Hi C

and OR

Oh yes Offroad..... the Pinball Hall of Fame, one of my favorite places!! I go each time I visit (sometimes twice). If I lived there, I'd be volunteering to fix machines (maybe it's a good thing I don't live there..... HA!!!!). I think it's hilarious that the crowds parted for you at Treasure Island....

Yes that depression C.... it's so strong, and lasts so long. I can't imagine life like that. They need a rewiring for sure, how sad that whatever happened to them damaged them in such a way.
More and more W is trying to help....... cleaning the floor, walking the little dog (shock!!!), trying to talk in deeper conversations, empathy for others, checking in, offering to help, saying bye...... it really gives the possible impression that here is a person attempting to break out of the shell. Maybe she will, or maybe the turtle will retreat again...... doesn't really matter either way..... what will happen, will happen.
She's hard at work on her second book, and I think it's better than the 1st (much shorter, and illustrated this time). I see this and think "Hmmmmm, look at that.... she's trying again instead of being knocked down". Really good. More self confidence than was there before, and she's seemingly less risk averse about her dreams and goals. Good. Little steps, little steps.... they all add up over time.
She's about to go on her next vacation to South America and I get three weeks off. Good for me!!

I've gotten so used to being alone, I enjoy it. Just me and the little dog. Not that her presence is trying or anything like that (it's easy), but only dealing with yourself is even easier (HA!!!).

Maybe she'll rent her condo while she's out there, but she will be staying at it (part of the time, the whole time? I don't know.... it doesn't matter).
I think if she had her way, she'd quit her job and just float between here and there..... not a care in the world, just in her own world. I think that's her desire (but I could be wrong). I think she has found safety, and now she's searching for purpose...... and hasn't found it.... yet.
An interesting thing is: she's not biting at the bit to go down there. In the past, she'd be counting the days. This time I'll mention it, and it's almost like she has forgotten about it..... she remembers and then is happy that a break is coming up for her.

Of course there has been no indication of wanting to join me on any of my trips (she hasn't asked, and I haven't offered). She has this trip set and another for the end of the year.
I think she is going to learn a lot of important things this year. She's gotten a lot of what she wanted, and dreamed about...... she worked hard for it too..... struggled. Now that it's here, what will she find? What is at the end of the rainbow? A pot of gold like she thought? Or (uh oh!!!!) part of herself waiting there in a leprechaun outfit? HA!!!!

On to me!!! I worked on the pinball machine!!! And I didn't fix it!!! HAHAHAHAAHAH!!! But I did learn, and that's enough. I'll do better next time.
Try, fail, learn, try again. What a happy life.
I'm so anxious for another trip somewhere. I don't know why it's becoming more and more important, but it is.
****Update (tonight)****
Oh boy......
As always I start writing and a day or two goes by before I hit post

Big. Big. Big.
W comes home today...... she is frustrated, and lets me know that come the end of the year, once her bonus is paid out.... she intends to quit her job.
She's going to cash out her stock at the company, and completely try to make her dream work. Wow.
Lots of layers to this, and lots of potential effects and repercussions.
On one hand, this is wonderful: The corporate world has not been good for her. While she has been successful, the cost has been very high - especially in our M. So much time simply lost. She has no desire to do it again at a different company, so I believe this is the end of her recreating MIL's life (work life anyway).... and that has taken a lifetime to happen. To see what used to be the #1 importance to her, now ready to be discarded.... is amazing. Of course it also has a factor in that she has hit the glass ceiling in the corporate world, and she absolutely hates it. She has raged against that for a couple years now. I think maybe she is ready to stop fighting. She hasn't been winning on that front since MLC started.
Would I like to see her finally calm down and just be herself? Sure. I wanted that 12 years ago. I wanted that 20 years ago. In so many ways (looking back) I can't help but feel robbed, but I know I wasn't the only one...... she was robbed too.
She says "I'm probably going to make a lot less money..... but I don't care anymore".
Now I make enough to support us both, but it will be much tighter.... and that's not a bad thing potentially. I absolutely want her to get her shot at a dream..... everyone should have their shot.... and she hasn't taken hers. Totally get that, and I support it. I want her to succeed and have the internal value and "light" that every person should have. I used to think (way back) that her doing that in the corporate world accomplish that need (it's what she said - and I believed her), but of course that wasn't the case..... I didn't know, and she didn't either.
Fast forward to now...... I'm fine with her trying. That's great. I think she's getting closer and closer to being healed, and the layers of the onion have been getting peeled one after another.... maybe we're getting closer to the core, maybe there's several more layers to go. These are good things. I have dreamed of seeing a healed, complete, and happy W..... lord knows I have waited so long to see the day.
On to the other hand.....because we have to keep our eyes open and not shut....
She's getting close to mid-40's...... so she is going to be more independent, less family focused (which she wasn't to begin with once her career took over), and more internalized. This is all normal, I'm not raging against that..... but the time in life when the opposite of those things should have been common, that has been missed..... skipped.... wasted. I always thought when she got "better" then we would catch up on all that time. I don't believe this will be the case anymore, because time is the one thing which can't be replaced..... and I see that time has passed by. Several things (understanding) are clicking into place, I'm seeing things in a different light. SIL's niece and nephews are moving away..... they sorta anchored W in her family.... and it's a big thing to see them fly away. SIL for that matter now has a job and is throwing herself into it..... SIL no longer seems to really care too much about her H or what he thinks, she certainly isn't chasing him at all like she did before.. just like my mom did at that age (the need for purpose).... and I remember how much mom and dad drifted apart for years after that: the time for babies over, new priorities took hold..... new independence. I remember how hard that was for dad. I've seen the same thing in W's aunts..... all of them (years ago of course) and how all their M's suffered (but remained intact). I look at the women my age and a little older at work - they are all in the middle of relationship issues.... most have D'ed, but all are pursuing new interests..... radical changes. One of my closest co-workers told me the other day she's retiring early to become a real estate agent. Her dream..... which she just figured out several months ago (

)..... she told me her H was blindsided and is concerned. She said she "has to do it, she's not happy in her job". Not MLC.... just age. None of this is to disparage..... it's normal. No sense in fighting it, just to accept and understand it.
I know what I want..... and what men want (yeah yeah... generalization again. HAHAHAHAHA!!!). Men/I want someone to be crawling all over us. To be kind and warm and interested. To be a team, to share, to build and to help. I've read how the chemicals change, and the binding hormones grow weaker..... it would explain a lot. The drive to make and keep families together isn't as needed once there isn't going to be babies anymore. There has to be a deeper connection to hold it together, some sort of value that lasts beyond..... which I always assumed was love, and love was all you need. HA!!! The thing about men/I is: we don't change. We are static thru life. Our wants and needs don't really change.... and I like that about us. Simplicity. Maybe how driven we are changes, maybe we slow down a bit..... or maybe not..... but the core is unchanged.
Much to think about..... much to unravel. What life looks like as time goes on, and if you're ok with it or not (not that you can stop it

). There are several guys I work with closely (all a little older) who are D'ed.... and they never want to marry again. Girlfriends.... sure.... marriage.... nope. I've heard the same from women (less though) and plenty here on HS who say that. It is a curious thought and question.... the changing of R's over time.... and how we adjust..... what we want.... and what we do with what we find inside ourselves.
Men/I are driven naturally to provide, protect and care for.... that's natural. It was always a worthy goal to build something: a family, a life, a future..... what happens when one person (if they are healed, sane and normal), is no longer is interested in building? What happens when there's nothing left to build and the blueprint is complete? What happens when the girl doesn't need saving anymore? I wonder. I know for me the need to be heroic is so deeply ingrained..... I can't imagine not being called upon to be as such..... but what happens when there isn't a call for help anymore? What happens to us men? I know so many men over my life (older than I am now) who expressed to me how they were no longer useful anymore. Dozens.... hundreds..... maybe several hundred. I never understood this..... but I'm starting to understand it now. My, my, how time teaches.
I remember looking at the old people growing up with their golden anniversaries, and how much they still seemed to be in love, and how much they enjoyed the company of the other. Was it because they selected this as what was most important? Or was there less "other things" to pull them apart? I wonder. Perhaps they were blessed with simpler times, maybe they knew something we don't, or maybe they were just built of sterner stuff.
How simple and effortless they made it seem to my young and impressionable mind.
Such thoughts..... I know they will increase as the ultimate choosing gets closer and the end of MLC draws near. I know W will be having the same thoughts, need to make the same choices. It fills me with equal parts of wonder and dread (and peace?). Not just for what she could choose, but for what I could.
As my sister would say:

One day at a time,