KA and I ended up not going to Winterfest as we both were sick at different times. We did have a fun date night out at the casino seeing a local band we like. I hosted a hike for 21 singles of which most are good friends, followed by lunch. KA had her first time sleeping over at my house on a weekday. I quietly got up and went to work and she was out of my house a couple hours later. I did have a thought if she sat at my secondary computer and went rummaging through folders she could find pics she wouldn’t like… but I feel assured she didn’t do that. We all have skeletons in closets that don’t need to be unearthed.
KA had her D12 for the Super Bowl so buddy JS and I hung out with some other longer known friends at an event. Valentines Day marked my 7th anniversary since my first date with KA and I took her out for a nice dinner and photo of us with her roses. We had talked about dancing and live music after, but both were so full, we stayed in and watched a romantic movie. Oddly DC messaged me “Happy Valentines Day.” Perhaps acknowledging my anniversary to KA?
This past weekend was my Chocolate themed party. KA again was unable to make it due to having D12 several weekends in a row because her XH is out-of-town for work. DC backed out citing her bf had planned something special for them. I never really expected her anyway. She said she’d bring some women friends to the next one. The event was good with 30 some friends attending and I was quite full from eating. I tend to end parties with a final photo in the kitchen with those who still remain at 11:45pm. There were two dating couples, buddy JS, myself and tan blonde TBP. Well the next day after photos were posted KA messaged me very upset, deeming it looked like I was coupled up with TPB because I was standing behind her (really in the spot between two guys). I assured her I wasn’t, and she counted the photos of us taken where we both appeared in the same pic. All but one were group photos. There is some truth that I do like her and we have a lot in common. I am also in the process of filming footage to make a music video from my parties-for the theme song, I recorded in 2016. Much of the footage was TBP (& others dancing) which KA pointed out and she asked if I could possibly take less pics with TBP. Yes I can. Her bestie JKR, is like my new MM. Both women are around me a lot coming to everything I host.
TBP messaged me on Sunday asking about a large plate of hers, she uses often that got left behind, and I said this WED I could drop it off, as I’m heading that way to see KA to pick up some food. I know about where she lives but it will be the first time at her house. Although I don’t like keeping things from KA, revealing that I’m stopping over at a persons house she doesn’t trust, would not go over well. Don't beat me up about this-there's nothing going on.
This upcoming weekend is my annual guys board game weekend with a brother, my best friend, S23 and S25.. It will be very fun.
KAs D12 asked for more mommy time (less of me around) on their weekends, so beginning in March I may not be seeing KA on some Fridays.