Bear in mind, that even though what the MLC'er "spews" may be truth, they will use anything as justification for their bad behavior toward the LBS.
The changes you effect are for YOU, not the MLC'er. In the end, it does NOT matter what they say or even what they do; or even if they "rewrite" history(and quite a few do it) as long as you know the whole truth; that's ALL that matters.
All of you know that as you scramble to change what they complain about, it doesn't matter; they will find something else to bring up and hit you in the face with it.
So, you simply look within yourself, and make these necessary changes within YOU.
The typical MLC'er is NOT going to like what they see; because it transforms you into a stranger...more or less, they get what they want(so they think), and it turns out they really DIDN'T want what they were "asking" for.
In effect, when you change yourself, you "take away" their justification for their bad behavior; and it can make them VERY angry.

I saw this happen within my own husband; he did NOT like what I became at first; it took away the very reason he was treating me so badly.
He tested the waters, I refused to budge; he tested me harder, I refused to budge; knowing that if he decided NOT to finally accept my changes, it was NO loss if he left. I had determined that I was NOT going to be treated with any less than respect.
He eventually, "fell in line," accepting my changes AND my boundaries.
Doesn't matter how they react, anyway; GROWING is necessary; CHANGE is necessary, whether the MLC'er sees it, initially, or NOT. Regardless of how they may react to these changes in time doesn't really matter...because you will have changed for YOURSELF.
It reminds me of "be careful what you ask just might get it!"
If you think about it; every one of us contains within us ALL of the components of the good and bad personalities within us. We break down, during out self exploration, experiencing every facet of said personalities.
In time, we "repackage" ourselves; changing into someone else; someone unknown. These changes not only affect the MLC'er, they also affect our children and the people around us.
For a time, we are UNKNOWN to everyone; until they figure out how to relate to us once again.
Just as the MLC'er disintegrates during Acceptance; the LBS does this same thing, during their journey of SELF AWARENESS.
The journeys of the MLC'er and LBS are VERY similar; but the lessons/growing/learning/disintegration/repackaging is the SAME, if you really think about it.
The only difference is the MLC'er's journey is much longer than the LBS'..and the LBS is well aware of what they are doing, whereas the MLC'er has taken a great many detours; and is stumbling in the dark, making many mistakes.
Even though my husband exited the tunnel while I was still within my journey of self awareness, I did NOT allow that to stop my journey; it continued on into the own peace, however, didn't last long; I was already within my life's transition; and was unaware of it, until I had passed through this particular crucible, and finished it.
In many ways, I believe the Lord literally "forces" them along at times; this where the prayers of the LBS for the MLC'er come into play...yet, God still allows for free will; and acts accordingly as the MLC'er stumbles and falls down many times during their journey.
Think I hijacked; but this was coming out of my own memory as I was reading this thread.