I may have the craziest update..... ever.
Major Journaling:
Well..... how are things? Great!!!
Working out hard, dieting, losing weight, work is good, W is booked to go back to South America at the end of July (for a month - giving me a big break that I'm very much looking forward to)...... vacations are all booked (for me)..... a new pinball machine is on order and will arrive in a couple weeks

Life is good. Life is great.
W is inching forwards towards the end.... and her terrible sleep problems are back with a vengeance..... it seems to only be getting worse as the days roll on.
I think this is natural, and while I'm not alarmed by it - what a terrible experience for her. I'm going to assume this will be a factor until she's totally done with MLC...... but she continues to open up more and more, little by little. By my gauge, she is at the same point now as two years before she broke: moving backwards in time. The last six months (I think) has yielded a year or more of moving backwards: prior to her breakdown. Where is she going? All the way back to her fuse being lit? That would mean 5 years of time left to pass over, but it seems to be accelerating. Well, not my problem, and I'm not the solution. Cook away.
The little dog is super....... super spoiled.

Now the crazy........ she calls and says "I have something to tell you", and there's something very very weird in her voice.
"Do you remember XXXXXX?" (this is the name of the main OM who lives in South America near her mom - but I don't instantly realize who she's talking about at first when she says it - I had forgotten him

). OMG... is she going to confess over the phone, in the middle of the day, while at work?!?!?! Really?
A little history.....
.... this is the person she avoided saying the name for years, and after that barely ever spoke it..... claiming this was "just a friend", and "he's like a brother"

this is also the person she sent $7K to a couple years ago (ridiculous

). Back then, he was a student trying to become an Attorney..... but I know very little about this person, nor do I want to know. I know enough to know he is the stereotypical type an MLC'er grabs on to.
Back to now.....
She continues: "He's an attorney, and he's put a few people that are part of the XXXXX gang away....... this morning he was kidnapped. The cartel called me and are demanding a $15K ransom or they will kill him...... I feel bad about it, but I'm not paying....... they also threatened saying they know where mom lives...... mom is worried and they are leaving their home for a week to avoid trouble".
What?!?! First I should say the voice doesn't lie..... I know she is very rattled, I can hear it. There's a lot to unpack..... the 1st is, she only called me once she couldn't hold it in anymore...... she didn't want to say what was happening, and she didn't want to say his name.

Second, if it is true then it puts everything (for her) in jeopardy: Her mom in possible danger, a condo she probably won't want to use (not safe), an OM/Ex-OM who.... I don't know..... is murdered?
She says they keep calling her, texting her..... and it's all coming from his phone & accounts. They even sent a hostage video.
So much for W's "paradise".
Or it could all be a ploy for cash. Totally possible...... but the mom is headed for the hills, W's trip is probably canceled, and who knows what this does to her MLC...... as for the OM: I don't want anyone hurt, no matter what they have done to me, my family, or whatever. People do get what's coming to them eventually but it's not for me to judge what is appropriate, nor dole out that judgement....... I'm completely content to allow God to do his business and accept that it is just (how could I ever weigh the life, deeds, history and circumstances of a person? I can't - therefore I let it go).
No clue how this turns out - but it has nothing to do with me. I don't even think it's worthy of popcorn, so my wonderful life will continue and this will be someone else's drama. I do find it interesting that W is fine to accept not helping this person, when before she dropped everything to send money. The MLC'er discards the AP...... and that sure seems to be the case here. It also isn't lost on me (if this situation is true) that the captors would call her...... the OM would have to had told them "call her - she'll cough up the cash"..... and also it isn't lost on me that, you gotta be close to someone in order to ask such a thing....... W's telling me (now) "he's a friend of mom's", com'on.... even now you can't come clean. That showdown is coming though, there's no avoiding it forever. I won't allow it, AND I'm not afraid of the relationship not surviving that encounter either. After all...... the marriage resides with me...... it doesn't mean I have to let you back in it.
What a royal mess the MLC'ers create.... but it can always be worse. I shutter to think of the MLC'ers who want to return home and have an OM/OW baby in tow.

One day at a time,