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding. I was more talking about the specifics of diagnosing others as a way of trying to gain control.
Our Community / I Had a Midlife Crisis
« Latest by Imgood on May 11, 2024, 07:28:01 PM »
Hi Midlifecrisis50, welcome and thank you for being willing to share your experience. I’m sure we all have lots of questions for you.

During the heavy first three years, were you aware that how you presented to your loved ones, had changed?

I’m curious because my exH has been in crisis for three plus years and during this time I have only once said to him: “I don’t even know who you are anymore”. Recently, I just said those same words for the second time.

It bothered him that I made that statement. He said verbatim via text:
“I don’t believe I deserve for you to continually say I’m not the person I was just because we’re divorced. That’s not fair to say because it’s not true.”

I find it interesting that his perception is that I “continually” make this statement, which couldn’t be further from the truth, hence, couldn’t be further from reality. Can you shed any light on this?
It feels like water torture what I'm living through to be honest. I have three more weeks of living here together and then we go to Antalya and after that it's done. My 10 year old d had her first vball tournament today. She was super! It was really a high point for our family. He and I sat together in the bleachers, cheering her on - we were both so proud.

It was nice to share that with him honestly. As her parents, it was nice. He has been so ratty towards me the past few days, picking on me really, and it's not that any one thing is so mean it's more like living with a teenager who constantly rolls their eyes at you and is like 'REALLY??" So after the match and I got us all subs for lunch and then he took D to vball practice. He came home happy and asked if I wanted to watch a show with me. I was sittng outside and it was beautiful so I said just give me 15 more mins out here. So he joined me. And I said to him, in a nice way, why are you poking at me so much right now? And unlike last time when I asked him that, and he apologized - this time he fired back 'because you are irritating me' and then went into a litany of all my annoying habits "when you open something you leave the scissors out and the snip of paper on the counter every time,' 'there was (our son's)  library book on the floor outside your bedroom and you walked past it for 2 days and you didn't pick it up' 'there as a small scrap of paper on the stairs and every time you went up and down the stairs you didn't pick it up -and i wanted to see if you did and you didn't." He said "i did your laundry and I folded it and put it on your bench and for 3 days you couldn't even be bothered to put it away (it was a pair of jeans and a pair of sweats for reference)'

I said to him 'well all may be true but i hope some day from now, maybe years from now you can see the column of my value and my annoying traits and see that one is much higher' and he said ' i will leave you alone with your good and bad qualities. After 15 years you have not changed and I have had enough. I am done with you."

I would argue that that is a mean thing to say to someone even if you do agree to divorce. i am DONE with you sounds like he threw me in the trash.

Here's the thing. He's not wrong entirely. I am usually running back and forth between meetings, school appointments, grocery stores etc and I get distracted and don't notice that much. I do leave drawers open in my closet and forget or rush past something on the floor (usually my hands are full) and leave it or in many cases not notice. I am also a terrible cook and meal planner.  I also juggle all doctor's appointments (including his btw), bills, stocks and mortgage, am the personal IT desk for the 100 ipads/laptops we have in this home, (incl his), work 45 hour weeks in  job where I have billable targets I have to hit, got the teacher's lunch this week for teacher appreciation week (in a 30 mins break from work zooms), attended a mother's day tea in my son's class and had to run back for a meeting, had client meets this week at 630 am, 730am - so I helped get kids dressed and then ran back to my desk - and a Sunday meeting last weekend etc etc etc. Oh and I'm a mom with a 1st grader with ADHD and I am in charge of all homework. God help me that is actually the hardest part of that entire list.

About my failings, he's not wrong and 'm sure they are annoying traits. I have not changed in 15 years it's true. But on his list, he literally had an affair, lied 1000 times, does not work more than 10 hours a week or hold down a proper job and says he has no intention to do so ever again, does not handle any bills or payments, is negative and grouchy, refuses to end his affair and is completely selfish.  I mean.....

I think he is rehearsing his arguments in his head for when we tell his family and he has to explain why he is ditching their beloved DIL. Or maybe it just makes him feel so much better about himself to remind himself how s*** and annoying I am. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. If he was feeling great about his new life and so sure about leaving me and our family, would he have to remind me/himself how awful I am all the time? Or maybe he's just that terrible of a human that he wants to grind me under his heel on his way out the door. It's prob both.

For those of you who tell me to throw him out. No, I'm not doing that. We will see this through and figure out how to tell kids and I am getting legal advice on the side and I will push that through asap. I just have to figure out a way to get thru the next 21 days sharing a home with him without allowing him to damage any more of my spirit and heart than he already has. I will start by avoiding any conversations with him at all.

And as for the singing - last night he sat and cried openly at the  dinner table - so the joyful, manic mask does slip now and again.

Tomorrow is mother's day - i am dreading it. My kids are the best but I hate that he's here.
Our Community / I Had a Midlife Crisis
« Latest by amazinglove on May 11, 2024, 05:26:09 PM »
MadLuv I mad love you! Your posts ring so true for me! Thank you!

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