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Getting closer and closer to vacation!!! Days away now!!! Woohooo!!!

It's kind of fun here at the connection stage...... fun and funny. W is trying... trying......
Last weekend she came by and said she was going to the gym if I'd like to join her..... I've always said "No" because for me it's a reminder to me of the early days of her MLC..... but this last time, something made me say "Yes"..... her eyes got big and she was genuinely excited. I threw on some workout clothes and said "let's go"..... she was a buzz of talking on the way there "bla bla bla, bla bla bla" HA!!!  ;D
At the gym, we did the same machines together..... and it was nice. Nothing too heavy, and she offered to do more workouts together...... as a matter of fact when I asked her how much to put me on the account she said "I have the ability to have a guest - you don't need to be on it" (meaning, come to the gym with me: together).
Last night she cooked, after talking about cooking for three days. This is rare beyond understanding..... before MLC, she'd cook maybe two or three times a year. Thru five years of MLC, she's cooked (I think) twice....... and she ate sparingly when she was done...... she had cooked for me.

Funny how they reach out.... how they try to connect.... and how cautious they are. Not because the LBS is dangerous, but because they aren't safe, they can't be trusted, and they are at fault. How do I know? I know. 

In other news, the sale of the condo is going thru in two days. W is going to the consulate one state away to sign power of attorney so it can be finished..... she doesn't even want to travel down there to do it herself (even though she could have had a long weekend, and seen her mom a little extra).... I get the impression she doesn't want to travel there anymore at all. What a turn..... from nonstop visits and longing for every moment in her dream fantasy place (the "only place she can relax") to not wanting to go there at all.
What a thing to see the "dream" totally shattered.
Once it is sold, she told me she wants to help her sister (who has been out of work for a little while).... this is a huge departure also since during MLC she didn't want to help her family at all, but had no problem sending OM lots of money.
It's all reversing....... rapidly.

As for OM.... I don't know the details, but the case is falling apart. I suspect he'll be out soon.

As for me..... I'm still very stand-offish....... I'm not leaping to connect..... not chasing (HA!!!)..... no...... I've built something amazing and it's MY choice if someone is allowed to rejoin, or not..... but I'm content to watch them try.

Well, that's my life......

One day at a time.....

Our Community / No Longer even speaking to me
« Latest by readytofixmyselffirst on September 08, 2024, 02:53:23 PM »

So my wife secretly found a new place to live and now is pressuring me to accelerate the divorce because she needs cash.  She actually told her lawyer that it's hard to live in the house together and very stressful.

Yes, you can tell your own lawyer that maybe why she is so stressed is due to the heavy drinking and spending a lot of time with a married man. All that sneaking around sure is stressful.

I told my lawyer if she wants out she has to remove the my car insurance from her car because I am not assuming her risk as she boozes up a lot lately and stays out to the wee hours.

Absolutely, you don't want your name on the title or on the insurance. You maybe on the hook if something happens. As soon as I paid off my son's car, I had my name removed from the title.

Yes, there lies become an issue and soon everyone sees it.

Sad part for her is that he is not leaving his wife, and I really think she doesn't see it.
People, when people on this site say don't believe anything they say you really need to accept that.  I can honestly say I don't know any truth in her anymore.

He sounds like such a great guy, a true keeper, a man of high virtues and a family man to sport.

Yes, it is unbelievable what they say and even more so in their actions as well.

Let her run and focus on you and your family. You are doing an awesome job. Remember the divorce is all business. Treat it as such and don't give anything that you don't have to give. It's her choice and she needs to deal with the consequences. Therefore, no soft landing.

Have an awesome day!

Our Community / It’s been 2 months
« Latest by LC on September 07, 2024, 10:08:38 PM »
Yeah, I can recall times when the situation has been reversed.  It can be a delicate balance to avoid a topic, yet not appear rude.  There has been quite an unsettling ripple effect through our lives. Happily, the  kids’ friendships remain intact. With time, I think things will level out as God works out his plan for us.
Our Community / Calm through Chaos
« Latest by AllieKat on September 07, 2024, 05:22:24 PM »
I cant really answer your question just wanted to say how sorry I am!  I’m 46 and my spouse is 44! We have also been married 19 years. Mine left this June and filed for D 8/10! He has no communication with me. I know the wifeexpert has several videos on kids and mlc. Not sure if she has those on youtube or just on her website!

Our Community / Aliens stole my W!!!!! Part 15: "Who's the Master? Sho'Nuff!!!"
« Latest by Biscuit on September 07, 2024, 05:00:43 PM »
Hi SS,

I've been meaning to reply to your story but only just got around to it.

So the MLCer at work has returned home - well that's a turn up after all she said about her H a while back eh? And a few parallels to your W and mine too as we've spoken about before. Very attractive and ultimately incredibly spoilt. I hope your friend and her H find happiness together again - I'm a sucker for a good return story.

Things sound good with you - you've achieved some kind of status at work with the younger members of the team! Brilliant. You're obviously very good at what you do professionally.

It also seems like your W is edging closer to the exit from MLC - it's great that you're journalling about that - as there's not a great deal written about these later stages. I wonder how she will settle once she exits - will she be like the W you met? More like the person she was just before MLC? Or maybe someone totally different? She's a lucky woman to have had your support and love throughout her journey - she might not have made it this far without it - who knows?

As always I look forward to your next update

B x
Our Community / It’s been 2 months
« Latest by Biscuit on September 07, 2024, 04:43:29 PM »

Often neighbours and friends don't know how to act around any kind of change in the status quo. It's tricky! Think about how we all feel awkward talking to someone we know, but not really know, if theres a bereavement or any kind of serious life challenge, as opposed to the usual small talk and niceties. I wouldn't read too much into it unless these are people that are in your close circle of friends. If they are just people you say hi too when putting the bins out on a Monday morning then they just don't know what to say right now.
Our Community / It’s been 2 months
« Latest by LC on September 07, 2024, 11:46:57 AM »
Has anyone else experience neighbors avoiding them, after their MLCer left?  I was talking to one neighbor, while our kids were playing. Our neighbor across the street came over and started a conversation with her about their dogs, kids, etc.  Friendly neighbor would converse with both of us, while the other neighbor turned her back to me and eventually ended up between me and the other neighbor. This neighbor usually speaks to me. We have always been on good terms; greeting each other at the supermarket, she always complimented me on how well I raised my kids, etc.  Now things are decidedly different.  Another neighbor is the same way.  It’s rather an unsettling feeling.

Our Community / Calm through Chaos
« Latest by mama4 on September 07, 2024, 11:46:40 AM »
MLC has been amping up behaviors that create chaos in our home. I have been calm and metered in my responses. He has responded with additional chaotic behavior comparable to a toddler tantrum.

Our children have remained calm and followed my lead.

We started this journey in earnest in 2016 and have experienced shattering BDs in September 22 and June 24. I have considered all of the options and when MLC seems to have a partial awakening I adjust. This is a long time and his behaviors are super unexpected and atypical.
I have no barometer to determine if this is even an ok path to be on. I know I have made many mistakes and I continue a healing journey separate from his chaos and pain.

Our kids. How will our kids fair through all of this? They seem to be mostly ok but I worry.

Any experiences to share with how children have faired through the mlc journey into their own adulthood and relationships?

Our Community / Re: Its not you, its me
« Latest by marvin4242 on September 07, 2024, 02:07:46 AM »
FrenchHusband thank you for sharing your very thoughtful views on this. For me you have captured perfectly the complexities of what I would call selfless (rather than unconditional) love. I have always tried to care for and be there for my wife, friends, and others without expecting things in return. But as you pointed out we can not truly know, understand or own the choices, feeling and consequences of decisions for others.

I think a lot of us have had to take a careful look inside ourselves and hopefully find more insight and wisdom about things we used to just "assume" we understood well. And as you said "working on myself is the greatest gift I have made to myself." I think a lot of us share in that view. And I would just like to add its a gift that also gives to the ones around us, as we become more self aware I believe we become much more able to care for others in a selfless way.
Our Community / Its not you, its me
« Latest by FrenchHusband on September 06, 2024, 11:00:20 PM »
Thanks for this very interesting discussion regarding love, that is really inspiring for me to read your different comment and visions

As anyone can guess it reading my signature, I am in the "unconditionnal love" team, and in the same time I also believe that an healthy relationship means boundaries and limits.

In my LBS interior path, after BD I have reached the conclusion that the true sense of my existence is to learn to love as God loves us. So, how does God love us ? I have read, and I believe that God does not give us what we want, but what we need.
So for me to love as God loves means to give to the people I love what they need. And (as per my signature) to give without expecting return.
Then the question for me becomes : how to know what the people need ? I mean, what they really need. The answer is not easy, and I feel humble because often I don't know what people around me really need. To understand it, I have to really listen to them and try to understand them. Accept and respect who they are.

As it is written here, the best example for unconditionnal love is the "ideal" parent child relationship.
It is easier to undersand children, for sure. They need care, attention, a safe space to grow. And they need boundaries, they need limits. Who has tried to educate children without giving boundaries ? I believe those children will be very unhappy. For me, giving boundaries to the children is part of loving them.

The bible is a great love story between God and His people, we can see that God is setting up limits and boundaries. And God forgives also. In the story of the prodigal son, the father loves unconditionnaly his child, he gives the share of the estate without expecting return. The father "lets go" the ungrateful child, that is a big act of love. And in the same text, there are limits : the other share of the estate is a limit, it is out of the reach of the prodigal son : everything I have is yours, says the father to the eldest son (who is a bit bitter). There are likely other limits that are implicit in this text : it is not possible to have a dissipated, lustful and squandering life in front of the father. That is why the prodigal son goes to a distant country.

Now, what about our spouses ? Clearly we are not in a parent-child relationship. And I believe I can continue to love my wife even she is in the way to become soon my ex wife. I am not sure to know all the needs from W currently because she doesn't confide much, but I strongly believe she needs to go on her own path, and I give to her this freedom.

One other word about love. It is written "love your neighbour as yoursef". And I try to do this. My understanding of this verse is that the beginning of love is loving myself, knowing myself (gnothi seauton) and understanding my needs. In my LBS's path  since BD, as other LBSs in the forum, I have progressed on the love for all other people around me by beginning a work on myself and by increasing my daily prayer time. Working on myself is the greatest gift I have made to myself.

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