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Author Topic: Forum-Info How to Quote in Posts

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Forum-Info How to Quote in Posts
OP: March 02, 2012, 11:09:24 AM
So you want to quote someone in your posts. You may want to quote an article from somewhere else, quote a piece from another post, quote something from history, your Mom, best friend… or you may want to quote someone from another post, but you only have the direct quote and not the post itself anymore.
There are several ways to quote. First let me go over a few basics about BBC Code (Bulletin Board Code).
The code is put in brackets [like this]. But I can’t show it to you in the brackets because then the code will be active and you won’t see it. So for this example I will use <these> instead of brackets.

Standard Quote
Select the Quote icon

Or you can type it like this:

<quote>Quoted words</quote>

Quoted words

Cited Quote
You can use the same picture icon and add the citation or just type it out.
<quote=Rollercoasterider>Quoted words</quote>

Quote from: Rollercoasterider
Quoted words

Quote From Another Post
Now the next one is more tricky, but it’s pretty cool because it links to the original post. If the original post is in a different thread you may need to have two windows open, or you can paste it in a Word or Notepad type of document to save it. So we are going to quote the first two paragraphs of the post below.
Select the Quote button that is next to the pointer.

The system will then take you to the bottom of the thread where there is a reply box. This is a quick reply box. You can reply from there or copy it to the reply box through the Reply button that gives you more coding options.

That function will copy the entire post, so you can leave it or edit out what you don’t want. For this example I will edit out the last part. Also notice the coding, see how the first line is enclosed in those little brackets? But look at how it looks below. It gives you the name of the person who posted it, and the time and date it was posted and all of that is a link.
At this stage most MLCers use the OW/OM to counsel them through their despair and get the ego stroking they need. They use therapy at this stage to justify why they need to leave. They also take info  they like and need and discard the rest.
When in replay they are not ready to deal with the inner issues. All you can do is let him go on his journey and trust the process.
The quoted text appears and it gives you information about the citation which is a link to the original post.
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« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 12:42:24 PM by Rollercoasterider »


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