So here I am a couple days away from getting rid of the worst year of my adult life and I have mixed emotions.
Firstly, I feel good about where I am generally speaking and trying to leave my worries and fears about the future to God. My apologies if I am not to speak of Him and will not do so should the admins advise. I mean not to offend. Last I will speak of here for today.
Anyway.... still mixed on leaving my stbxw alone. The pain is subsiding, thankfully. But the fear that her love (and yes I know its not there now...) and mine will fade. And if you'd ask me if I would take her back today as she was before this mess, I wouldn't know. It is really strange.
Then there is the fear of the unknown... I know what I said above, but it is still a concern from time-to-time. And I do know I do not want to be alone for the rest of my life and I am certainly not getting any younger

But then there is a promise of a new year. The holidays and my birthday are in the past, well for now obviously. Those were the days I most dreaded since August when this calamity started in earnest. I sit here wondering what I will do, how I will feel, if my stbxw be a vanisher, will I care, how it will feel if i don't care, if I can get past her, if I want to meet someone else.......
So while the hurricane has seemingly past by, a new foggy storm has rolled in....