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I started my story in 2013 or 2014 when I found the site and I had gotten the " I don't want to be married anymore."  I wrote for years trying to navigate what was happening.  After the boomerang stage and all the crazy behavior, he divorced me.  He moved to another state to be with OW.  The two times that I have seen him since 2017 at family events, he has ignored me as if we were strangers.  Last summer I approached him at a wedding and told him it had been a long time and was it possible to have a relationship as friends and meet once a year to make sure the other person was ok.  He said he had moved past any need to have me in his life.  The fact I am so irrelevant and not worth a cup of coffee once per year.... that hurt.  In his mind, I am dead.  So no, sadly, in my case he never returned or even tried to be civil.  It has been 10 years since it started, divorced 5. It is very sad.  I have built a new life and from the outside it looks very successful and fun.  On the inside, I am still a shell of a human, but I fake it well!!
Our Community / Yet another love, but not in love.
« Latest by Anoi on May 06, 2024, 02:31:26 PM »
How do you handle that, when air is so thick with silence that you can hang your coat on it?
He never was much of a talker, but to have a casual conversation with him this days is almost impossible, we eat together in silence, we watch together in silence... there is so much silence in this house.
I don't know if it's my anxiety, if its his depression, if it's just a ruined to the ground marriage, but it is pretty hard. I still find those warm feelings for him sometimes, rare... i don't have hope anymore, hell i don't even know how can it ever be...
I feel myself like a wh*re when i just go on a casual date, though my H is totally okey with me dating... I can't be with him, can't be with anyone else, wtf.
All of that mlc or whatever comes down to - is there better option? And if the answer is yes, then he is gone, me is gone, all of this is gone.
But he will drink a bit, smoke a bit, recover from this sh... and move on. And i gonna still be feeling like a wh*re when i agree to drink coffee with a guy. Cause he is my H. It's so idiotic.
He left me for another woman, who doesn't want him and he says to my face that i never probably loved anyone the way he loves her... God dammit, where is my plan B?!!
Our Community / My journey post D
« Latest by Dragonfly33 on May 06, 2024, 02:20:19 PM »
He’s very proud of the OW because she apparently encourages him and supports him with his so called passion. 🙈

Sorry I meant grateful not proud. 🙈 She supports onsite. Well she doesn’t have to clean, wash and iron his clothes and cook for him so she has all the time supporting him wherever he goes. But anyway, I know his pattern. He’s been with her now for two years, who knows what miracle he’s going to do after five years of filming each other. 

My family told me recently I look way better now than when I was still with my x even before BD. My mom told me I was walking on egg shells with me, every action was controlled. I couldn’t be me. My ex had to be the center of my attention around my family otherwise it‘s going to be a fight. Looking back, though my ex was very generous with me and a good provider, around him I couldn’t be my real self because he didn‘t like certain behaviors I had. Maybe MLC was meant to be for me to find myself again and become authentic again. Maybe after all it was a blessing in disguise.
Our Community / He Loves Me but He is Not in Love With Me
« Latest by thissucks7788 on May 06, 2024, 12:49:59 PM »
I'm so sorry to say, but if he is turning off his location, I suspect he is having an affair.  It's possible that it is another place he wouldn't want you or anyone to know about (like what, I have no idea), but in MLC most of the time there is someone else (or the hope of someone else- as in an EA-emotional affair).  Look after/protect yourself as they are very selfish during this time.

Our Community / My journey post D
« Latest by KayDee on May 06, 2024, 12:18:51 PM »
He’s very proud of the OW because she apparently encourages him and supports him with his so called passion. 🙈

That's a weirdity - to be proud of someone because of the role they play in upholding your lifestyle.  He sounds like he has an exercise (and praise) addiction. Yes, you are better off out of it.
Our Community / Whiplash from clinging boomerang
« Latest by Happylight on May 06, 2024, 10:25:31 AM »

I can see that your ‘hands off’ approach is giving your h the freedom to come and go as he pleases, and that this approach is producing some of the positives you see. I’m assuming that, bc of that, you probably don’t want to change your approach. And as you obviously know all too well, you can’t control his behaviour. So it seems to me that the only thing left is to change your mindset a bit, the frame if you like that you are putting around what’s happening.

You are correct in the thought that what I am hesitant to change things because we do seem to be making progress.   I don't know if he still leaves because he is still taking space.  He was gone less than 24 hours this time--left around 5 pm and was back home by 10AM, and pretty much stayed in contact with me most of the evening.  I would like to ask where he goes or what he's doing, but as I said, I don't want to put him in any situation to lie to me, and the times he is leaving seem to be fewer and growing shorter in duration. 

He spent time this weekend, cleaning his office, which was the one area in the house I haven't touched in the last year.  He ordered two new swiffer mops for the house--one for upstairs and one for downstairs. He has been directing the kids to do their chores and putting our youngest to bed....something that hasn't happened in a year.  He's been thanking me for cooking and doing other tasks (that I've been doing all along), and when I leave for work in the morning he tells me to give him a hug. 

I'm wondering if eventually he will open a discussion, or if he gradually just wants to return to the "before."

My fatigue may also be related to the fact that it is the end of the school year, I work in education and we are all just exhausted at this point.  Tempers run high and tolerance and energy seem to be low.  Add to that the 1 ZILLION things kids have at the end of school year that I am trying to balance as well. 

Thank you, Biscuit & UrsaMajor.  :)

I picked up the framed work on Friday and I am really very pleased with the results. It is not about having possession of it and feeling as if I have won some battle, because that certainly isn't the case. In fact, like so many of the MLC experiences, it cost me money, which made me laugh a little as I paid the framer.

It has never been about money for me. That is not it at all. It has at least in my case been a bit of a joke since I often made decisions full well knowing that it might cost me money to keep my own sanity when it came to dealing with the MLCer.

As I explained to my sister yesterday, the financial hit I took when Xh went into MLC was rough and continues to be a struggle at times to overcome, but that was never the true cost of his meltdown. That keeps bubbling up when I am the only one the kids can truly rely on to be there. S maybe has some of Xh's attention and Xh does help him from time to time, but when it suits him. D is the one most impacted by the lack of Xh's presence and right now, I wish he were at least involved somehow - for D's sake and mine to a degree.

This is not about wanting to reconnect or wanting what was. I accepted that is not possible and have happily moved on down a new relationship path. However, I sometimes wish Xh were involved from the standpoint that I am ultimately the one D comes to for things. It can be exhausting, particularly when she is dealing with stress and having her F around her would be helpful - if he were able to be emotionally. It is not about finances, but more that I realize that she is wired more like he is and it is why they understood one another. He would have been able to help her in ways I sometimes can't, simply because I just don't operate the same way, no matter how I try. That is not a criticism of D or Xh by any stretch of the imagination. D may be intense, but that I can navigate. It is that she needs organization and planning more than I do and if things don't go the way she planned, it makes her way more anxious than I get. My assuring her it will work out is not going to help her out.

I think in part it is because having been in teaching for so long, I have had to adapt the "monitor and adjust" lifestyle, since my classroom can change dynamics wise at a moment's notice. Little things can occur that have trained me to have to pivot in that moment. Pair that with my general demeanor, and I don't often get myself twisted in knots. That works for me, but not for most people.

I sometimes think people believe I am completely carefree and without some worry. That is far from the truth. I lay in bed at night sometimes hoping some magic answer will come to me about issues that arise. Those solutions rarely come at night and just make for me being overtired the next day or two. It is my ability to at least put on a good front sometimes that drives D nuts. D broods much like Xh and tries to figure out solutions, which is commendable, but sometimes there are no solutions beyond wait and see. That is a huge challenge for D as it was for Xh - letting it go and waiting.

So, the wait and see currently is that D starts graduate school in June. She has only received information about parking. Her housing has not been settled. Her loans are not confirmed, since it seems the whole FASFA applications are all mucked up and affecting everyone. It is a bit maddening, since there seems to sometimes be a disconnect when it comes to those things - I have worked in education long enough to hear it first hand from those I work with. It takes some of us pointing out that while the colleges let the students ride it out until monies come in, like in the form of they won't be billed for housing until money is released, for some it means there is not enough money for groceries or books, etc. D has money stockpiled, but that is weighing on her - fear that she will run out of money quickly and no matter how much I assure her I will help her out as much as I can, there is that looming stress. Especially since there are so many unknowns. We don't have a move in date nor does she have any idea of her schedule. D is working through it, but the unknowns are weighing on her and making her more than a little tense. There is nothing I can do or say. There is nothing more she can do, as she is doing all she can on her end - making sure she is set with immunizations and all of the necessary things that need done ahead of time.

Add to the mix, she longs for her F to call her and be so proud of her accomplishment. Being the only recipient of a scholarship is a huge achievement and it is one she deserves. She was already telling me that her first white coat ceremony is going to be in August and she had wanted certain people to be there. She mentioned to someone we know, (in front of my sister) that she has two cousins, and two aunts and uncles. Neither my sister nor I corrected her, but we both asked her later. She was very matter of fact about it. She counts BIL 2 and his wife in the mix, but as for others, my sister and her family are it. In reality, D has 8 other cousins and 8 other aunts and uncles, along with extended family on Xh's side. D said she doesn't count any of them, ever since they all disappeared after the divorce and chose not to really be involved in the way that they were when we were together. She isn't wrong. That has always bothered me that they disappeared from D and S's lives. Part of that was Xh's doing and his insistence that they take a side. I wasn't surprised, as they were told to take sides in their own parent's divorce years ago.

I just need to get through my own semester with final grades, etc and then hopefully, D has more answers. I have to admit, I am not really loving the unknowns myself when it comes to this issue. It leaves my month of May very vulnerable in the sense that I have things planned that I fear may get derailed. It also doesn't allow me to plan anything out that needs to be. Even little things such as I had an opportunity to participate in a large art exhibit. The problem is I can't commit to it based on when the drop off dates are, etc. It requires driving a bit of a distance and shipping the work is not an option I want to take, due to the location and the company - it is not a place that is open every day of the week. I have thought of other options, but the reality is, it is not something I can commit to this time and only because of the unknowns that are dictating D's moving out. It is frustrating for both of us, which is not helping the mood in the household.

I am coping by trying to spend more time working outside of my office. My remote class is being subjected to me being outside, either at the lake or on my back deck. Some have decided to do the same. I encouraged them to embrace the good weather, as long as they are able to focus and finish work. Some reached out and said that they felt so inspired and never thought about working outside on a project at a table as opposed to being at their desk. That is a plus.

I wish all of the feedback were like that, however it is still the end of the semester, so the usual things are coming all at once. I have countless meetings and events popping up this week. All good things, and enjoyable, but it makes it tough to find the time to actually do the necessary prep work and grading without putting in late hours. That is nothing new though.

I have my fingers crossed that D gets some answers soon. Xh - that is just something that is always going to perplex me. I can't fix it and I really only find myself thinking about it when it affects the kids and I am the one dealing with the fallout. The MLC gift that keeps giving.  ::)
Our Community / My journey post D
« Latest by Dragonfly33 on May 06, 2024, 07:54:12 AM »
Yes, what a turd.

I wonder what will happen when he either ages, or is injured out of, extreme sport - no more endorphin highs. Will he and Miss Sporty have anything else in common?  Rhetorical question for a Just Universe. You have a much more beautiful balance in life DF.

That’s a hundred dollar question. Ms Sporty looks very dirty and messy. All she does is film herself while either doing sport or dancing or singing. Maybe it’s unfair to judge her because i don’t really know her in person. But anyway, he chose this life and hopefully he’s very happy with his choices. He seems very happy looking at his posts on social media. Girl is always at his place running every day. He does the same thing, filming himself. For now he is very fit, I don’t know what happens when he gets older and cannot keep up with the OW anymore. It’s not my problem anymore and I’m somehow glad I’m out of it. I had enough of listening to his moanings this hurt that hurt or I can’t sleep. That was so draining. It’s the OW’s job now. He’s very proud of the OW because she apparently encourages him and supports him with his so called passion. 🙈
Our Community / My journey post D
« Latest by Dragonfly33 on May 06, 2024, 07:47:51 AM »
DF, that was a particularly callous response to you feeling like you couldn't take any more pain. Wow.

Yeah there were so many things he said that was very hurtful. I attempted to take my life right after Bd and I ended up in the hospital. That was how painful it was. It broke me to pieces. After I got out from the hospital he told me if I attempt again I should take sleeping pill while in the bath tub to make sure I die. What kind of human being would say that to his spouse knowing that I wasn’t stable yet at the time he told me that. That was indeed callous.
Our Community / Whiplash from clinging boomerang
« Latest by Treasur on May 06, 2024, 02:47:05 AM »
Fwiw - and a lot of us know that feeling - I think that kind of deep tired is a sign that your current approach (whatever it is) is taking too much from you. So, it’s perhaps a signal that a change in what you do, or more likely your mindset about what you’re doing, might need a refresh.

I feel like lots of positives, but not knowing where the finish line is or even if there is one is hard.

I can see that your ‘hands off’ approach is giving your h the freedom to come and go as he pleases, and that this approach is producing some of the positives you see. I’m assuming that, bc of that, you probably don’t want to change your approach. And as you obviously know all too well, you can’t control his behaviour. So it seems to me that the only thing left is to change your mindset a bit, the frame if you like that you are putting around what’s happening.

Others who, unlike me, have lived through something like this will hopefully come along with their insights. But I wondered if you can try to turn off that sense of waiting for that ‘finish line’. What if you knew there wasn’t one? Or that it’s beyond your imagination right now and behind quite a few curves in the path  yet to come? If you tried to find a way to live in the moment, what might that look like? Can you find a way to be mostly content with the life you have right now as opposed to what might be? Or do your actions now only make sense to you if you feel you are investing in that finish line?

No easy answers, I know. And very personal. Really not a one size fits all. But if you can’t change the current situation with your h, and you don’t want to change your current approach, then all I can see left is to change how you think about both the situation and your approach.

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