It occurred to me this morning that we all talk about detachment a lot.....and mostly find it very difficult....and perhaps find different flavours of it.
Imho some level of detachment is a key survival tool for all LBS, so I wondered if a refresher discussion might be useful.
Not so much about defining it, but perhaps just sharing our practical experience of different flavours of detachment. Newbies can tell us what is most difficult about it.....vets can tell us about their path towards it....those with kids can talk about how they manage to do it when the MLCer does have detachment works with different kinds of behaviours from vanishers to liveins to boomerangs....all those different flavours we have figured out as we go. In the hope that someone else might go aha ha, that could help me, worth a try

My thoughts....
Practically for me detachment is when
none of my thoughts and actions were contingent on what my xh did or didn't do. Including the old 'what I think he might be thinking' game lol.
And it took a surprisingly long time, years.
In my case, different flavours came in stages.....doing detachment came before feeling detachment. And feeling detachment took much longer. In my situation, practical things helped....limiting contact, separating bits of my life where I could practically and financially including social media links, learning it was a waste of time to ask questions about anything really also helped bc it meant I just decided for myself. I suppose I stopped behaving as if there was a We.
Looking back, I think I was trying to detach from multiple things at the same h, my m, my normal expectations, any outcome that involved my h, some of my own emotions and beliefs. In my case, the stickiest bit of detachment was actually about detaching from any assumption that my xh would behave a bit like he used to be. And that he cared about me at all, even a tiny bit.
Limiting contact was necessary for me to detach. It might not be so for everyone, but that was how it was for me. I think contact with anything WTF just made it more difficult for me to regain my own sense of normal on the other side of the street

I also think, in my case, that some of the things that came with divorce helped....separating stuff, moving to another house, not having anything important resting on him saying yes, no or nothing.
I'm not sure if being divorced made a big difference to me. Maybe bc by the time it happened, there was a lot of water under the bridge? Idk. I don't know what other people's experience of that is. I suspect that my xh's remarriage killed some bits off too lol.
I also accept that there is a tiny residue of emotional un-detachment which pops up now and then. It never makes we want to do anything with it but I tend to observe it....silly things like I still remember when his birthday is, or get the odd waft of old love from nowhere, or see something and think 'oh, my h would like that....oh, silly me, he's long gone'

....I suppose I accept a residue of attachment in my head to my old h as something quite normal (well not for MLCers tee hee) but I also notice that my reactions now, say if I found out he was seriously ill, would probably be different than even a year ago. That detachment flavour is a kind of 'I don't wish him harm' but I also don't feel strongly if there is just a bigger and bigger river between me and him. He's far away on his side and I am here on mine. I probably do have those moments of 'how on earth did this come to be' after the kind of relationship we had for so long....but detachment means I don't fight against it now.
Some pretty bonkers events really pushed me to detach and go NC at one point. Which was the right thing to do for my safety and sanity, so I have never regretted that. Some level of detachment I think, maybe the first flavour we hunt for, is about protecting yourself from further emotional damage.
But I think there is a deeper longer wider reason too.
I don't believe (jmo) that most of these folks have some grand plan to hurt us. I think they just will if it gives them what they feel they need at a given time. And they don't usually care much, if at all.
But they know us, often for years and years.
So sometimes they take the very best parts of our character (often the bits that they used to like the most) and use them as weapons against us. We get hurt more by our own kindness say, or our natural sense of responsibility, or our optimism or commitment to our family. Detaching helps you to protect those bits of you imho, bc if they are used to hurt you for a long time, you can start to doubt the value of them in yourself as a person. Just a thought.
What has your experience been of some of the different flavours of detachment, and your own path towards it?