Once again - great input and plenty of food for thought for me to work through.
As always - these comments truly help me so much in examining and learning and evaluating my own thoughts and patterns on my way to healing.
Before replying and pondering...I watched a video yesterday where a therapist said to find your true self...close your eyes and put all your labels i.e. your name, age, anything you believe in your hands and then whatever is left that is your true self...which should be nothing but self love, kindness, and joy just like a newborn baby without any beliefs filtered into it yet.
Of course some times I am very reserved at what works that just sounds too simple....lol....I tried this exercise and it actually felt immensely calming...to just close your eyes and just be you...anyway - I just thought I'd share.
So the hope that I hold onto is important to me. It can be a part of your being without being destructive.
That is so beautifully said......and that is something I am hoping to work on. I cannot let go of hope but maybe I can reframe this hope into existing but not being destructive and not attaching expectations. You are right, he might not deserve me to respond and it might harm me to respond, but....to not respond would be against who I am and who I want to be. No, I do not always respond if there is no response necessary but I have always been there for him (and he has always responded to me) and I do want him to see me as a safe place regardless of what may or may not be down the road.
So you figure out, who am I and how do I wish to live my life?
That is what I told my therapist my goal is. To figure out who I am after we take away all the trauma and how I wish to live my life.
I did tell her that before each session I contemplate just leaving...getting back in my car and just going home rather than delving into difficult questions and answers.....but.....I feel that this is a time in my life where I must repair my Self to find self love for the remainder of my years.
Then find a new way to love them. Love them from afar. Love them by wishing them well. Love them by understanding it is the weakness of their soul. Love them by understanding it is their pain and fear.
I cannot tell you how many times I have read those lines and they are beautiful and peaceful and amazing....thank you so much for sharing that poem.
Thank you for suggestion of wishing them well away......I thought about that, and with most people I do not let toxic people ruining my peace, but I never viewed my MLC as toxic per se. I view him as a broken hurt child that is just lost ....and while I might not be able to influence this child into repairing itself, I can be there and of comfort to the child. It might be counterproductive for my own healing, but it is important to me personally to be there for the people I love and I will always love him in some way, shape or form.
Wow....so much to think through and figure out.
the language we use with ourselves about it, matters
Since you mentioned that in a previous response I have been vigilant almost in which words I use to myself and you are right that I have not been kind when speaking of myself...I must remember that I might be speaking to that inner child and I would never use words like failure, pathetic, etc to her....thank you for that reminder.....and something that I need to keep working on.
how I am investing today in the kind of future I want for myself. And what choices I have in the day.
Another brilliant phrase and one that I am also trying to work on (no wonder all this 'work' has me exhausted...lol) - when I get into these monkeys or spirals throughout the day I stop and ask....ok....is there something =you can do about it...if the answer is no...let it go...if the answer is yes...what can I do about it today.
I think of your h as the Tomato Man - was it him that left tomatoes on your desk at work
That made me truly laugh out loud...I forgot about that, but yes, that was him......Tomato Man.....

that what bothers you most is that an arrangement is made, it kicks off an extended period of monkey braining and hopeful expectation in you that you don’t like, followed by a period of kicking yourself and a bit of frustrated despair when that’s not how it goes? Is that it?
...amazing how you can put it in a nutshell but that is exactly how it is.....I realize I have the choice to not engage in his contacts and I realize it is an attachment issue that he feels and that I am not responsible for, but again....to not respond would not be me...what bothers me is that my monkeys immediatly drink the hope drug and start seeing butterflies and unicorns and then come crashing down like drunk elephants when reality does not work out that way. I had talked about it with my IC and she says..it is that pattern that I was used to in my childhood....the high and the low and the always thinking of ways to gain parental acceptance and love and then not achieving it.....and starting from scratch again.....so, it is on the horizon to work through but can take some time
For now, he has given me date, time and place for dinner in March and I am reigning in all these monkeys and keep telling myself that until then I must not think about it but use this time to work on me. So, every time he pops in my head, I say....Stop....Focus on you for 6 weeks ......
The last email about the March date he ended with "Kisses"......in 5 1/2 years he never said that and chances are he was already drunk when he wrote it, but it is new...
To take my mind off I have plans to spend a girls weekend with D the middle of the month and already have a Spa day layed out for us to enjoy and get pampered. Any time I get to spend with D boosts my mood and we always have such a great time. I am also planning a weekend to see my best friend in another state that I have not seen in years and we need to catch up in person. Plus with spring coming I will be able to spend time outdoors again and watching nature always feels so grounding to me. Looking forward to that.
Thank you again for all the wonderful thoughts and reflections you always deliver that help me so much. I do appreciate and value you more than I can put into words.