Dear Friends,
What is to follow is the original posting of the Six Stages of a Midlife Crisis that I wrote when my husband was going through his MLC. It was also based upon what I'd observed within other people's situations at that time.
I wrote this set of stages back in 2002.
They were only meant to be a guideline, not an absolute way the MLC'er navigates through the tunnel. In my mind back at that time, I felt it helped to know how to recognize where the MLC'er was, based on the descriptions. I fleshed out what I'd seen, and what others had seen, and it helped me to bring these together.
Each stage can be navigated by itself, consecutively and several stages CAN run together, depending upon the person going through.
One other thing to remember; they can also be run OUT OF ORDER, in a number of combinations with the exception of Acceptance.
Depression is always present throughout the crisis even though there is a STAGE of nothing BUT Depression.
Replay is the LONGEST stage, and therefore the MIDDLE of the crisis, it is usually when the Midlifer drops the bomb on the unsuspecting Left Behind Spouse.
Back in 2002, there was not much at all known about MLC, and most of the time we were on our own, learning from trial and's not much different now, but there are MORE resources in this day and time than there were when my husband was going through the tunnel.
The times that accompany these stages are APPROXIMATED time...I should, actually leave the times off, as I KNOW from personal experience, they are in NO WAY accurate. Each person and each crisis is own transition lasted 6 years, and as of this year, I've been out nearly two.This was the ORIGINAL disclaimer I wrote, you can see even back then, I KNEW no one crisis was the same, they were ALL different:
"Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have delivered on my promise, having written out the descriptions of all six stages of a Mid Life Crisis.
You should be able to see your Mid Life spouse in these descriptions if you will look back hard enough, and hopefully there is enough description to allow you to look forward somewhat.
I write these for the "understanding" parts of this, and it is TOTALLY from the Mid Lifer's point of view, it does NOT include "lessons" or anything else.
The lessons you are to learn are contained on my "Sermon Thread"
Also, I cannot pinpoint exact times, the times I post are for approximation, only, everything hinges on the MLC'er and the willingness to face his/her issues, ok?"
Each stage will be on a different, consecutive post. RCS has said she will put it up at the top as a "sticky", so I will lock this topic when through, if I can.
The "Sermons" thread I speak of will contain the lessons each person is to learn out of this crisis, and interestingly enough, it is the SAME for the MLC'er.
Have a great day!