TS & Titleholder, so annoying, I experienced this again myself today, ugh! I needed my h to do something so I had to message him. He responded right away, no monstering, but it was still annoying because our situation is so bizarre and I felt like we were acting like everything was oke. Then we had a school meeting about our s (virtual) and he showed up, more ugh! He KNOWS NOTHING about his kid (because he's NEVER there), yet he shows up, probably to keep up the dad facade. So, I'm right there with you!
OMG TS, the juicing lol. No, my h and I did try a juice fast once and I lasted 1 day, while he lasted 2

. Your h sure does take his health seriously (insert many eye rolls). And that list! (more eye rolls) That's equally infuriating as ridiculous, wow! Does she still work for him?
No real updates on the 90-day fiancee guy

, I watched one season of the show and then I had enough. I will say that lately, every show I'm watching seems to include some type of MLC, betrayal, divorce, etc. Or maybe I'm just now noticing it? I did order Britbox on amazon because I absolutely love British shows (and I don't have cable).
Thank you for asking about my son and me (can you show my h how to do that?

. We are doing surprisingly well. During the phase that I now call limbo, I hated vacation time, probably because I was feeling depressed, and worried, and could not get my mind to stop. Now, however, I find that I'm loving it again. I live in an urban area next to a major city so there are lots of things to do (Still not feeling ready for a trip). We are also being very lazy, lots of doordash, sleeping in and naps :-). I am of course handling it all on my own, but I am starting to feel more encouraged and hopeful about my solo parenting. Having said that, I don't think my s is getting the level of involved parenting that he needs, which is not fair, but that's on m h.
I think there was a discussion about this on the other thread, but I do not for the life of me understand how a father can abandon his child. On one of the MLC explanation threads, common excuses were discussed and one of them was "It's not abandonment because I still support him financially." I think my h lives by this one.
Anyway, enough about him, how are you doing this week?