My Dad went through a MLC as I was a teen, BUT I didn't make the total connection until AFTER my husband came out his MLC.
I don't think I was ever meant to make that connection until later; because it would have further colored my perceptions; and the Lord knows they were colored enough without being complicated by remembering, and connecting the dots in regards to my dad going through.
He was still within the tunnel, even to his death; but he didn't leave my mother; he told her not long before he died, that they would have a "new beginning" is possible that he was trying to settle himself. Yet, he died at 60 years old before that happened and came about.
One will never know, and certainly not I.
I think the point is; a parent's MLC has NOTHING to do with the current events at hand..and some of us don't make that total connection until our own situation resolves in which ever way it will resolve.
Remember, as each person is different, each MLC is different...and each person deals with their crisis differently.
It might help to know what your parents dealt with; but it wouldn't give you that much insight into your own, if that makes sense. The generational gap, and the fact that parents from that time and era never shared much with the children, even after they were grown; contributed to being hit out of nowhere.
I know that if I'd made this connection; it wouldn't have helped me to deal any more effectively; as my dad was a very abusive; immature, and selfish man before and during the crisis. And he damaged me in an emotional way during his trip through the tunnel.
Although, my husband's personality was somewhat similar, they were not just alike...and I'm actually glad I never made that kind of a connection between the two.
Even if I'd known before, I couldn't have accepted it; it's the way of the young to not want to look at bad things like that ever happening......but they do, and come about with regularity.
It is a logical assumption that our parents dealt with the transitional growing/changing/MLC; but it was never talked about. The closest I ever heard of this type of crisis was when I saw a man who was dressing like a teen, had the gold necklaces/jewelry, shirt open to the waist, showing all his gray chest hairs, had a convertible AND a blonde on his arm.

When I asked, my mother said that man was going through the "Middle Age Crazies" whatever that was to my teenage mind.

I tried to ask more questions, and she wouldn't discuss it with me; said I was too young...and when I grew up, I'd understand more.
She was right; but she had passed away before my husband's I could not ask her anything.
And you know, it was odd; but my dad said something strange that actually did come to pass for my husband; I'd passed it off as nothing; but I remembered it when my husband fell to adultery. My dad said that if "it"(sex) was offered...if my husband was any kind of a man, he would take it, no matter WHO offered it. I remember getting pretty upset at that time with him for saying something that crass...but he ended up being right; and never lived to see it.
I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever face this for real; but I did; and survived it.
I've not thought of what my parents dealt with in quite awhile; but your question triggered a few memories of my own; so I thought I'd share them.