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Author Topic: Forum-Info Sort and View Your Choice of Topic Icons

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Forum-Info Sort and View Your Choice of Topic Icons
OP: October 06, 2016, 11:30:32 AM
Did you know that you can filter what threads you can view? You can chose to view only threads of one topic icon. This means you can quickly find Dark Purple or Light Purple threads or only threads that are Discussion topics or MLC Green Monster icons...
This is a simple filter, so it does not yet provide a more advanced option of viewing more than one icon of your choice or filtering out certain icons.

Here is how to use this feature:

At the top of the board you may or may not have  listing of the topic icons. It's easy to make this visible. Use the image below as your guide. See the little gray box by the arrow? On the board index where you can view the list of threads, (not on the image) click that box and it will expand to show you the icons--see the second image for an example.
In the second image I circled the topic icons. Just click on one of them and this will filter the threads to show only threads of the icon you chose!

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 11:36:01 AM by Rollercoasterider »


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