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Off-Topic Re: Re: Forum Problems 2
#10: August 13, 2018, 10:16:05 PM
Why has the site changed again? It was working fine yesterday and back to normal and now it’s all weird again!

What’s going on?

Just want a site that’s easy to use!
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Re: Re: Forum Problems 2
#11: August 13, 2018, 10:41:45 PM
It hasn't changed, you should be seeing the old theme (Curve Multi Color - green), just like it was before.
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Re: Re: Forum Problems 2
#12: August 13, 2018, 11:41:08 PM
@RCR - Did some tinkering with mobile-desktop here.  Not finished, but it's the general idea.  I'm working in FF61 responsive design mode, what's it look like on phones?

Also fixed the menu problem in responsive Curve.  What were the objections to that theme?  It doesn't change the current theme on pc, only mobile.  (It's not currently installed.)

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Re: Re: Forum Problems 2
#13: August 14, 2018, 12:21:24 AM
@RCR - Did some tinkering with mobile-desktop here.  Not finished, but it's the general idea.  I'm working in FF61 responsive design mode, what's it look like on phones?

OK, I am on Android 8 and using Chrome on an Honor9 phone. The design on the Krashsite test is cool... the colors are easy to deal with, easy on the eyes (the green is muted and not "in your face" glaring), the font is quite legible and easy to read. the screen in both horizontal and vertical modes resizes correctly with the screen boundaries in width determining the page width. Pictures reize nicely. The theme is very responsive on my phone but then again, I log in directly and not via a Web Search over Google plus I have 64GB onboard RAM and 64 additional in an SD card so I am NOT memory limited...

For the mobile side, that is a theme that is quite acceptable in my eyes.

On the PC side, the return to the old color scheme is MUCH easier to read over time and the font is fine (no more comic sans! YEAH!) in terms of face and pitch....

Thanks RCR and Sir Osis for all the work and tinkering. The idea of the test site where us users can look before publishing it to the real world is a VERY good one....

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« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 03:51:53 AM by OldPilot »
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Re: Forum Problems 2
#14: August 14, 2018, 04:01:58 AM

The site is working fine for me on the PC and phone - no problems at all :)
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Re: Forum Problems 2
#15: August 14, 2018, 09:43:57 AM
Heading to fair 90 minute drive each way--day out with the adorables. So gone all day.

Thank you so much Sir Osis. That test site is especially nice.

Everyone, check out that test site as Ursa did and let us know if those colors are okay--I tried to use the base colors from our original theme.

Test Site

And Sir Osis, let me know if I am understanding you... non mobile users will be able to default to the mobile theme and PC users to the original theme?
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Re: Re: Forum Problems 2
#16: August 14, 2018, 03:36:19 PM
If you install a responsive theme or mod, it's supposed to show the user the appropriate format for the device they're using.  PC users will see pc view, mobile users will see mobile view, they cannot choose which view they see on their device.  That's why it's called responsive, it automatically adjusts to viewing device.  If we reinstall responsive Curve mod in Curve MC, mobile users see the mobile format.  (I've done some tinkering with it and corrected the nav problem.)  PC users will continue to see what they've been seeing all along, there won't be any change.  The mod converts Curve MC from non-responsive to responsive.  Mobile-desktop is a responsive theme, mobile format is built in. 

From the many comments posted, it seems that most members have been very happy with Curve MC, whether using pc or mobile.  If your major reason for going responsive is seo, I believe it's possible to show Google responsive Curve MC, while keeping everyone else on current non-responsive theme.  We can have two versions, guests (and Google) see responsive, members don't unless they opt to select it in profile.  Don't think it can be done in ACP, but a simple database edit should do it.  I'll try it on test install soon as I get a chance.
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« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 03:37:23 PM by Sir Osis »

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Re: Forum Problems 2
#17: August 27, 2018, 10:38:19 PM
Sorry for the delay everyone. But I did want to give you a break from all the chaotic design testing  ;) and school is now starting--this week and next and I've got a peach tree that just finished and another ready to harvest. I am up to my ears in peaches and now the plums are about to be ready!

It turned out that changing the colors--slightly was easier than I thought--no coding, though that confused me at first since I'm more used to going to CSS and making changes than to images still don't know how it works! I made changes at a test site and then created a new theme based on the default theme we all love. I used the main colors, but not all of them--there are 10-20 different greens, many that seem almost the same--in the original. I just scaled down and used a few. I also changed the orange fonts to a maroon because I just don't like orange and I think the Header fonts are now a dark purple and some buttons are a little different. I also made the stickied topics at the top of the board have light purple backgrounds instead of the original pink. Honestly, as I look at what I can see now of the theme while typing, I can barely tell the difference (since I've scrolled beyond the Header). I am hoping it just feels natural to you.
This is not responsive, but as Siro Osis said, the responsive mod can help with that...
Sir Osis, I don't want to install the mod without checking with you that we should be safe--no clashes with other mods? I also really need to get my adsense mod (or a different one than I used before) installed again and am nervous that something will break.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the colors I am using in the new theme--I don't want to make it default without feedback, but may do that so everyone can see it (temporarily while awaiting feedback) if no one manually goes in and tries it out. This theme should only be different by a few color changes--but no layout changes, missing or additional features--though a header that is like the main site.

To view the theme go to your profile, then look and layout. The first thing in Look and Layout is Current Theme with a change link next to it in a smaller font. This will show you alist, find HS_ multicolor, I think it is the last in the list.

Then post here with your opinions.
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Re: Forum Problems 2
#18: August 28, 2018, 07:12:03 AM
To add...
One thing I don't know how to fix is the menu buttons above. They are now going through the border line between two colors and that is annoying. There might be a fixing the css--it often has a placement attribute of so many pixels from the top or something like that, I just haven't found it. Sir Osis, do you know?
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Re: Forum Problems 2
#19: August 28, 2018, 07:32:37 AM
To add...
One thing I don't know how to fix is the menu buttons above. They are now going through the border line between two colors and that is annoying.

Its funny - I dont have that issue.
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