That makes sense. I know your kids are still little, but tbh kids do seem to sense something ‘off’ about our spouses more and sooner than we think.
What schedule/arrangements - if any - have you made about shared custody or visitation once he moves out? And finances?
Have you taken legal advice in your/his options and obligations? Big stuff and small stuff like redirecting his mail and your ability to exclude him from the house if you wish, ha ha as I am guessing you won’t be able to drop by uninvited and let yourself into his new home, right?

Bc tbh once he moves out, the landscape changes and you should. You don’t have to act on it but you should get some legal advice bc this is about your children’s wellbeing and keeping a roof over your collective head while maintaining your own sanity - three things that are too important I’d imagine to trust to fate or your h’s whims or promises. Or indeed ow’s agenda.
As his initial complaints seemed to be a lot about not wanting grown up responsibilities, I suspect he may find this rather more hard work than he thinks without a wife appliance bc kids this age are full of beans lol…lovely but require effort and organisation. Which is why, if I were in your shoes, hard though it will feel, I would organise things from Day 1 ‘as if’ you were already divorced.
Why? Well, if I were a betting woman, I could imagine your h coming round to ‘visit’ the kids (when he feels like it

) leaving you to do all the adult stuff bc, well, it’s a very self centred man child way to do it. A quick free family dinner, a few cuddles and a bit of attention etc, bit of a Dad Performance to make himself feel that he isn’t an PoS and off he goes. That’s not how real life works if you are a man who leaves your wife and children. And be clear in your own mind - that is what he has told you he is doing and that is what he is now doing on March 1st.
No lipstick he tries to put on it (or you do) changes a pig from being a pig; it’s just a pig with lipstick.
So, just as well to start with some adult arrangements from the off. Plus it gives you some space away from his sadz or chaos or entitlement, and some breathing space for your own healing and some restorative GAL stuff that you can plan around your own schedule.
Decide what kind of 50/50 ish schedule will work best for you and the kids, and propose it starts from March 2nd. Or listen to any counter-proposal he makes and agree to what seems workable. Do not adult for him with the details. Bc right now it reads as if your h essentially thinks he can swan off on a kind of experimental ‘vacation’ from his family and you will just carry the load.
Still his ‘plan’ to dip out of family life and parenthood for 2-3 days a week in his new gaff, examine his navel and perhaps others’ navels, have a nice groovy single life, and then ‘come home’ to his ‘best buddy’ and grateful children for 3-4 days? Then rinse and repeat until….what/when?
I’m struggling to see what is in that for you or your kids tbh. Other than the fear of what saying No to it would mean. And I can see some potential collateral damage for you and the kids from the sheer self-centred mindf**kery and uncertainty of it tbh. Like an endless audition for all of you. For a prize that is not much of a prize at the moment. I can’t find words to tell you how outrageous, unfair and plain weird his plan seems to me. It makes me feel like punching him in the face when I imagine the faces of your little ones and how life altering this is going to be for you all. Quite a lot of short rude words in my head, many followed by the word ‘off’…. And I’m not really very given to anger usually.
But my opinion doesn’t matter really.
How does it seem to you?
Acceotable as a way for you and your kids to live or not? For how long?
What you deserve or not? Practical or not? Pros and cons? Boundaries?
And why?
Bc, unless this version of a marriage and family, the 2 days a week at home version, is acceotable to you, I think your h is essentially gaslighting you (and your kids) to behave as if it is normal and acceotable for your family. And if it isn’t, you have the right to say No Thanks to it.
Or have I misunderstood the plan?
Bc that’s how real life works, isn’t it?
We make choices.
Choices have effects.
We then choose how we manage the effects the best way we can for everyone involved.
This may come as a bit of an unwelcome shock to your h, but hey ho. This is what really getting what he says he wants normally looks like in the real world.
If he finds that upsetting or inconvenient, not your job to tidy that up for him. And when/if he leaves, you’re entitled to organise your life as suits you best without a kind of virtual ‘husband in name only’. Er, nope.

:…..he is firing you from the wife job so you can lay down all those responsibilities - just focus on being a decent human, a responsible adult and a solo co parent. Jmo though - you will do you. I am poking hard I suppose bc I want to encourage you to think about all the different options you actually do have, and that it truly isn’t all about him. In fact, you and your kids outweighs him 4 to 1

If he fails to make/keep that kind of standard separated parent agreement, (and I’d bet money I don’t have that he will), document it. If this situation does end up in a more formal separation or divorce, this kind of information may be very useful in securing more/all of the custody of your children and child support until they are grown up.
But I really would encourage you to take legal advice on a good draft separated agreement that won’t set any disadvantageous precedents for you if it becomes something more formal down the line. And co parenting, not ‘daddy pops home when he feels like it’ parenting. Bc that’s far from ideal for small humans, isn’t it? And I can see that you are a good mum, so I know you know that.

I think a lot of us LBS worry that drawing these kinds of lines in the sand will ‘push them away’ more and limit the chance of reconciliation if that is what we want. There is no evidence here that this is so….actually there are some stories of reconciliations coming about bc MLC spouses get exactly what they claim to want and then find out they don’t like it much. But none I recall that were based on appeasement or nicing them back. Bc you and your kids are NOT the problem: your h’s dissatisfaction with himself, and his immaturity and self-centredness is…and in all my years on the planet I’ve never seen those things change if others keep feeding or enabling them

, have you?
As you will know, the odds of reconciliation here are not high and the process can take years, so it makes sense to live ‘as if’ from here on. You are a young woman with three great kids. There’s a lot of life to be lived yet. Please don’t let your fears limit your options or your beliefs about what you and your small ones deserve to hope for and have in your lives.
The good news is that focusing pretty exclusively on what you and your kids need and deserve is a win-win for you, even if it doesn’t feel like any kind of win at all given how you probably feel at the moment. Bc there is a good family life full of joy on the other side of this for you and your little ones, regardless of whether it includes your h or not. And if it doesn’t that will be his stupidity and his loss.
You have talked here about HIS plan. (Although in true MLC fashion, it’s not a plan as such, is it, more like the life version of a fast food menu)
What’s YOUR plan?
Bc I truly think you need one or you will all just end up inadvertently living on the edges or on a shelf in his.. And I think you and your kids deserve so much more than that.