Another site talks about trying to understand this kind of mindf**kery being like putting your own head in a blender…..better for you not to do that, my friend.
How? Observe facts but shut down your own speculation on what they ‘mean’.
Other than all these things being a) textbook MLC stuff and b) not appropriate in a healthy adult partnership.
Lying. Lying when it’s blindingly obvious they are lying. Seeking attention in weird ways and weird places. Blaming you for things that have nothing to do with you, that you have no responsibility for at all, or baiting you into reacting by leaving bread crumbs the size of houses. Claiming a duck is a fish, and all your fault anyway. Drama from nowhere about nothing. Saying one thing on Tuesday and the exact opposite another Tuesday. Thinking their money is theirs and yours is also theirs. Seemingly indifferent to the effects on you or their kids or that if they are ‘happy’, everyone else should be fine. Hiding booze. Anger, resentment, manipulation. A truly bizarre level of Me Me Me in an adult.
Not a single thing on your list surprises me at all.
But then I’m a vet here.
Your goal is to reach the point when it doesn’t surprise you as much either. And you understand that it has nothing to do with you at all unless you choose to involve yourself in it. And then you usually lose if you choose to play
The bit that matters most in your post imho is your last point about others thinking YOU are the crazy one. Not uncommon for we LBS.
But it does matter that YOU know you are not crazy. (Or not too crazy bc we all get a little askew in the initial stages of this truly weird life experience

You can’t control what people think, but you can choose to look after your own sanity as a priority. How? Focus on observable facts without speculating on the why. Don’t try to persuade others to see what you see if they don’t. Stay calm and trust your own eyes. Keep reminding yourself that whatever she is doing, and for whatever reason, you did not cause it, you can’t control it and you can’t change it. And it will probably continue to be incomprehensible to you, so stop trying to understand the incomprehensible. Reduce your expectations of reasonable, rational or reliable behaviour by your wife dramatically. Then turn away, put boundaries in place where you can to minimise the effect on you or your kids, shrug your metaphorical shoulders and turn your focus back to your own life and wellbeing.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg