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Author Topic: Forum-Info Mentor and Moderator Duties

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Forum-Info Mentor and Moderator Duties
OP: October 30, 2020, 03:45:16 PM
Below is the list of Mentor and Moderator Duties given to all Mentor Team members and kept on a thread on the Mentor Board. I'm posting it here so you know what is expected from your Mentor.

Mentoring is on a volunteer basis. OldPilot or I will post on [the Mentor Board] when someone has requested a mentor and we assign based on who volunteers. Mentorships last 6 weeks. We maintain a specific thread for mentor requests.

Mentor Duties
  • Introduce yourself to your mentees.
    You may do this by Personal Message or on their thread.
  • Be reasonably available to offer support and guidance.
  • Continue to check-in on them—either via their thread (and post) or by Personal Message if they are not posting.
  • Encourage them to continue to post to their story thread.
  • Be familiar with the site articles for referencing.
  • Direct them to resources on or off site and suggest other threads—such as another LBS with a similar situation.
  • Answer their questions—even if the answer is I don’t know.
    Even better, help them discover answers to their questions
  • Encourage Self-Protection—including seeking legal advice.
  • Encourage Self-Focus and Detachment.
    But recognize that they don’t want to hear that they aren’t detached over and over again—that is one of the biggest complaints.
  • Share your insights and experiences.
  • Validate.
  • Accept their process to recovery and help them to accept it.
  • Let them know of any restrictions for availability or contacting you
    So if you aren’t around the board on weekends, just let them know when you introduce yourself.
  • Check AND post/participate in the Mentor Board where we discuss board issues, those needing help, challenges...
    Checking in on the board regularly also lets me know you are still active as a Mentor.

Moderator Permissions
  • Merge threads
  • Edit for content—swear words, personal information.
    Add a note when you edit, giving the reason for making modifications.
    Ex.: Edited for carriage returns
  • Edit for carriage returns—sometimes OldPilot does this and it can be a great help.
  • Be alert for spammers.
    Then let me know and I can delete an account.
  • When possible add a link source when someone references an online article or pastes an excerpt.
    You can often find the precise online address by doing a Boolean search for a section of the article.
  • Greet newbies and encourage them to start a story thread if they have not done so.
  • Enforce The Code of Conduct and administer appropriate action according to The Enforcement Policy.
  • Personal names are not allowed as a display name. Just offer a gentle reminder on the story thread.

  • Logged


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