Ups and down and a sequin.I hope you all had a great memorial day weekend. I sure did with varying degrees of fun. Thursday I had my annual physical and have had chest congestion, so my doc ordered an x-ray to check my lungs over. All clear.
Friday, I had the day off and went in for followup blood work which required 12+ hrs of fasting. Normally I do fine with this sampling of my blood, but this time broke out in a sweat, got nauseated and had my blood pressure drop to 80/50, so they checked me in to the ER. Sheesh. Just for fun I had shared my x-ray online on Facebook and now commented, I was in the ER. Anyway, I got out after an EKG and resting.
KA arrived and we went to a comedy club that night and were all laughs. KA later found a sequin on my bedroom floor and wondered who it fell off? It may be joking fun but she then went and put a framed picture of us from my bedroom out on the fireplace mantle... so the new women know I'm taken. C'mon, everyone knows.

Saturday we went to the outlet mall and I got a "Hey
STP!" and it was
DC shopping with her son. She asked about my ER visit and we chatted a minute. KA didn't remember her. That night was my yellow party. KA decided to go to a local food truck event with a few others she didn't know before coming back for my party. She did not wear yellow, which I mentioned in my previous post. I made an error in my alcohol consumption and didn't make it until the end of my own party, passing out in bed by 10:40pm. KA kicked everyone out by 11:30. When I woke for a bathroom visit, I saw her sleeping on the couch. Eventually around 6:30 am she joined me. When asked about the couch stay she said I was taking up the whole bed and there was no room for her. I think maybe she was upset as she refused to stand next to me in the group photo as well. She said it was because she didn't wear yellow... and was bothered i was drunk. Pure accident as the drink I made filled the pitcher so high there was no way to put the lid on so I poured myself too big a glass full. It was strong!
Sunday we decided to just stay around my house relaxing after a lunch out. I posted my pics in my Facebook party group. KA got a lot of flak about why she was wearing purple and everyone else in yellow.
Groan. Then I got a PISSED off message from DC discovering I had deleted her from my party group. My explaining she hadn't come in three years was taken as disinterested was viewed by her as me ghosting her and wanting to end our friendship.
Criminey! I used my skills in negotiating with irate women and invited her back into my group although she then said she didn't want to be back in and has had reasons for not coming that she didn't want to say to me as they might hurt our friendship. Bejeezus. Well we kinda worked it out as I apologized for the blindside removal of her. She has not rejoined yet.
KA and I had a good night watching a movie although she seems less affectionate.
Today I planned to go with KA to her neighborhood rummage sale (40 miles away) but instead rang up
S21 and
S28 and played 18 holes of disc golf. Been chatting with KA about our days this evening. Next weekend, I'll see her evenings only as I have a memorial to go to in IL followed by my nieces grad party. KA and her
D10 were invited but has to stay to have her pool opened. Sunday I have a hike for like 25 people including buddy