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Author Topic: Off-Topic Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5

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Off-Topic Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#110: February 13, 2021, 06:05:23 AM
More positive information. Israeli study shows that people who had Covid have immunity at least for 10 months. This is even after the antibodies in their bloodstream fade. When given the first vaccine dose they exhibited a full immune response immediately with or without visible antibodies. This also means vaccines will offer similar long term response. Not surprising but good to have confirmed.

“Israeli study boosts belief post-COVID immunity stays when antibodies fade
Massive immune response witnessed when small cohort of previously infected people get 1st COVID-19 vaccine dose, indicating they are well ahead of the game, Bar-Ilan team says”
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#111: February 13, 2021, 06:49:41 AM

I really wish we had not tolerated ignorance in trying to be "kind." They are not the same thing. Someone willfully endangers others due to their own issues (whether emotional, or prideful misinformation) really doesn't deserve to be treated "kindly."

So far I have not heard of one scientific or legal reason not to wear a mask.  If we wore masks, practiced social distancing, avoided large gatherings, and washed hands, we would save thousands of lives and decrease the chances of variants emerging.

I celebrated that we were under 100,000 cases a day for the first time in months. Yet, there are countries that haven't hit 100,000 cases since the crisis began. This notion of "personal freedom" in the face of evidence really irritates me. Now you are seeing the same baseless claims and misinformation going out about the vaccines as well.  I read an article about a doctor that was vaccinated and got a rare blood disorder. At the bottom of the article, it then stated that the number of people diagnosed with this disorder was not higher this year compared to the past. Gee, if Ready get the vaccination and three days later, I get run over by a bus will there be an article "Possible link between covid vaccine and being run over by a bus"? It really makes me ponder why some of these articles and stories are carried in the first place. Okay, rant over.

I am really glad that you post your information Marvin. For what it is worth, in Israel, for the 500,000 that have been vaccinated in the study, no deaths from Covid.

Enjoy your weekend,

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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#112: February 13, 2021, 07:08:46 AM
Thanks marvin for continuing to add to our knowledge about COVID and the vaccine.

I am getting my first COVID shot today at 2:10 feels surreal that after a year, I start the process of being protected and will be able to protect others from this terrible disease once my body builds up immunity. I am "white privileged" to be able to get the vaccine today, and am very aware of that....

We must continue to educate people about the vaccine and provide calm and specific information to dispute the
anti-vaxers....what I have read recently is that 1/3 of Americans are not planning to get vaccinated and that is very serious in the effort to contain COVID and bring our lives back to a safer place.

If we wore masks, practiced social distancing, avoided large gatherings, and washed hands, we would save thousands of lives and decrease the chances of variants emerging.

I would add stop traveling!!!!! People think that they are the exception, that they will follow all the protocols and they need a vacation or they need to visit family....

There have been great strides made, be patient and in a bit more time, you will be able to do those things.
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« Last Edit: February 13, 2021, 07:10:38 AM by xyzcf »
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#113: February 13, 2021, 02:03:59 PM
News in this may already have been posted at some point but this was trending on Twitter today and piqued my interest, as someone who is already receiving a prescription megadose of 100,000 i.u. per week (yeah, that’s A LOT), yet my levels remain so dangerously low that I have been unable to begin a new treatment until we can get my levels up.

“This is a very important study on vitamin D and Covid-19. Its findings are incredibly clear. An 80% reduction in need for ICU and a 60% reduction in deaths, simply by giving a very cheap and very safe therapy - calcifediol, or activated vitamin D.”

“The findings of this large and well conducted study should result in this therapy being administered to every Covid patient in every hospital in the temperate latitudes.

Furthermore, since the study demonstrates that the clear relationship between vitamin D and Covid mortality is causal, the UK government should increase the dose and availability of free vitamin D to all the vulnerable groups.”

These approaches will save many thousands of lives. They are overdue and should be started immediately.“

Again, I guess you have to actually be able to absorb the vitamin D in order for it to be effective, but most people don’t have issues with absorption so it seems like this will be interesting for a lot of people.
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#114: February 15, 2021, 05:16:13 AM
Just to report in on the vaccine,(phizer) my hero nurse got it on Saturday, and 6 hours later started with terrible covid like symptoms.
This is her first dose and remember she already had covid although tested negative.
She is still having covid like symptoms and it is now 48 hours later.

The vaccination was not pleasant. Within 5 hours, it had exacerbated all of my long hauler symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, cognitive problems, inability to taste), plus i developed fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, body aches, joint pain, severe back pain, and night sweats. I expected this from the second shot but this totally blindsided me 🙁 but i guess that means it's working lol

I am hoping this all goes away soon and she starts really feeling better but I have to say right now that this is

I will report back in a few more days.
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« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 05:27:33 AM by OldPilot »

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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#115: February 15, 2021, 05:22:47 AM
Oh that's too bad, OP.

They may decide not to give her the second shot.
I hope she feels better soon.

My daughter, who works part-time at a nursing home, had a few bad days after the second shot but it only lasted for two days. Chills, headache and very tired.
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#116: February 15, 2021, 05:25:30 AM
OP: it should fade after 72 hours. Have they discussed if she will get a 2nd dose or just one? How are the longer term symptoms, have they diminished at all?
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#117: February 15, 2021, 05:29:27 AM

My daughter said the second dose was harder than the first. She took off two days due to fatigue and fever. Felt fine after 48 hours.  I hope your hero feels better.

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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#118: February 15, 2021, 05:30:09 AM
OP: it should fade after 72 hours. Have they discussed if she will get a 2nd dose or just one? How are the longer term symptoms, have they diminished at all?

Good questions but too early to know the answers yet, she is calling the long haulers clinic today to discuss.

And I think her bad reaction is because she already had covid so her body is gearing up to fight it again.
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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #5
#119: February 15, 2021, 05:34:11 AM
My oncologist also got sick after the second dose. A woman from my cancer support group is getting her second dose this week so I’ll be keeping an eye on how she responds.
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