I have some other info on exposure, but will have to look for it so I can post...
I forgot to mention that
in MLC affair, the "exposure" that is the beginning of the end is the exposure to the LBS.... especially if there has been gaslighting. Once the MLC affair is out in the open between the married couple, OW/OM now thinks they have got what they wanted as they think the LBS will now throw the cheater out and they will have to run to
When the LBS does NOT throw their adulterous spouse out, it tosses a wrench into OW/OM fantasy plans and creates doubt in them that the marriage was "over" as the cheater has probably told them. Secondly, the cheating spouse can't believe they
haven't been thrown out and they wonder why not as they have been demonizing you and now you are showing mercy and grace. That creates confusion and now THEY have to make a decision whether to leave or not.
My husband has never understood why I didn't throw him out and file for D. He told me he
expected me to and then "that would be that". See, he didn't want to divorce, he thought I should make that decision for him.
The next step in the pattern is that MLCer won't make any
permanent decision, thus the living together WHILE STILL MARRIED that is so wildly popular with them

yet the OW/OM soon becomes tired of their inferior status and possibly starts nagging the MLCer to get a D or she/he will break it off. Now, the MLCer is being threatened with the loss of his drug before he is ready, so often will try and appease the adultery partner by filing or talking to LBS about filing.
Do you REALLY want to expose this drama to your family and kids? In a "normal" affair, the exposure shines light on ugliness and the "normal" people don't want to live with the public shame or for their kids to know what they've done. They immediately understand the consequences of losing everything. MLCers think they are "done" with the marriage and so they don't care. They are not in their right minds and though they feel enormous guilt, I'm not sure they feel ashamed. They feel
entitled... they have difficulty understanding why their kids don't want to meet OW/OM, difficulty understanding why the LBS goes NC when they are living with OW/OM, difficulty understanding why their friends think they are making a huge mistake when they are "just trying to be happy, don't you want me to be happy?"
I'm no expert, but this is what I've learned and it seems to fit so I'm putting it out there.