Midlife Crisis: Support for Left Behind Spouses
Archives => Archived Topics => Topic started by: UrsaMajor on March 11, 2020, 06:53:46 AM
So, we got to 150 posts n the last thread so here is the new one...
Previous Thread:https://mlcforum.theherosspouse.com/index.php?topic=10662 (https://mlcforum.theherosspouse.com/index.php?topic=10662)
From March 9th
Tonight is the night!
Full Crow/Sap/Worm Moon and a Supermoon to boot (the last one of this year....)
Tonight is the Full Crow Moon also known as the Worm Moon and the Sap Moon. Called the Crow Moon for the cawing crows around this time that signal the end of winter. As the earth thaws worms start to appear. And it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The final Supermoon of the year. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Supermoon.
As we move toward the Spring Equinox when both day and night are at equal length we are reminded to find our own inner balance. focus inward toward inner wisdom and self-analysis. This Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo, this will give us a keen eye for detail, we will see things and people and situations in our lives with crystal clarity, a light will be illuminated allowing us to see beyond the shadows. This is a time of cultivating and growing, just as the Suns energy and nature is doing at this time. Plant the seeds of new ventures, plan for the future, think about what it is you want and need and set about putting a plan into action. Use this energy for your own personal transformation, rebirth and regrowth.
Tonight's Full Moon illuminates our inner feelings and desires, so emotions can be quite raw and enhanced. The Virgo Full Moon means we may be over critical of ourselves and of others, try not to see the bad in everything instead look for the good. The Virgo sign is a very hard working and practical sign so use its energy for getting jobs done that you have been putting off for a while. Virgo is not scared to face deep issues so tackle any problems and bring them to an end.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some during this Full Moon. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight, but don't worry this will pass. We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it%u2019s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides.
The world as it stands is challenged by many opposing forces now. We feel them both personally and collectively, pushing against our own will, raising difficult questions, triggering issues we would rather avoid. How we keep our own balance of light and dark and manage our own inner conflicts largely dictates how we manage outside ones. If we struggle with our own anger or hatred, telling ourselves we shouldn%u2019t feel this way, we will struggle to respond effectively to the anger of others, allow yourself to feel angry or upset, but don't let it take over, keep a balance. If we fear our own power, preferring to see ourselves as victim rather than creator we may succumb to the power wielded by others, adopting their thoughts and priorities, behaviours and lifestyles without discerning the right path for us. If we refuse to acknowledge our own inner selfishness that demands its own way no matter what, we may project it onto the world around us, pointing the finger of judgement and even becoming a bully. Don't suppress your feelings, embrace your light and your dark sides as one cannot exist without the other. We need both. Let go of guilt and allow yourself to feel what you're feeling without self-judgement.
Let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and cleanse your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you mind, body and soul. let the earth element of Virgo restore you. Stay away from negativity and self-doubt. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can you do something about it and begin to heal.
OK, this is a little late but working at home with 3 teenagers is a bit of a challenge
Tonight is the New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries. This will be a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. We will be able to see what needs to be seen in order to fill in the gaps we have been missing and piece together the puzzle. We will see the world with a sharp clarity.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. Any plans, thoughts or actions seeded now could grow into something amazing.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the surface, this New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. This will be a time of seeing illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. Aries is the sign of bravery so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you focused on your destiny. don't be afraid to ask for more, think big and dream big. With this potent Aries energy we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars the God of war so there may be some arguments or pent up anger being released in the next few days so try to stay calm and avoid conflicts. This is a good time to look at our personal relationships, either with family, a partner, work or friends. Look at what may need improving and how to make things better. It is also a time to work on our relationship with ourselves, to realise your inner beauty, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you do.
During the next few days you may experience a feeling of anger or a new found confidence, there will be more intense weather patterns, such as storms or thunder. You may be feeling that you need to get moving in your life. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. There will be more spirit/ghost sightings. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative will happen (traffic, at work, relationships etc) Pets may start acting strangely. This is the Aries energy and will pass soon.
The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone unturned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is yet untravelled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the universe has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want. Aries is a fire sign and is full of ambition and determination, use this energy to go for and get what you want.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Hopefully some of these awakenings happy to these MLCer's. ;D
Thanks UM.
Tonight is a Full "Supermoon," called the "Pink Moon" because of the wild Phlox that are usually blooming this time of year....
Tonight is the Full Pink Moon. The Moon won't actually be the colour pink, the name comes from the herb, moss pink, or wild ground phlox which are bright pink in colour, it is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names for the April Moon are Seed, Wind, Sprouting Grass, Egg and Fish Moon.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Libra. You can't hide anything from a Libra, they are natural detectives. This is the time when everything will be brought to light, secrets and lies will be found out. We will see things as they really are. Libra is an air element, which is all about the intellect and our mind, we will feel sharper and our minds will clear allowing us to see what we could not see before.
In April the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes spreading life all around from one place to the next. This is a brilliant time to start any new projects or ideas we may have, our minds will be filled with creativity and the spreading of thoughts and ideas. This is also the perfect time to conceive as fertility is abundant at this time.
The pull of the past can be strong on this Full Moon. People we haven't seen for a while may contact us, we may find ourselves thinking of our past and the people from long ago. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits and fall back into old destructive patterns. Try and be strong and not take the easy option, instead take the road which will give you the best results. Stay away from bad habits or patterns that keep leading you down a certain path of unhappiness, break the cycle.
Emotions are running high on this Libra Pink Moon, our smallest emotions can be magnified and intensified making us feel a little overwhelmed at times. This is the time to put your gratitude forth for all the many blessings in your life and to clearly speak aloud your desires, let what you want be heard by the universe as we step across this edge to the other side, where miracles and magic can happen, dreams can come true. Allow yourself to ask for more.
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Where are we surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the winds of Libra gently blow over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
Thanks UM! I'm also a Libra so feel it's my special moon.
UM - I almost missed this, but thank you for posting.
I noticed the moon tonight when it was just over the horizon beaming between the bare trees. It was absolutely beautiful. And phlox is one of my favorite ground covers, and I'm a Libra (like Milly), so it resonated with me.
Especially this:
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Where are we surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the winds of Libra gently blow over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
The New Moon was yesterday night (the 23rd) but this was posted too late for me to do anything with it.....
To all the Taureans out there.....
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Taurus bringing with it a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. Truths will be spoken and what was hidden will now be uncovered. So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light, This New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see.
Tonight's New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Bull. It's time to enjoy life's simple and physical pleasures, savour good food and enjoy activities that bring us in touch with nature and with our bodies. It's time to stop and smell the roses and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This will be an emotional New Moon, Your feelings may become overwhelming, you may feel a flood of different emotions all coming at you all at once, you may even find yourself becoming empathic and feeling others emotions. We may find that we have been carrying around a lot of heavy emotional energy that belongs to our friends, lovers or relatives and we will need to recognise that it is time to try to off load it and to stop feeling responsible for how other people feel.
The Taurus New Moon is about strengthening our sense of security. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and to figure out what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. It's a time for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth. We are asked to get in touch with what it is that we truly value and want in our lives and to part with those things or situations that are not contributing to our feelings of worthiness. This includes identifying those things that give us a false sense of security.
This is a time for getting back to to nature and seeing the beauty all around us at the moment, trees are full with foliage, flowers are starting to open up and bloom, fields are lush and green, days are bright and warm, birds are singing. Look at the beauty in our lives and be grateful for all you have. Try to stay positive and steer clear of negativity, look at the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. Taurus gives us strength so now is a good time to get any tough jobs done you may have been putting off.
Use this New Moon to grow both materialistically and spiritually. Nature is giving us so many gifts at the moment don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things, ask for more, do more, be more. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. This is a powerful time of healing and cleansing our spirits, to release the old and stale energy to allow a new and more positive energy in.
Get ready to rumble!
Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.
Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the suns energy. The Full Moon is in Scorpio and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, you cannot hide anything from a Scorpio. We will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.
Like a scorpion shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each of us to shed the layers that are bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.
This Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass in the next few days.
The Scorpio Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era, and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.
These are magnificent times. Change and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant. Surrender to the universal gifts that are coming your way. Let the waters of Scorpio wash over you and cleanse your emotional pain and heal you.
I LOVE Strawberries...... I also believe there is supposed to be a full Lunar Eclipse so ....
Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Sagittariuses energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.
This Full Moon can be an emotional time, our feelings will be intensified, we may start thinking about the past more and lost loved ones, we may find ourselves wanting to reconnect with people we haven't seen for a while. You may experience some restless nights and have wild and vivid dreams.
This will be a passionate Full Moon, Sagittarius is brave and bold and will give us a boost of creativity, courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things only by doing this can we learn and grow.
This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.
This will be a very bright Full Moon, the Sun is at the height of it's power now with Summer Solstice just around the corner. We may be feeling a little lost or confused about our futures and where we are going. After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.
Tonight's Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an awesome summer. The earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the fire element of Sagittarius burn away any negative energies and cleanse and heal your spirit.
How funny! I'm just heading off to pick strawberries from the allotment before the rain comes back :)
I saw you had pictures of your strawberries from last year, Treasur. :)
Thanks, UM! I was just reading your post when my S told my D and I to look out the window at the moon. We saw our strawberry, honeymoon and it was gorgeous!
For whatever it’s worth, the nodes are in play during lunar eclipse cycle. South node is accumulated knowledge and experiences, the familiar, and it’s in Sagittarius now and for the next long while. SN Sagittarius is what you are now meant to release and move forward from.
North node is in Gemini right now and for the next long while, and this is what you are now meant to embrace and move into.
If it feels uncomfortable or like a shake-up, that’s because it is both. Just know that through this cycle, you are growing and evolving. Remember to let go. Grieve, if it feels like that’s needed, but also, welcome the growing.
Terra, thanks for the additional information. It resounded with me because my H is a Sagittarius so: "SN Sagittarius is what you are now meant to release and move forward from," certainly would be good for me.
And: "North node is in Gemini right now and for the next long while, and this is what you are now meant to embrace and move into." My 3 kids are Gemini.
And: "North node is in Gemini right now and for the next long while, and this is what you are now meant to embrace and move into." My 3 kids are Gemini.
So am I!
Ahahah, UM!
When the moon shone out, I stood outside and "talked to it" about moving forward and seeking new opportunities
The following day, I was asked to teach a few more private pupils and today (5 days later and my birthday) I was headhunted to teach 30 pupils (in small groups) with effect from September and the rate of pay is very very reasonable. I have yet to confirm that I will do so but I am fairly convinced that the moon was listening.. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Song, happy birthday for yesterday! So good to hear that an LBS is receiving some good breaks. Best of luck with the teaching.
Hello folks and UM, what a perfect bear. Thank you for allowing my additions in your thread.
I posted this in my story thread tonight but it also belongs here just in case anyone needs it:
Right now there is a lot of throwback to spring/summer 2012. But the nodes are reversed, this time, so what was going on then may seem reflected now in a different way.
The other night I recognized how that felt. Where in 2012, I felt I was carrying the load of something confusing and upsetting, and didn’t know what was really going on or what to do about it, this year it feels like I am carrying the umbrella now, safe from whatever rains down, and seeing my way forward with less and less baggage, and definitely not anyone else’s.
I hope that’s true for anyone reading here this strange summer of 2020. Offhand, I don’t remember how long the nodal transits last. Pretty sure it’s the rest of this unruly year, though.
This song, too — regardless of what our individual stories might be:
Keep it alive. And ;) look up!
Interesting Terra, spring/summer 2012 was my bomb drop date and H and I are both Gemini!
Hmm, that's interesting. The day before Memorial Day 2012 set off the $h!te storm that I firmly believe kick-started MLC.
Summer/early fall 2012 was the last time I felt like my H saw us as truly an "us," and by spring 2013, he was well embroiled in what I now know were his early replay "business" schemes that lost all of our money. :-\
2012 is when my H dove deeper into what I now know was the tunnel. He didn't leave until two years later, but summer 2012 I was so desperate, didn't know what to do. I went to my doctor for the first time in my life to ask for antidepressants. That summer of desperation has always stuck in my mind.
Summer 2012 was my 50th and we had a party but I remember H clearly avoiding me and being difficult including refusing to pose for a family picture.
BD was 9 months later in 2013. But I knew by then that H was already struggling and know that his 50th a few years before had been his initial trigger. From his 50th onwards his spending habits changed and our times together became less important from then on and at that party that was when he started to feel like a stranger.
H is now 63 nearly 64 -lots of full moons over the last 14 years!!!!
Well, here we go......
Tonight is the Full Corn Moon named because this is a time of the corn harvests. The August Full Moon is also known as the Sturgeon Moon because this was the time when wild sturgeon and Salmon would be abundant in rivers and streams. At this time our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a wind of change. The whole of earth is going through a massive transition at the minute, Summer is fading and Autumn is coming in, leaves are starting to change colour on the trees, plants and flowers are dying and seeding the earth for next Spring. But at the same time crops in fields are flourishing with the harvest, fruit is now at it's most ripest. We will feel this energy of transformation, we should use it to help transform and shape ourselves into what we want to be.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
Thanks UM. :)
Here is another take....
August’s Full Moon In Aquarius Is All About Justice
Beautiful pink and purple full moon rise at sunset on the Gold Coast Australia
Another month, another full moon — but 3rd August’s full Sturgeon Moon is about to bring us some intense energy. In the sign of altruistic Aquarius, this moon, according to astrologer Lisa Stardust, is asking us to seek justice and embrace change. “Aquarius is the humanitarian sign of the zodiac and when it’s fully lit up by the glow of the moon, we will all seek ventures that call for us to be more in sync with the modern rhythms of society and to revel from the past and conservative beliefs,” she tells Refinery29.
Uranus seeks social change and justice, and is the modern ruler of Aquarius, she explains. “During this luminary Uranus, who’s in Taurus, will square the Aquarius moon. This means it will be important to take action around transforming our views and scope of information,” she says. Open yourself to learning new things and new causes to believe in — now’s the time to fully commit, and get out and protest for what you believe in.
Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for SunSigns.com, tells Refinery29 that the power of Mars is also present during this full moon in the form of a sextile. “This will inject us with the energy we need to keep on fighting,” she says. “From its current position in Aries, Mars is the ultimate warrior staple that, when channelled appropriately, can help us to keep our inner fire going.”
Which is a great sign — we know that activism is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’ve been collectively going full steam ahead for righteous causes since early June. “While some form of collective healing will take place during this full moon thanks to the sextile this moon forms with asteroid Chiron, there’s a lot more that needs to be done,” she says. And she’s right.
“This is one of the most powerful full moons of the year and can act in ways that are random and volatile,” Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at Keen.com, tells Refinery29. During this celestial happening, it’s important to keep a calm attitude and approach things in an intelligent and grounded manner, she explains. “For those who thrive on change, this moon can seem electric.”
That’s not all. “This full moon will play out in the US and the world in terms of sudden and unexpected — if not explosive — events,” Hale says. She points to concern with finances, unstable political situations and even news concerning women. “In the US President Donald Trump’s chart, this full moon shows revelations, or situations that will become revealed and it’s possible a health problem could surface now or in the near future as it ‘sets off’ his current transit of Uranus square natal Pluto,” she says. “Pluto also deals with power struggles, bullying tactics, sex and money.”
Pretty intense, right? But there are ways we can use this full moon for good, Live the Light, psychic empath and advisor at Keen.com, tells Refinery29. “It’s a powerful time for manifesting goals if you know how to harness the energy,” she explains.
To make the most of this full moon, Live the Light says, first take a break. “Turn off your devices, step away from the chaos of the world and just be,” she recommends. Relax, unwind and take a breather. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to calm your mind.
“Find a quiet space where you can be alone,” Live the Light advises. “Breathe in gently through the nose and out through the mouth. As you inhale, affirm that peace and serenity are entering your body. As you exhale, affirm that fear, worry and self-defeating thoughts are leaving your body.” She says that this process will allow you to invite tranquillity and stillness into your life — something we’re all in need of after a hectic 2020.
And finally, prepare to dream. “Once your mind is clear it’s time to identify what you truly want,” Live the Light says. “Is there a dream or goal that you have always desired to reach? Is there a relationship you want to improve? A skill you want to learn? Take a pen and paper and write it all down.”
Then, she says, ask yourself: What is one thing I can do now to make this dream a reality? “Once you have the answer, commit to doing so within the next two to three days and after that, add additional steps to follow throughout the month.”
Full moon energy can be felt two to three days before its inception and two to three days after it ends — so use these steps to take advantage of this moon and clear your mind, quiet your emotions and focus on long-term goals.
Any full moon updates, UM?
I have an almost full, bright moon coming in my window tonight.
Any full moon updates, UM?
I have an almost full, bright moon coming in my window tonight.
I think it is from the 1st to the 2nd so maybe tomorrow....
As promised.....
Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because at the end of September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest before Winter, so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the constellation of Pisces. This will be a fiery Full Moon deep with raw emotions. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Try to be around nature tonight it will be very healing and nurturing to you. It is ok to cry a little and let yourself feel all those pent up feelings we hold deep down inside us, let them out and wipe the slate clean in your heart. Pisces is a water element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive at the minute, you may have trouble sleeping and when you do sleep may have wild and vivid dreams, but don't worry this will soon pass.
This Pisces Full Moon is here to dissolve what holds you back, to accept that healing is needed and necessary, Sometimes you have got to be brave and open an old wound in order to rip out what is holding you to the past and making you unhappy. There is something sacred about this painful process, it is something no one can help you with it is something only you can do, but it is necessary if you wish to heal and move forward. put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energy project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Pisces will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘hows’ and ‘whens.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and soothe you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigour and energy.
Thanks, UM! I do enjoy the full moon updates!
Thanks UM!
Nice update.... :)
It was last night......
Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.
This is the first of 2 Full Moons this month, at the end of October on Samhain night there will be a very rare Blue Moon. There will not be another Blue Moon on Samhain until 2039. October is going to be a very magical and potent time bringing with it some extreme and exciting changes.
We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.
This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the fire sign of Aries pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Aries Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
Tonight's Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.
Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head deeply into Autumn, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the fire element of Aries burn away negative and destructive energy and cleanse you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.
Thanks UM, I've been waiting.. Gorgeous moon last night!!
Vivid dreams? Yep!
Weird dreams for me too!.
October, for me, is always a thoughtful month as both my parents died in October but in separate years. Mum's anniversary is today 28 years and Dad will be at the end of the month 24 years. So the idea of moving forward and making decisions is very welcome. I am ready for change.
Sorry this is late. It was posted on Saturday at 17:45 PDT which is in the middle of my night and I didn't see it until today... But now you know why things have been a bit weird this weekend.....
Tonight is a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon occurs when there are 2 Full Moons within the same month, this is the second Full Moon of October. The name Blue Moon comes from an ancient word which is 'Belewe' which means to betray so the Blue Moon literally means Betrayer Moon. Monthly Moon phases were each given names, this helped farmers to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations, so the extra Full Moon in a month would often confuse people giving it the name Betrayer Moon.
There is so much happening around this Moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances. It’s as if we are all on the edge of something so big and we have to make the decision to take the path we’ve always taken, or to jump into the territory of new possibilities. Tonight's Full Blue Moon is very rare as it is happening on Samhain night. There will not be another Blue Moon on Samhain until 2039. This is going to be a very magical and potent time bringing with it some extreme and exciting changes.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus it is about celebrating our individuality, our little quirks that make us different from everybody else. Let your creativity come out. Do something a little different, dress a little differently, wear your hair a little differently, rebel against the norm. Take a walk on the weird side of life.
Our minds will be clear and uncluttered around now, we will be able to see things as they really are, we can take off our rose tinted glasses and take a good look at ourselves and the world around us as it is and not how we want it to be. This will also have us asking ourselves if we are happy with where we are and what what we're doing.
As amazing as this Moon will be, and necessary, it’s going to be one that challenges us on every single level. In the build up to this lunar event we may have been feeling restless, or have had an excess of nervous energy. Our pulses may have been racing and it may have been harder for us to relax or fall asleep at night. Our spirits can sense that we are on the verge of something big, but it’s up to us to initiate change. We are on the threshold of having massive pieces of the puzzle collide or fall into place.
There may be big changes or upsets in the status quo during the next several weeks. We may find ourselves acting in ways that only a few weeks ago we never thought possible, but Taurus is lighting a fire inside of our hearts and daring us to break the boundaries that have held us back for far too long.
While we may feel anxious at all of the possible changes being presented to ourselves, know that the universe won’t bring us anything we aren’t ready for. The truth of it is there is no such thing as the perfect time, so now is as good a time as any.
Everything that we have been going through the past year has been leading up to this Moon. It’s the time of infinite possibilities, of desires bubbling over and manifesting themselves in our lives in ways we never thought possible. No matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted, we just have to make the choice now to not let it go.
Because certain chances only come around once in a Blue Moon.
Thanks UM, I really liked that one.
And tonight is a new moon....
Tonight is the New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. It is time to shake off the old, release what is dying and let go of what is not working for us. Scorpio is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings. We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us.
Scorpios New Moon is all about change, just like a Scorpion shedding its skin we will feel the need to get rid of any negative attachments holding us down and stopping us from moving forward. This New Moon is about sweeping your life clean of negative clutter. Our belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown, structures that you have built up are challenged, things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable can come to an end, then new doors open and new chapters begin, you will be ushered into a new phase of your life.
Create the space for positive energy to enter your life. What is not working this New Moon will be highlighted. You will see new pathways and options opening for you. You can become who you truly want to be, rather than who you think you are supposed to be, this is the true meaning of transformation. Don't be afraid to look deep into yourself and ask serious questions, explore both your dark and light side, as we embrace our own darkness we become whole. We are all made of dark and light the trick is not to let one take over the other, to embrace them both equally as both are equally important, without darkness there is no light, without light there is no darkness. We acknowledge the truth of who we are, which will help us see the truth of others.
Scorpios strength is that it isn't afraid of the dark and so when the Moon is in Scorpio it is a perfect time to look at our shadows and see what we've been in fear of, what we have been suppressing and repressing and then dealing with it. When we face our inner demons and fears they aren't as scary as we once thought they were. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves, we will have a great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase.
Let us use these rare insights the Scorpio New Moon will bring to fuel our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, to allow us to see the big picture of what is occurring in our lives, so that we can easily navigate the changing tides. Scorpio holds the power of the water element, this will have our emotions on high alert, let your raw emotions come to the surface this will allow you to heal both mentally and physically.
Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.
The New Moon in Scorpio is sure to leave its extreme emotional mark upon us. It almost dares each of us to go into the unknown and expose new parts of the self which are waiting in the wings to be discovered. Let the waters of Scorpio cleanse and heal you. Get to know yourself again and figure out what you really want.
Every LBS can benefit from the Scorpio New Moon! Thanks for posting UM!
UM isn't there some kind of partial Eclipes coming up??
Don't know about that one but I seem to remember that there is a lunar (Penumbral) eclipse...
However...... for tonight.....
Tonight is the Full Frost Moon, so called because the frost and ice will start to set in as the earth grows colder, animals will start to hibernate for the winter months, the last leaves will fall from the trees and the land will become barren. The Moon is in the sign Gemini. We are amidst some strong planetary alignments that are heralding a need for profound change and revolution inside and out. Our attitude is of foremost importance during this time and can empower us and see us through whatever we are facing. Gratitude for what we have and a willingness to move with the energy that is calling is required.
This particular Full Moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. The places we have been feeling stuck in our lives may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow, let them, don't hold anything in, let your emotions out. The Gemini Full Moon will be filled with raw emotions. Everyone is going to feel it on some level. You can feel your emotions go from high to low to all over the place. We may have trouble sleeping and experience wild and vivid dreams but don't worry as this will pass over the next few days. Be aware of dualistic thoughts, emotions and behaviours, this may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the universe. Try to stay grounded and find a balance. Finances are illuminated on this Full Moon, to watch what we are spending and to improve or bring in any extra income.
Tonight's Full Moon brings change, we are coming to the end of the year with Yule and the New Year fast approaching we must become empowered to make the changes necessary to shift our situation. It is up to us and the time is now. We must let go and surrender to the deeper current that is transforming us. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and other people. Learn from your past mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new.
This Full Moon is about communication, higher learning and our sense of creativity and adventure. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out. We are magnets to our desire right now, we have the power to attract what we want toward us. Gemini is the sign of work, creativity and learning, this will give us a boost in mind power, we will be able to see things more clearly, we will see our own truths and a fog will be lifted that can show us a path that can lead us into improving ourselves both spiritually and mentally.
This Full Moon look into yourself and ask yourself what you need to move forward, ask yourself how you are going to achieve this and ask yourself if you feel that you are strong enough to do this. If you feel that you are not strong enough, use the energy of this Full Moon to heal and gain strength. Ask for guidance and to lead the way to a more positive and happier life. Tonight is a good time to determine just what you value and want to stand for, what you want to create in your life and carry forth into the next cycle of your evolution.
Oh my gosh UM, I see an almost beautiful full moon out there tonight!!!
It's coming up soon...
Here you go! (Picture added later because I can't copy the picture link on my phone...)
Tonight is The Full Cold Moon, it is called the Cold Moon because after tonight the temperature will start to drop rapidly. It is also known as The Oak Moon and Yule Moon. This is an especially special Full Moon because it is the final Full Moon of 2020. This will also be one of the biggest and brightest Moons of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer, it will be an intense highly charged Moon filled with strong emotions coming to the surface, don't hold them back let them out, this is a time of release, of letting go and being our own true authentic selves, let the world see the real you. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out.
This is a particularly lucky Full Moon, so don't be afraid to go for the things you want, lady luck is shining on you right now so be ready for all that the universe is ready to gift you, open your hands and your heart and take your universal gifts. Don't be scared to dream big and ask for more. Be positive and open yourself up to allow the good to come in to your life. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you.
This is a time to look back on the year passed and reflect on all the lessons we have learned and the people who have come and gone in our lives. As we come to the end of this year we should use the energy of this Full Moon to energize ourselves for the coming new year. All the inner work you have focused on this year will now be the foundation for bringing more power, love and energy into your life in this creative, forward-moving period. On this Full Moon we can truly bring in change, and transform ourselves to be who we want to be, we will feel braver and more confident than usual. Good fortune will be on your side. Let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some on this Full Moon in Cancer, we may feel at a cross roads in our lives and are unsure of which path to take, trust your instincts and let them guide you. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight, but don't worry this will pass.
We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides. Embrace the changes coming and steer them in a positive direction.
Let the water element of Cancer wash away any negativity, let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and heal your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you, body and soul. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can we do something about it. Now is a time of reaping the rewards of all the hard work we have put in this year and try and relax a little and let the current take you to a new and exciting New Year.
Thanks UM, this has been one of the most positive moons yet!
I hope everyone can benefit by it's message!
"Don't be scared to dream big and ask for more. Be positive and open yourself up to allow the good to come in to your life. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you."
I only recently discovered these threads and they are really great. What a perfect full moon to close out a year in which we have all lived in interesting times.
And an "interesting" New Moon to start the year off with....
Tonight is the first New Moon of the year in the sign of Capricorn. This New Moon is one of the most significant as it is starting energies to the year ahead and is going to help blow away the cobwebs of 2020 once and for all. 2020 was a year of endings astrologically, which means that 2021 is a year of new beginnings. This death and rebirth cycle is playing out in all of our lives in some way or another and in the coming weeks you will start to feel the “rebirth” occurring. This rebirth energy won’t fully shift into gear until the Full Moon in about 2 weeks, however this New Moon in is definitely going to start setting the wheels in motion.
This New Moon is giving us an opportunity for a new start, a fresh cycle where we can tune in, vision and aim our arrows of light to what we desire. This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our own centre.
The Capricorn New Moon is full of energy, Capricorn is an earth sign which draws on ambition and creativity. Move out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or everything has been moving too slowly lately, then get ready as things are about to speed up and become a lot more exciting in a big way.
This is a fiery New Moon, full of strong feelings and passion. Fire has a way of burning off dead wood and cleansing past hurts and guilt. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on and use it to heal your spirit like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This New Moon will give us a boost of confidence and empowerment. So be bolder, brighter and braver than usual, go for what you thought you couldn’t do before, take a chance and see where it takes you. Stay open to new discoveries and adventures. Seek out who you truly are and where you fit in the world. Now is the time to ask questions and seek answers.
Now is the time to honour the struggles and battles we have faced in the past year. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. This New Moon is full of vigour and renewed energy, we will start to feel uplifted. We are entering a very positive and upbeat period. We can turn our hopes and desires into reality, make wishes, ask for more.
Capricorn is a sign of strength and will give us some much needed strength as we head into a New Year. This is a lucky New Moon and things will start to go right for you. Use this new found luck to your advantage. Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.
Thanks, UM.
I am in Leo! Hear me roar!
Tonight will be the first Full Moon of the year. It is called the Wolf Moon because at this time hungry wolves would howl up to the big bright January Moon outside towns and villages. It is also called the Cold Moon, Winter Moon and the Old Moon.
The word January came from the Roman name for this month. It was named after the God Janus, who was the God with 2 faces. This was the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. This Moon is a time of protection and strength for guarding ourselves. While it is the first Full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. We have said goodbye to the old year and are now looking toward the new year in front of us.
This is not a light and casual Full Moon. It is kicking off 2021 in a big way, with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and be released in our lives. We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of. This Full Moon is in the sign of Leo which will give us great strength and courage to meet any new challenges coming our way.
This can be a loony lunar peak, stand by for moments of irrationality or lashing out. Your emotions will be on high alert for a while so watch what you say to people in heated moments. Try to find some time to relax and calm down and to soothe frayed nerves. It may feel hard to make decisions at the moment you may feel you're being pulled in all direction and are not sure which way to turn. Try to stay calm and the right decisions will come to you.
The Leo Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. Feelings are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings. Watch out for mental obsession, when we worry we focus on what we do not want. Wherever your mind goes energy follows. Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you do not want to happen.
This Full Moon asks us to make a decision, we will feel at a cross road, to stay with the old familiar or to move into the unknown of something new. Try not to go to extremes, it is all about keeping a balance, the fires of Leo may seem out of control now but they will calm and you will feel a clarity and see everything for what it is. This may bring up crisis points but also the potential for major realizations. Breakthrough moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose. We are looking at big changes coming this year, steer the changes in a positive direction. open yourself up and allow love, support and happiness to enter you life.
Use the fire element aspect of Leo to burn away the old stuck and negative energy and cleanse your spirit, let the waves of energy heal you both physically and emotional. Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
Love it
Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
Love it
That is why I have a Phoenix tattooed on my left shoulder.... Got it after ABD and moving into my own apartment....
Lots of good stuff with this moon.
Let go of the past and move forward into a new, better year. :)
Would be very much appreciated.....
Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. This New Moon is one of the most significant as it is starting energies for the year ahead and is going to help blow away the cobwebs of 2020 once and for all. 2020 was a year of endings astrologically, which means that 2021 is going to be a year of new beginnings. This death and rebirth cycle is playing out in all of our lives in some way or another and in the coming weeks you will start to feel the “rebirth” occurring. This rebirth energy won’t fully shift into gear until the Full Moon in about 2 weeks, however this New Moon is definitely going to start setting the wheels in motion.
A new cycle is beginning for you. The Aquarius New Moon can empower you to move in a bold direction. You may break free from bad habits and relationships. You are no longer distracted by fear and doubt. You are ready to be who you were born to be. This is a time of great luck, so go out and try new things, use this lucky time to grow businesses, start new jobs, start new education, learn a new skill, find a new love. Change what isn’t working for us. Often when things don’t feel good in our lives we want to change everything all at once, but just take small steps, just change one small thing at time.
Our emotions will be heightened for the next few days and can be confusing, we may be feeling happy and overjoyed one minute then sad and crying the next. You may have problems sleeping and you may have weird and vivid dreams. Our nerves may be on edge and arguments and misunderstandings could flare up. But don't worry this will pass soon. This is our body, mind and spirit aligning the transformations happening at the moment as the earth enters the end of winter with the last of the snow storms and cold weather as we start approaching Spring.
Don't shy away from hard work or challenges right now they can bring big rewards. If you start to see your challenges from a different perspective, you will see your challenges as opportunities for growth, they keep your life fresh and lively. Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. New opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe when you wish upon a star your wish will be granted. The star is shining on you right now. The New Moon is opening up a new pathway for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened and you can see it.
This New Moon will strengthen the impact for change. Don’t allow anything to hold back your dreams and desires. Listen to your intuition, because your intuition is your inner knowledge, allow your higher Self to guide you to new starts and goals. Sudden unexpected opportunities can come to you from out of the blue at this time, seize them and make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.
There are new perspectives to be enjoyed now and this New Moon reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed from where we want to be we can always get back there as long as there is hope and the will to move and grow.
Aquarius is ruled by the element of Air, use the energy of this New Moon to allow the winds of change to come. 2021 is going to be a challenging but amazing and lucky year, so take this moment to enjoy the new vibration and the fresh start that this New Moon offers.
Nice one, UM!
Boy.... Ugh... Need I say more. Grumpy Bear today
Tonight is The Full Snow Moon so called because the last snows and frosts of winter will begin to appear around this time. The February Full Moon is also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon. It is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of new possibilities. The Snow Moon uses the same force upon us.
This Moon we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will quickly pass.
There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves, now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.
February's Full Moon is in Virgo, this is the sign of ambition, truth and work, you should feel a rush of energy and want to get things done. The Virgo Full Moon message is awaken to your heart’s desires and act on your truth, figure out what it really is you want from life, then work out a bold plan to achieve it.
This Full Moon can be emotionally charged. Virgo is larger than life. Virgo rules big emotions. You may feel overly sensitive to the remarks and actions of other people. The Virgo Full Moon may feel pretty intense. If you like things intense, you may well enjoy its spark and energy, but if you’re already feeling somewhat jaded and in need of a rest, it might be a good time to lay low and let the world pass you by for a little while rather than engaging too deeply with it!
The Full Moon will be very bright tonight as it highlights our lives and shows us underneath the masks we all wear on a daily basis. This is a time to harness your inner power and your strengths and look to the future, make plans, and be brave in your decisions. The cosmic message is to balance your heart with your head. Find the middle ground in your relationships. Live from your heart, yet, be practical in your approach to your dreams and goals. Plant the seeds of fate within ourselves and watch them develop over the coming months.
The best part of Virgo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart. Let go of the need to criticize and judge yourself and others, this will kill your creativity, instead allow yourself and others to make mistakes, it is the only way we learn what works and what does not work for us. There’s a sense of free spirited enjoyment, a faith in happy outcomes and the ability to speak from love and the heart.
The Moon is plump with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. This is a celebration Moon. Rewards for the hard work and intense striving will come to you. Virgo is an earth sign, Let the earth cleanse and heal you, let the moonlight take away any negativity. Mother earth is transforming right now as we move from Winter into Spring and will soon start to blossom and bloom. Let the ear 2'sth transform you into a beautiful new direction full of potential. This is a time for personal growth and deep cleansing and gathering our strength for what's to come.
Thanks, UM!
Here we go again. Ironically, Full Moon on Palm Sunday
Tonight is the Full Crow Moon also known as the Worm Moon and the Sap Moon. Called the Crow Moon for the cawing crows around this time that signal the end of winter. As the earth thaws worms start to appear. And it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Supermoon.
The Spring Equinox has just past us, when both day and night are at equal length we are reminded to find our own inner balance. focus inward toward inner wisdom and self-analysis. This Full Moon is in the sign of Libra, this will give us a keen eye for detail, we will see things and people and situations in our lives with crystal clarity, a light will be illuminated allowing us to see beyond the shadows. This is a time of cultivating and growing, just as the Suns energy and nature is doing at this time. Plant the seeds of new ventures, plan for the future, think about what it is you want and need and set about putting a plan into action. Use this energy for your own personal transformation, rebirth and regrowth.
Tonight's Full Moon illuminates our inner feelings and desires, so emotions can be quite raw and enhanced. The Libra Full Moon means we may be over critical of ourselves and of others, try not to see the bad in everything instead look for the good. The Libra sign is a very hard working and practical sign so use its energy for getting jobs done that you have been putting off for a while. Libra is not scared to face deep issues so tackle any problems and bring them to an end.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some during this Full Moon. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight. We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides.
The world as it stands is challenged by many opposing forces now. We feel them both personally and collectively, pushing against our own will, raising difficult questions, triggering issues we would rather avoid. How we keep our own balance of light and dark and manage our own inner conflicts largely dictates how we manage outside ones. If we struggle with our own anger or hatred, telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel this way, we will struggle to respond effectively to the anger of others, allow yourself to feel angry or upset, but don't let it take over, keep a balance. If we fear our own power, preferring to see ourselves as victim rather than creator we may succumb to the power wielded by others, adopting their thoughts and priorities, behaviours and lifestyles without discerning the right path for us. If we refuse to acknowledge our own inner selfishness that demands its own way no matter what, we may project it onto the world around us, pointing the finger of judgement and even becoming a bully. Don't suppress your feelings, embrace your light and your dark sides as one cannot exist without the other. We need both. Let go of guilt and allow yourself to feel what you're feeling without self-judgement.
Let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and cleanse your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you mind, body and soul. let the air element of Libra blow away negativity. Stay away from self-doubt. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can you do something about it and begin to heal.
Thanks UM.
Tonight is the New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries. This will be a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. We will be able to see what needs to be seen in order to fill in the gaps we have been missing and piece together the puzzle. We will see the world with a sharp clarity.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. Any plans, thoughts or actions seeded now could grow into something amazing.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the surface, this New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. This will be a time of seeing illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. Aries is the sign of bravery so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you focused on your destiny. don't be afraid to ask for more, think big and dream big. With this potent Aries energy we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars the God of war so there may be some arguments or pent up anger being released in the next few days so try to stay calm and avoid conflicts. This is a good time to look at our personal relationships, either with family, a partner, work or friends. Look at what may need improving and how to make things better. It is also a time to work on our relationship with ourselves, to realise your inner beauty, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you do. You will get a boost of new found confidence.
During the next few days you may experience high emotional surges, there will be more intense weather patterns, such as storms or thunder. You may be feeling that you need to get moving in your life. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. There will be more spirit/ghost sightings. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative will happen. Pets may start acting strangely.
The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone unturned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is yet untraveled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the universe has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want. Aries is a fire sign and is full of ambition and determination, use this energy to go for and get what you want.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you and burn away any negative energy. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Thanks, UM! What an excellent message. The pets have been acting strange for a day or two now... so I am going to believe in the power of this new moon and move forward on my own journey with renewed purpose.
Loved that, UM, thanks!
Tonight is the Full Pink Moon. The Moon won't actually be the colour pink, the name comes from the herb, moss pink or wild ground phlox which are bright pink in colour, it is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring. Other names for the April Moon are Seed, Wind, Sprouting Grass, Egg and Fish Moon.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. You can't hide anything from a Scorpio, they are natural detectives. This is the time when everything will be brought to light, secrets and lies will be found out. We will see things as they really are. Scorpio is a water element, which is all about emotions, we will feel emotional around this time and our minds will clear allowing us to see what we could not see before.
In April the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes spreading life all around from one place to the next. This is a brilliant time to start any new projects or ideas we may have, our minds will be filled with creativity and the spreading of thoughts and ideas. This is also the perfect time to conceive as fertility is abundant at this time.
The pull of the past can be strong on this Full Moon. People we haven't seen for a while may contact us, we may find ourselves thinking of our past and the people from long ago. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits and fall back into old destructive patterns. Try and be strong and not take the easy option, instead take the road which will give you the best results. Stay away from bad habits or patterns that keep leading you down a certain path of unhappiness, break the cycle.
Emotions are running high on this Scorpio Pink Moon, our smallest emotions can be magnified and intensified making us feel a little overwhelmed at times. This is the time to put your gratitude forth for all the many blessings in your life and to clearly speak aloud your desires, let what you want be heard by the universe as we step across this edge to the other side, where miracles and magic can happen, dreams can come true. Allow yourself to ask for more.
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Shed your skin just like a Scorpion does to allow new growth. At this time we can be surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the waters of Scorpio gently wash over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
Just a small non-moon aside, Pluto is now retrograde and will remain so until early this October.
For a small planet (and we still acknowledge planetary status), Pluto is deep and intense and has massive impact. This is about transformation, including loss, including death, which all can be summarized as CHANGE.
Let go of what isn’t essential or serving you any longer. Call on your ancestral history and strength. Carry forward only what is in your best interest, only what serves you and your purpose; let the rest be dissolved. Don’t try to cling to outdated or obsolete, or to things or people that appear to be leaving.
Let them leave.
Now is about you.
Keep breathing; let it go, if it’s already going. Notice the freedom and sovereignty you feel upon release.
It will all be ok. It’s just changing, now, and so are you, and it’s going to be ok.
Thanks UM for always keeping us apprised of lunar things. Scorpio moon was a big deal this time, and Pluto Rx made sure of it.
And it is time for the NEW Moon.... Ironically in Taurus which is also the sun sign at the moment....
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Taurus bringing with it a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. Truths will be spoken and what was hidden will now be uncovered. So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light, This New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see.
Tonight's New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Bull. It's time to enjoy life's simple and physical pleasures, savour good food and enjoy activities that bring us in touch with nature and with our bodies. It's time to stop and smell the roses and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This will be an emotional New Moon, Your feelings may become overwhelming, you may feel a flood of different emotions all coming at you all at once, you may even find yourself becoming empathic and feeling others emotions. We may find that we have been carrying around a lot of heavy emotional energy that belongs to our friends, lovers or relatives and we will need to recognise that it is time to try to off load it and to stop feeling responsible for how other people feel.
The Taurus New Moon is about strengthening our sense of security. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and to figure out what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. It's a time for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth. We are asked to get in touch with what it is that we truly value and want in our lives and to part with those things or situations that are not contributing to our feelings of worthiness. This includes identifying those things that give us a false sense of security.
This is a time for getting back to to nature and seeing the beauty all around us at the moment, trees are full with foliage, flowers are starting to open up and bloom, fields are lush and green, days are bright and warm, birds are singing. Look at the beauty in our lives and be grateful for all you have. Try to stay positive and steer clear of negativity, look at the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. Taurus gives us strength so now is a good time to get any tough jobs done you may have been putting off.
Use this New Moon to grow both materialistically and spiritually. Nature is giving us so many gifts at the moment don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things, ask for more, do more, be more. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. This is a powerful time of healing and cleansing our spirits, to release the old and stale energy to allow a new and more positive energy in.
Fasten your seat belts Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time to get a move on....
Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.
Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. We will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly. Like nature, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the suns energy.
This Moon is telling us to welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the fire element of Sagittarius to symbolically die to be reborn again like the Phoenix.
There is a strong energy governing this Full Moon that may make us feel restless and want to go places and do something we have never done before, the Sagittarian is a traveller and adventurer, we will feel this energy wanting us to explore and ask questions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives as we feel strong turbulent waves of emotions coming to the surface. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams.
The Sagittarius Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.
These are magnificent times. Changes and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant. Surrender to the universal gifts that are coming your way. Let the fires of Sagittarius cleanse your emotional pain and heal you
There is a strong energy governing this Full Moon that may make us feel restless and want to go places and do something we have never done before, the Sagittarian is a traveller and adventurer, we will feel this energy wanting us to explore and ask questions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives as we feel strong turbulent waves of emotions coming to the surface. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams.
WAIT, how on earth will I know the difference between these full moon effects and literally my life every. single. other. day. ;)
Also, I was hoping for a good Thunderstorm on Sunday that never came so hopefully this will bring me the thunder and lightning I need, lol.
WAIT, how on earth will I know the difference between these full moon effects and literally my life every. single. other. day. ;)
Also, I was hoping for a good Thunderstorm on Sunday that never came so hopefully this will bring me the thunder and lightning I need, lol.
So, the new moon, complete with Solar Eclipse was yesterday but ..... Here you are....
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Gemini. This New Moon is all about connections and expressions with others and ourselves. We may hear from people we haven't heard from for a while. There will be reunions with friends and family. We sometimes need to have deep personal conversations with other people and ourselves to figure out where we are and where we are going. Our emotions will feel raw at this time, Don't hold back your thoughts and feelings on this New Moon, let them out and tell people how you really feel.
This is a time of great transition, it is a time to let go of the past and to look to the future. Life is moving forward swiftly now, embrace changes and steer them in the direction you want them to go in. Allow a fresh perspective to take hold of you. Let today and everyday be the first day of your life. The past does not equal the future. There is unlimited potential in the spirit. Keep your mind open. Open your heart and let the light in. A new day is dawning for you.
The Gemini New Moon is about communication and using your intellect. Be smarter and wiser, look at your life in a new way, think on things, make plans for the future, use the Gemini influence to help you reach a higher understanding and propel you in a direction you want to go. There will be choices to be made coming soon, leaving you with decisions to make about your future. When you come across multiple choices or two choices and are at a cross roads, rather than becoming scattered like leaves blowing in the wind, quiet down and be still, connect with your Spirit and your higher consciousness and ask for the answer.
This is a dreamy New Moon filled with possibilities and promises. The past few months have been challenging for most of us, many of us had a rude awakening in one form or another and life may have seemed rather hard of late, but with this New Moon things will start to look up. Enjoy the new energy as the Moon starts it’s waxing phase after tonight and will bring us into a new place of positive and good energy. Expect answers to any unsolved questions.
This is a good time to go deep within yourself and see things as they really are. Listen to your intuition. Your instincts will never fail you. The logical mind can be deceived, the eyes and ears can be fooled. They see what they want to see, they hear what they want to hear. However, your Inner self cannot be fooled. Live your life from your authentic self, from inside out. Only you know what you really need and what needs to be done. The power is in your hands.
The New Moon in Gemini is a time for calm and peace. The Cosmos is in perfect harmony at this time. This is a brilliant time to make dreams and wishes come true or just spoil yourself with luxury and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Meditate on any questions you may have and the answers will come to you. Let the winds of change from this air sign blow over you and take you on a journey of discovery. This is the perfect time to start any new projects or learning something new.
I missed the Eclipse, but I love this positive moon! Hope everyone gets a chance to read it.
Thanks UM.
Last month, for some reason, my "source" didn't publish anything for the Full Moon (in June) but for July there is one:
Tonight is The Full Stag Moon, so called because young male stags will start to grow their antlers at this time. It is also called the Thunder Moon because of the thunder storms brought on through the hot and humid air.
Change or be changed is the message of this Full Moon. Since the Summer Solstice you should have felt a sense of something shifting both within yourself and with the outside world, this is because we have crossed a line. The first half of the year is over. We have now entered the second half of the year. This a good time to look back over the last 6 months and look at what you have learned, what you have lost and what you have gained. Take lessons from what you have learned good or bad and use them in your future endeavours whether this be in work, relationships or family.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming. Emotions could hit extremes of both highs and lows and everything in between, with quick, inexplicably crazy shifts. We will experience storms in the sky and a few storms in our lives under the influence of the Thunder Moon energy.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. With harvest just around the corner it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them
Tonight is the New Moon!
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Virgo. The earth is going through a major transition at the moment, dark is taking over light, cold is taking over warmth, death is taking over life as we speed into Autumn. We will be able to see and feel these energies all around us. We can also use these energies of transformation, to become what we want to be, to shed our skin and start a fresh and make changes that will improve our lives. The New Moon is in the sign of Virgo.
With this New Moon we are essentially working on a blank canvas where our ideas can gestate into reality. We can create the world around us and shape our futures to what we want, we just need to be willing to put in the work. All work done around the Virgo New Moon will pay off and give big rewards. This New Moon brings attention to the details and is asking you to listen to your conscience or rather the wise voice from inside, look deep within yourself and ask yourself what it is that will make you happy, what will make you feel whole.
Now is the perfect time to push ourselves and to get things done, make lists of tasks and tick them off one by one. Virgo is the worker sign and you will get great pleasure from getting jobs done. Do work on your home or start a new project or hobby. There is nothing better than working hard on something, seeing the results and reaping the rewards of your labour. You can also strengthen your financial foundation. Set your intention for a financial increase this Autumn. Think big and dream big.
Virgo rules awareness of the body and mind, making full use of resources, attention to details, organisation, self-preservation skills, order, and critical thinking. Virgo sees flaws in systems, whether those systems are our daily routines, the methods we work with on our jobs, our relationships, or our bodies. Striving for perfection can be a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t allow ourselves to become overly focused on flaws and make ourselves feel guilty or stressed about them. Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect, no one is.
You may be feeling a flood of emotions this New Moon coming from all directions, your feelings will be amplified. You may be finding it hard to sleep, you may be having weird thoughts and feelings and strange dreams. Don't worry as this will pass very soon. We are sensitive right now to the shifts of the Summer ending and Autumn beginning. The New Moon will bring with it a new and clear path for us to follow, it will clear out our emotional baggage and let us see things in a new light.
This New Moon is a time for a deep cleansing, to get rid of clutter not just in the home but your emotional clutter. Let the power of the dark Moon cleanse your spirit. Let earth sign Virgo heal you both physically and emotionally. Move to a place of allowing and acceptance. Set your intention for what you want to create this fall. Stay out of negative thinking. Instead ask, ‘What supports my balance?‘ Don’t project out into the future. You are not there yet. You can scare yourself with the ‘What if’s.’ Stay present. Your power and effectiveness are in the here and now
Tonight is the Full Moon.... Enjoy!
Some things sound a bit familiar....
Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because at the end of September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest of the year so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces. This will be a fiery Full Moon deep with raw emotions. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Try to be around nature tonight it will be very healing and nurturing to you. It is ok to cry a little and let yourself feel all those pent up feelings we hold deep down inside us, let them out and wipe the slate clean in your heart. Pisces is a water element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive at the minute, you may have trouble sleeping and when you do sleep may have wild and vivid dreams, but don't worry this will soon pass.
This Pisces Full Moon is here to dissolve what holds you back, to accept that healing is needed and necessary. Sometimes you have got to be brave and open an old wound in order to rip out what is holding you to the past and making you unhappy and allow the wound to heal. There is something sacred about this painful process, it is something no one can help you with, it is something only you can do, but it is necessary if you wish to heal and move forward. Put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energy project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Pisces will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how's’ and ‘when's.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and soothe you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigour and energy.
Bu ah ha ha..... Full Moon time...
Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.
We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.
This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the fire sign of Aries pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Aries Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
Tonight's Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.
Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head deeply into Autumn, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the fire element of Aries burn away negative and destructive energy and cleanse you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.
Thanks, UM!
Now what do I want to change?? Hmmm...
Those last 2 sentences are a trigger….😂🤣😂🤣
;D ;D
And if you thought that the New Moon was something....Hold on to your hat.... This is today and brings one of the longest eclipses to be seen for a while... up to 6 hours from start to finish depending on where you are in the world
Tonight is the Full Frost Moon, so called because the frost and ice will start to set in as the earth grows colder, animals will start to hibernate for the winter months, the last leaves will fall from the trees and the land will become barren. The Moon is in the sign Taurus. We are amidst some strong planetary alignments that are heralding a need for profound change and revolution inside and out. Our attitude is of foremost importance during this time and can empower us and see us through whatever we are facing. Gratitude for what we have and a willingness to move with the energy that is calling is required.
This particular Full Moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. The places we have been feeling stuck in our lives may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow, let them, don't hold anything in, let your emotions out. The Taurus Full Moon will be filled with raw emotions. Everyone is going to feel it on some level. You can feel your emotions go from high to low to all over the place. We may have trouble sleeping and experience wild and vivid dreams but don't worry as this will pass over the next few days. Be aware of dualistic thoughts, emotions and behaviours, this may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the universe. Try to stay grounded and find a balance. Finances are illuminated on this Full Moon, to watch what we are spending and to improve or bring in any extra income.
Tonight's Full Moon brings change, we are coming to the end of the year with Yule and the New Year fast approaching we must become empowered to make the changes necessary to shift our situation. It is up to us and the time is now. We must let go and surrender to the deeper current that is transforming us. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and other people. Learn from your past mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new.
This Full Moon is about communication, higher learning and our sense of creativity and adventure. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out. We are magnets to our desire right now, we have the power to attract what we want toward us. Taurus is the sign of work, creativity and learning, this will give us a boost in mind and body power, we will be able to see things more clearly, we will see our own truths and a fog will be lifted that can show us a path that can lead us into improving ourselves both spiritually and mentally.
This Full Moon look into yourself and ask yourself what you need to move forward, ask yourself how you are going to achieve this and ask yourself if you feel that you are strong enough to do this. If you feel that you are not strong enough, use the energy of this Full Moon to heal and gain strength. Ask for guidance to lead the way to a more positive and happier life. Tonight is a good time to determine just what you value and want to stand for, what you want to create in your life and carry forth into the next cycle of your evolution.
UM this is SO funny both my sister and I had really crazy dreams last night! ;D
Thank you
Appears I have a date with the moon tonight !!
I'm on my phone so no picture but.... Oje!!! "Mirror work" anyone?
Tonight is the New Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. This is the final New Moon of the year. It is time to shed our old skin, release what is dying and let go of what is not working for us. Sagittarius is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings. We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us.
Sagittarius New Moon is all about change, just like a snake shedding its skin we will feel the need to get rid of any negative attachments holding us down and stopping us from moving forward. This New Moon is about sweeping your life clean of negative clutter. Our belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown, structures that you have built up are challenged, things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable can come to an end, then new doors open and new chapters begin, you will be ushered into a new phase of your life.
Create the space for positive energy to enter your life. What is not working this New Moon will be highlighted. You will see new pathways and options opening for you. You can become who you truly want to be, rather than who you think you are supposed to be, this is the true meaning of transformation. Don't be afraid to look deep into yourself and ask serious questions, explore both your dark and light side, as we embrace our own darkness we become whole. We are all made of dark and light the trick is not to let one take over the other, to embrace them both equally as both are equally important, without darkness there is no light, without light there is no darkness. We acknowledge the truth of who we are, which will help us see the truth of others.
Sagittarius strength is that it isn't afraid of the dark and so when the Moon is in Sagittarius it is a perfect time to look at our shadows and see what we've been in fear of, what we have been suppressing and repressing and then dealing with it. When we face our inner demons and fears they aren't as scary as we once thought they were. Sagittarius is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves, we will have a great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase.
Let us use these rare insights the Sagittarius New Moon will bring to fuel our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, to allow us to see the big picture of what is occurring in our lives, so that we can easily navigate the changing tides. Sagittarius holds the power of the fire element, this will have our emotions on high alert, let your raw emotions come to the surface this will allow you to heal both mentally and physically.
Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is sure to leave its extreme emotional mark upon us. It almost dares each of us to go into the unknown and expose new parts of the self which are waiting in the wings to be discovered. Let the fires of Sagittarius cleanse and heal you. Get to know yourself again and figure out what you really want.
"Biggest and brightest?" Uhmmmmm sorry but this one is a "mini-moon" (when the moon is at it's farthest point away form the earth in its orbit) but bright I can believe
Tonight is The Full Cold Moon, it is called the Cold Moon because after tonight the temperature will start to drop rapidly. It is also known as The Oak Moon and Yule Moon. This is an especially special Full Moon because it is the final Full Moon of 2021. This will also be one of the biggest and brightest Moons of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Gemini, it will be an intense highly charged Moon filled with strong emotions coming to the surface, don't hold them back let them out, this is a time of release, of letting go and being our own true authentic selves, let the world see the real you. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out.
This is a particularly lucky Full Moon, so don't be afraid to go for the things you want, lady luck is shining on you right now so be ready for all that the universe is ready to gift you, open your hands and your heart and take your universal gifts. Don't be scared to dream big and ask for more. Be positive and open yourself up to allow the good to come in to your life. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you.
This is a time to look back on the year passed and reflect on all the lessons we have learned and the people who have come and gone in our lives. As we come to the end of this year we should use the energy of this Full Moon to energize ourselves for the coming new year. All the inner work you have focused on this year will now be the foundation for bringing more power, love and energy into your life in this creative, forward-moving period. On this Full Moon we can truly bring in change and transform ourselves to be who we want to be, we will feel braver and more confident than usual. Good fortune will be on your side. Let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some on this Full Moon in Gemini, we may feel at a cross roads in our lives and are unsure of which path to take, trust your instincts and let them guide you. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight, but don't worry this will pass.
We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides. Embrace the changes coming and steer them in a positive direction. Yule (Winter Solstice) is just a few days away, when we welcome back light.
Let the Gemini air element blow away any negativity, let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and heal your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you, body and soul. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can we do something about it. Now is a time of reaping the rewards of all the hard work we have put in this year and try and relax a little and let the current take you to a new and exciting New Year.
Just read this UM and it so fits me at this current moment in time. I am also a Gemini so that helps I guess.
At the moment life chez songandDance has become more difficult for a few reasons so this post is most welcome.
Happy Christmas everyone!
Just read this UM and it so fits me at this current moment in time. I am also a Gemini so that helps I guess.
At the moment life chez SongandDance has become more difficult for a few reasons so this post is most welcome.
Happy Christmas everyone!
You and me both (Gemini's)
Gemini here as well! ;D
B-B-B-Bark at the Mooooooon....
You can thank Ozzy Osbourne for this musical interlude....
And, somewhat ironically as one reads this summary, after ABD and separation, I got a new Tattoo - a phoenix on my left shoulder...
Tonight will be the first Full Moon of the year. It is called the Wolf Moon because at this time hungry wolves would howl up to the big bright January Moon outside towns and villages. It is also called the Cold Moon, Winter Moon and the Old Moon.
The word January came from the Roman name for this month. It was named after the God Janus, who was the God with 2 faces. This was the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. This Moon is a time of protection and strength for guarding ourselves. While it is the first Full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. We have said goodbye to the old year and are now looking toward the new year in front of us.
This is not a light and casual Full Moon. It is kicking off 2022 in a big way, with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and be released in our lives. We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of. This Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer which will give us great strength and courage to meet any new challenges coming our way.
This can be a loony lunar peak, stand by for moments of irrationality or lashing out. Your emotions will be on high alert for a while so watch what you say to people in heated moments. Try to find some time to relax and calm down and to soothe frayed nerves. It may feel hard to make decisions at the moment you may feel you're being pulled in all direction and are not sure which way to turn. Try to stay calm and the right decisions will come to you.
The Cancer Full Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. Feelings are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings. Watch out for mental obsession, when we worry we focus on what we do not want. Wherever your mind goes energy follows. Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you do not want to happen.
This Full Moon asks us to make a decision, we will feel at a cross road, to stay with the old familiar or to move into the unknown of something new. Try not to go to extremes, it is all about keeping a balance, the waters of Cancer may seem out of control now but they will calm and you will feel a clarity and see everything for what it is. This may bring up crisis points but also the potential for major realizations. Breakthrough moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose. We are looking at big changes coming this year, steer the changes in a positive direction. open yourself up and allow love, support and happiness to enter you life.
Use the water element aspect of Cancer to wash away the old stuck and negative energy and cleanse your spirit, let the waves of energy heal you both physically and emotionally. Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
This is good for all LBS's to read.
I read Ursa's post to my daughter's as they are both starting new careers this month. The three of us sat under the full moon with a glass of wine manifesting our 2022. 💕💖💕
Perfect timing, thank you!!
And February 1st was the New Moon so ....
Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. This New Moon is one of the most significant as it is starting energies for the year ahead and is going to help blow away the cobwebs of 2021 once and for all. 2021 was a year of endings astrologically, which means that 2022 is going to be a year of new beginnings. This death and rebirth cycle is playing out in all of our lives in some way or another and in the coming weeks you will start to feel the “rebirth” occurring. This rebirth energy won’t fully shift into gear until the Full Moon in about 2 weeks, however this New Moon is definitely going to start setting the wheels in motion.
A new cycle is beginning for you. The Aquarius New Moon can empower you to move in a bold direction. You may break free from bad habits and relationships. You are no longer distracted by fear and doubt. You are ready to be who you were born to be. This is a time of great luck, so go out and try new things, use this lucky time to grow businesses, start new jobs, start new education, learn a new skill, find a new love. Change what isn’t working for us. Often when things don’t feel good in our lives we want to change everything all at once, but just take small steps, just change one small thing at time.
Our emotions will be heightened for the next few days and can be confusing, we may be feeling happy and overjoyed one minute then sad and crying the next. You may have problems sleeping and you may have weird and vivid dreams. Our nerves may be on edge and arguments and misunderstandings could flare up. But don't worry this will pass soon. This is our body, mind and spirit aligning the transformations happening at the moment as the earth enters the end of winter with the last of the snow storms and cold weather as we start approaching Spring.
Don't shy away from hard work or challenges right now they can bring big rewards. If you start to see your challenges from a different perspective, you will see your challenges as opportunities for growth, they keep your life fresh and lively. Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. New opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe when you wish upon a star your wish will be granted. The star is shining on you right now. The New Moon is opening up a new pathway for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened and you can see it.
This New Moon will strengthen the impact for change. Don’t allow anything to hold back your dreams and desires. Listen to your intuition, because your intuition is your inner knowledge, allow your higher self to guide you to new starts and goals. Sudden unexpected opportunities can come to you from out of the blue at this time, seize them and make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.
There are new perspectives to be enjoyed now and this New Moon reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed from where we want to be we can always get back there as long as there is hope and the will to move and grow.
Aquarius is ruled by the element of Air, use the energy of this New Moon to allow the winds of change to come. 2022 is going to be a challenging but amazing and lucky year, so take this moment to enjoy the new vibration and the fresh start that this New Moon offers.
I really enjoy these, Ursa!
Tonight is the night! 16th of February. Ironically, there is a paragraph about the "inner child" towards the end of this...
Tonight is The Full Snow Moon so called because the last snows and frosts of winter will begin to appear around this time. The February Full Moon is also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon. It is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of new possibilities. The Snow Moon uses the same force upon us.
This Moon we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will quickly pass.
There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves, now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.
February's Full Moon is in Leo, this is the sign of ambition, truth and work, you should feel a rush of energy and want to get things done. The Leo Full Moon message is awaken to your heart’s desires and act on your truth, figure out what it really is you want from life, then work out a bold plan to achieve it.
This Full Moon can be emotionally charged. Leo is larger than life. Leo rules big emotions. You may feel overly sensitive to the remarks and actions of other people. The Leo Full Moon may feel pretty intense. If you like things intense, you may well enjoy its spark and energy, but if you’re already feeling somewhat jaded and in need of a rest, it might be a good time to lay low and let the world pass you by for a little while rather than engaging too deeply with it!
The Full Moon will be very bright tonight as it highlights our lives and shows us underneath the masks we all wear on a daily basis. This is a time to harness your inner power and your strengths and look to the future, make plans, and be brave in your decisions. The cosmic message is to balance your heart with your head. Find the middle ground in your relationships. Live from your heart, yet, be practical in your approach to your dreams and goals. Plant the seeds of fate within ourselves and watch them develop over the coming months.
The best part of Leo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart. Let go of the need to criticize and judge yourself and others, this will kill your creativity, instead allow yourself and others to make mistakes, it is the only way we learn what works and what does not work for us. There’s a sense of free spirited enjoyment, a faith in happy outcomes and the ability to speak from love and the heart.
The Moon is plump with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. This is a celebration Moon. Rewards for the hard work and intense striving will come to you. Leo is a fire sign, Let the fire cleanse and heal you, let the moonlight take away any negativity. Mother earth is transforming right now as we move from Winter into Spring and will soon start to blossom and bloom. Let the earth transform you into a beautiful new direction full of potential. This is a time for personal growth and deep cleansing and gathering our strength for what's to come.
New Moon tonight.....
Tonight is a New Moon in Pisces heralding in a powerful new start. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it is the end of the astrological year.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to our personal evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it's chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes to the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us now.
This is the perfect New Moon to work with our dreams and visions, with art and creativity, music and writing, to let our inventive side take over. Pisces is a water element and water forms a doorway to other realms, a way of being which lets us shape-shift into what we want to be. You may find yourself drifting and caught by distraction, unable to focus. Your psyche is pulling you away from the normal world and into a place of the imagination. This is no time to resist or hold back, let your mind run wild. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want.
This New Moon makes a bold statement leaving no stone unturned, it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to a new path that is yet untraveled and shoot you in a new direction. The New Moon will bring in wonderful surprises. There will be twists and turns around every corner. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may come out of the blue.
The Pisces New Moon will be a very emotional one. We will be feeling everything much more deeper than usual, we may find ourselves happy or crying for no reason. We will find it hard to sleep and we may experience weird or unsettling dreams. This is our minds way of dealing with our emotions and releasing them.
During the next few days you may experience a feelings of anger or a sense of being misunderstood. You may be feeling frustrated and that you need to get moving in your life, that things are happening too slowly. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative (traffic, work, relationships etc). Your pets may start acting strangely, there will be more spirit or ghost sightings. There will be more intense weather patterns happening such as storms or thunder. Try to stay calm as these will pass. There is a major shift happening right now on the earth and within us and we will physically feel this energy.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. There will be a small uncomfortable time of adjustment as we move into the new but we will come out of it feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Caw! Caw! Caw!
Tonight is the Full Crow Moon also known as the Worm Moon and the Sap Moon. Called the Crow Moon for the cawing crows around this time that signal the end of winter. As the earth thaws worms start to appear. And it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
The Spring Equinox will be in a few days, when both day and night are at equal length we are reminded to find our own inner balance. focus inward toward inner wisdom and self-analysis. This Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo, this will give us a keen eye for detail, we will see things and people and situations in our lives with crystal clarity, a light will be illuminated allowing us to see beyond the shadows. This is a time of cultivating and growing, just as the Suns energy and nature is doing at this time. Plant the seeds of new ventures, plan for the future, think about what it is you want and need and set about putting a plan into action. Use this energy for your own personal transformation, rebirth and regrowth.
Tonight's Full Moon illuminates our inner feelings and desires, so emotions can be quite raw and enhanced. The Virgo Full Moon means we may be over critical of ourselves and of others, try not to see the bad in everything instead look for the good. The Virgo sign is a very hard working and practical sign so use its energy for getting jobs done that you have been putting off for a while. Virgo is not scared to face deep issues so tackle any problems and bring them to an end.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some during this Full Moon. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight. We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides.
The world as it stands is challenged by many opposing forces now. We feel them both personally and collectively, pushing against our own will, raising difficult questions, triggering issues we would rather avoid. How we keep our own balance of light and dark and manage our own inner conflicts largely dictates how we manage outside ones. If we struggle with our own anger or hatred, telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel this way, we will struggle to respond effectively to the anger of others, allow yourself to feel angry or upset, but don't let it take over, keep a balance. If we fear our own power, preferring to see ourselves as victim rather than creator we may succumb to the power wielded by others, adopting their thoughts and priorities, behaviours and lifestyles without discerning the right path for us. If we refuse to acknowledge our own inner selfishness that demands its own way no matter what, we may project it onto the world around us, pointing the finger of judgement and even becoming a bully. Don't suppress your feelings, embrace your light and your dark sides as one cannot exist without the other. We need both. Let go of guilt and allow yourself to feel what you're feeling without self-judgement.
Let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and cleanse your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you mind, body and soul. let the earth element of Virgo take away negativity. Stay away from self-doubt. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can you do something about it and begin to heal.
Thanks UM!
Man the months are just flying by. ;D
Full Moon on Easter....
Tonight is the Full Pink Moon. The Moon won't actually be the colour pink, the name comes from the herb, moss pink or wild ground phlox, and pink blossom which are bright pink in colour, they are one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring. Other names for the April Moon are Seed, Wind, Sprouting Grass, Egg and Fish Moon.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Libra. You can't hide anything from a Libra, they are natural detectives. This is the time when everything will be brought to light, secrets and lies will be found out. We will see things as they really are. Libra is an air element, which is all about the intellect, seeing the truth and asking questions, we will feel emotional around this time and our minds will clear allowing us to see what we could not see before.
In April the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes spreading life all around from one place to the next. This is a brilliant time to start any new projects or ideas we may have, our minds will be filled with creativity and the spreading of thoughts and ideas. This is also the perfect time to conceive as fertility is abundant at this time.
The pull of the past can be strong on this Full Moon. People we haven't seen for a while may contact us, we may find ourselves thinking of our past and the people from long ago. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits and fall back into old destructive patterns. Try and be strong and not take the easy option, instead take the road which will give you the best results. Stay away from bad habits or patterns that keep leading you down a certain path of unhappiness, break the cycle.
Emotions are running high on this Libra Pink Moon, our smallest emotions can be magnified and intensified making us feel a little overwhelmed at times. This is the time to put your gratitude forth for all the many blessings in your life and to clearly speak aloud your desires, let what you want be heard by the universe as we step across this edge to the other side, where miracles and magic can happen, dreams can come true. Allow yourself to ask for more.
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Shed your old skin to allow new growth. At this time we can be surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the winds of Libra gently blow over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
Let positive and good pour in.
Amen, UM.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!
Thank you for this UM. It sounds like it’s meant for me to hear. Happy Easter Monday!
Ironically, we are getting some real doozies of Thunderstorms around the country today in Germany....
Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.
Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time.
Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the suns energy. The Full Moon is in Scorpio and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, you cannot hide anything from a Scorpio. We will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.
Like a scorpion shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each of us to shed the layers that are bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.
This Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass in the next few days.
The Scorpio Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era, and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.
These are magnificent times. Change and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant. Surrender to the universal gifts that are coming your way. Let the waters of Scorpio wash over you and cleanse your emotional pain and heal you.
This is very interesting as my S19 woke me up at midnight saying that he was having dreams about his ex-girlfriend and how it hurt him when they broke up and how she moved on so fast. He said this was the first time he was feeling these things (after a year) and why is it coming up now? He was crying,, he was talking about issues and his part in their breakup........
Like a scorpion shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each of us to shed the layers that are bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.
This Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass in the next few days.
This explains a lot for him........
Tonight is the New Moon
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Gemini. This New Moon is all about connections and expressions with others and ourselves. We may hear from people we haven't heard from for a while. There will be reunions with friends and family. We sometimes need to have deep personal conversations with other people and ourselves to figure out where we are and where we are going. Our emotions will feel raw at this time, Don't hold back your thoughts and feelings on this New Moon, let them out and tell people how you really feel.
This is a time of great transition, it is a time to let go of the past and to look to the future. Life is moving forward swiftly now, embrace changes and steer them in the direction you want them to go in. Allow a fresh perspective to take hold of you. Let today and everyday be the first day of your life. The past does not equal the future. There is unlimited potential in the spirit. Keep your mind open. Open your heart and let the light in. A new day is dawning for you.
The Gemini New Moon is about communication and using your intellect. Be smarter and wiser, look at your life in a new way, think on things, make plans for the future, use the Gemini influence to help you reach a higher understanding and propel you in a direction you want to go. There will be choices to be made coming soon, leaving you with decisions to make about your future. When you come across multiple choices or two choices and are at a cross roads, rather than becoming scattered like leaves blowing in the wind, quiet down and be still, connect with your Spirit and your higher consciousness and ask for the answer.
This is a dreamy New Moon filled with possibilities and promises. The past few months have been challenging for most of us, many of us had a rude awakening in one form or another and life may have seemed rather hard of late, but with this New Moon things will start to look up. Enjoy the new energy as the Moon starts it’s waxing phase after tonight and will bring us into a new place of positive and good energy. Expect answers to any unsolved questions.
This is a good time to go deep within yourself and see things as they really are. Listen to your intuition. Your instincts will never fail you. The logical mind can be deceived, the eyes and ears can be fooled. They see what they want to see, they hear what they want to hear. However, your Inner self cannot be fooled. Live your life from your authentic self, from inside out. Only you know what you really need and what needs to be done. The power is in your hands.
The New Moon in Gemini is a time for calm and peace. The Cosmos is in perfect harmony at this time. This is a brilliant time to make dreams and wishes come true or just spoil yourself with luxury and enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Meditate on any questions you may have and the answers will come to you. Let the winds of change from this air sign blow over you and take you on a journey of discovery. This is the perfect time to start any new projects or learning something new.
This sounds inspiring. Thank you for this UM
Here we go - the first Supermoon of 2022.....
Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Sagittarius's energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.
This Full Moon can be an emotional time, our feelings will be intensified, we may start thinking about the past more and lost loved ones, we may find ourselves wanting to reconnect with people we haven't seen for a while. You may experience some restless nights and have wild and vivid dreams.
This will be a passionate Full Moon, Sagittarius is brave and bold and will give us a boost of creativity, courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things, only by doing this can we learn and grow.
This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.
This will be a very bright Full Moon, the Sun is at the height of it's power now with Summer Solstice just around the corner. We may be feeling a little lost or confused about our futures and where we are going. After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.
Tonight's Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an awesome summer. The earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the fire element of Sagittarius burn away any negative energies and cleanse and heal your spirit.
It takes me a while but thank you for posting this info. about the full moon.
Tonight is the New Moon in Cancer...
Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Cancer. There is a wonderful spark to this New Moon. Something feels refreshing and even inspiring. Soak in the awesome energy.
This New Moon speaks of new life. It encourages us to have faith in our potential alongside a deep resolve to ensure that potential is fulfilled. Just as an acorn contains the imprint of the tree it will become, so too do we contain our future selves in a form within us, waiting, slumbering, gestating, until the time is right to come forth into life and purpose.
In the darkness of this New Moon we are invited to dream our future selves into being. This is an intuitive Moon that has so much it wants to share and ask us. There will be cosmic gifts coming your way so be ready to receive them.
The Cancer New Moon reminds us that no matter how much we resist change, the fact is the change has already happened. We are already transformed, we just haven’t realised it yet, it wants us to stop striving now, to relax, be still and recognise the deep peace within, in which our potential is coming forth, it tells us there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. At this moment, right now, we have everything we need to be who we are meant to be. We are already complete.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honouring our deepest and most intimate feelings, recognising the sense of security and safety we need from our homes, jobs, family, partners and friends, allowing ourselves to accept support and offer support to others who need help.
On this New Moon we will feel emotional, our feelings will be pulled in all directions making our heads spin, but let them come through, don't suppress them. Your feelings reveal what you truly love and value. They are your guidance system. Your passion for life is fueled by your feelings. They nourish your creative, artistic and intuitive abilities. In fact, having all the wealth in the world does not matter if you do not feel good. Your feelings count. Trust your emotional instincts on this New Moon. Tap into your deepest darkest feelings for they will reveal who you really are and what you truly want.
Take time to be near water such as a stream, lake, river, waterfall, rain, sea, ocean or take a bath. It is helpful to attune yourself to the Cancer water element, flow and be. This will refresh, renew, cleanse and heal you. Let the waters of Cancer wash over you and wash away negative energies.
July 13th -
Tonight is The Full Stag Moon, so called because young male stags will start to grow their antlers at this time. It is also called the Thunder Moon because of the thunder storms brought on through the hot and humid air.
Change or be changed is the message of this Full Moon. Since the Summer Solstice you should have felt a sense of something shifting both within yourself and with the outside world, this is because we have crossed a line. The first half of the year is over. We have now entered the second half of the year. This a good time to look back over the last 6 months and look at what you have learned, what you have lost and what you have gained. Take lessons from what you have learned good or bad and use them in your future endeavours whether this be in work, relationships or family.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming. Emotions could hit extremes of both highs and lows and everything in between, with quick, inexplicably crazy shifts. We will experience storms in the sky and a few storms in our lives under the influence of the Thunder Moon energy.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the earth element of Capricorn take away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. With harvest just around the corner it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
I'm a little late because I was on vacation until this past Sunday ....
The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
Tonight is the new moon so enjoy!
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Virgo. The earth is going through a major transition at the moment, dark is taking over light, cold is taking over warmth, death is taking over life as we speed into Autumn. We will be able to see and feel these energies all around us. We can also use these energies of transformation, to become what we want to be, to shed our skin and start a fresh and make changes that will improve our lives.
With this New Moon we are essentially working on a blank canvas where our ideas can gestate into reality. We can create the world around us and shape our futures to what we want, we just need to be willing to put in the work. All work done around the Virgo New Moon will pay off and give big rewards. This New Moon brings attention to the details and is asking you to listen to your conscience or rather the wise voice from inside, look deep within yourself and ask yourself what it is that will make you happy, what will make you feel whole.
Now is the perfect time to push ourselves and to get things done, make lists of tasks and tick them off one by one. Virgo is the worker sign and you will get great pleasure from getting jobs done. Do work on your home or start a new project or hobby. There is nothing better than working hard on something, seeing the results and reaping the rewards of your labour. You can also strengthen your financial foundation. Set your intention for a financial increase this Autumn. Think big and dream big.
Virgo rules awareness of the body and mind, making full use of resources, attention to details, organisation, self-preservation skills, order, and critical thinking. Virgo sees flaws in systems, whether those systems are our daily routines, the methods we work with on our jobs, our relationships, or our bodies. Striving for perfection can be a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t allow ourselves to become overly focused on flaws and make ourselves feel guilty or stressed about them. Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect, no one is.
You may be feeling a flood of emotions this New Moon coming from all directions, your feelings will be amplified. You may be finding it hard to sleep, you may be having weird thoughts and feelings and strange dreams. Don't worry as this will pass very soon. We are sensitive right now to the shifts of the Summer ending and Autumn beginning. The New Moon will bring with it a new and clear path for us to follow, it will clear out our emotional baggage and let us see things in a new light.
This New Moon is a time for a deep cleansing, to get rid of clutter not just in the home but your emotional clutter. Let the power of the dark Moon cleanse your spirit. Let earth sign Virgo heal you both physically and emotionally. Move to a place of allowing and acceptance. Set your intention for what you want to create this fall. Stay out of negative thinking. Instead ask, ‘What supports my balance?‘ Don’t project out into the future. You are not there yet. You can scare yourself with the ‘What if’s.’ Stay present. Your power and effectiveness are in the here and now
The Full Moon was Saturday night but I was busy doing dad stuff so....
Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because in September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest of the year so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces. This will be a fiery Full Moon deep with raw emotions. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Try to be around nature tonight it will be very healing and nurturing to you. It is ok to cry a little and let yourself feel all those pent up feelings we hold deep down inside us, let them out and wipe the slate clean in your heart. Pisces is a water element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive at the minute, you may have trouble sleeping and when you do sleep may have wild and vivid dreams, but don't worry this will soon pass.
This Pisces Full Moon is here to dissolve what holds you back, to accept that healing is needed and necessary, Sometimes you have got to be brave and open an old wound in order to rip out what is holding you to the past and making you unhappy and allow the wound to heal. There is something sacred about this painful process, it is something no one can help you with, it is something only you can do, but it is necessary if you wish to heal and move forward. put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energy project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Pisces will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how's’ and ‘when's.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and soothe you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigour and energy.
Tonight is the New Moon - enjoy!
Tonight will be a New Moon in the sign of Libra. This is a time to find a real balance in our life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Now might be a good time to stand still, take a breath and center yourself.
With this New Moon you may be feeling irritated, misunderstood and have little patience for people, this can lead to arguments and upset. We will be feeling all our old wounds, pain, anger and rage. Try to stay calm and weather the storm as it will pass in the coming days. Think before reacting too quickly, try to come from a place of kindness and understanding, keep away from negative thinking.
The Libra New Moon will give us a bolt of energy so if things have felt sluggish and slow lately get ready as things will now start to shift and move a lot faster. Use this energy to get jobs done and to shift things into a positive direction. This will be a productive New Moon, with a promise that the scales of justice will be balanced and we will get what we deserve, what ever work we put in we will get out.
The unexpected will play a big part in this New Moon as Libra is associated with sudden changes and revelations that are unexpected and can be very exciting, so be ready for some big surprises coming over the next few weeks. You can use this energy to bring on big changes and transformation. Get rid of the old clutter holding you back to make room for the new opportunities coming your way.
The message of this New Moon is to find a balance, Knowing when to push and when to rest. Take a step back and look at everything more clearly. Now is the time to start clearing out junk, both in our homes and work and in our emotional lives. Expel negativity and try to let go of any bad thoughts and feelings by looking at how to improve any situations rather than just complain about them. The Libra New Moon holds magical healing power. We are in a profound cleansing and clearing cycle. Allow the deep emotions emerging from the unconscious to be healed.
Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.
We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.
This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the fire sign of Aries pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Aries Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
Tonight's Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.
Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head deeply into Autumn, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the fire element of Aries burn away negative and destructive energy and cleanse you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.
Here we go.....
Tonight is the New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. It is time to shake off the old, release what is dying and let go of what is not working for us. Scorpio is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings. We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us.
The Scorpio New Moon is all about change, just like a Scorpion shedding its skin we will feel the need to get rid of any negative attachments holding us down and stopping us from moving forward. This New Moon is about sweeping your life clean of negative clutter. Our belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown, structures that you have built up are challenged, things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable can come to an end, then new doors open and new chapters begin, you will be ushered into a new phase of your life.
Create the space for positive energy to enter your life. What is not working this New Moon will be highlighted. You will see new pathways and options opening for you. You can become who you truly want to be, rather than who you think you are supposed to be, this is the true meaning of transformation. Don't be afraid to look deep into yourself and ask serious questions, explore both your dark and light side, as we embrace our own darkness we become whole. We are all made of dark and light the trick is not to let one take over the other, to embrace them both equally as both are equally important, without darkness there is no light, without light there is no darkness. We acknowledge the truth of who we are, which will help us see the truth of others.
Scorpios strength is that it isn't afraid of the dark and so when the Moon is in Scorpio it is a perfect time to look at our shadows and see what we've been in fear of, what we have been suppressing and repressing and then dealing with it. When we face our inner demons and fears they aren't as scary as we once thought they were. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves, we will have a great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase.
Let us use these rare insights the Scorpio New Moon will bring to fuel our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, to allow us to see the big picture of what is occurring in our lives, so that we can easily navigate the changing tides. Scorpio holds the power of the water element, this will have our emotions on high alert, let your raw emotions come to the surface this will allow you to heal both mentally and physically.
Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.
The New Moon in Scorpio is sure to leave its extreme emotional mark upon us. It almost dares each of us to go into the unknown and expose new parts of the self which are waiting in the wings to be discovered. Let the waters of Scorpio cleanse and heal you. Get to know yourself again and figure out what you really want
UM, do you have any good information on the Lunar eclipse happening tonight and tomorrow morning?
I'm going to hopefully get up early and watch it. ;D
UM, do you have any good information on the Lunar eclipse happening tonight and tomorrow morning?
I'm going to hopefully get up early and watch it. ;D
It is going to be a big one and the last one for a couple of years. The Moon will be in the full shadow for about 85 minutes in total so will be blood-red due to atmospheric diffraction of sunlight bending through the atmosphere of the earth. More than that I don't have at my finger tips
This full moon actually culminated early this morning at about 04:00 UTC and there was a full eclipse as well (last one until 2025)
Tonight is the Full Frost Moon, so called because the frost and ice will start to set in as the earth grows colder, animals will start to hibernate for the winter months, the last leaves will fall from the trees and the land will become barren. The Moon is in the sign Taurus. We are amidst some strong planetary alignments that are heralding a need for profound change and revolution inside and out. Our attitude is of foremost importance during this time and can empower us and see us through whatever we are facing. Gratitude for what we have and a willingness to move with the energy that is calling is required.
This particular Full Moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. The places we have been feeling stuck in our lives may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow, let them, don't hold anything in, let your emotions out. The Taurus Full Moon will be filled with raw emotions. Everyone is going to feel it on some level. You can feel your emotions go from high to low to all over the place. We may have trouble sleeping and experience wild and vivid dreams but don't worry as this will pass over the next few days. Be aware of dualistic thoughts, emotions and behaviours, this may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the universe. Try to stay grounded and find a balance. Finances are illuminated on this Full Moon, to watch what we are spending and to improve or bring in any extra income.
Tonight's Full Moon brings change, we are coming to the end of the year with Yule and the New Year fast approaching we must become empowered to make the changes necessary to shift our situation. It is up to us and the time is now. We must let go and surrender to the deeper current that is transforming us. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and other people. Learn from your past mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new.
This Full Moon is about communication, higher learning and our sense of creativity and adventure. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out. We are magnets to our desire right now, we have the power to attract what we want toward us. Taurus is the sign of work, creativity and learning, this will give us a boost in mind and body power, we will be able to see things more clearly, we will see our own truths and a fog will be lifted that can show us a path that can lead us into improving ourselves both spiritually and mentally.
This Full Moon look into yourself and ask yourself what you need to move forward, ask yourself how you are going to achieve this and ask yourself if you feel that you are strong enough to do this. If you feel that you are not strong enough, use the energy of this Full Moon to heal and gain strength. Ask for guidance and to lead the way to a more positive and happier life. Tonight is a good time to determine just what you value and want to stand for, what you want to create in your life and carry forth into the next cycle of your evolution.
If you have clear skies (unlike me), go out and look up and enjoy! Tonight will be the start of the Leonid Meteor Shower. There will be a spectacular light show in the night skies where you can see up to 20 shooting stars an hour and thousands over the next 2 days. Wrap up warm and go out and see one of natures most dazzling displays. Remember to make a wish if you see one.
Dang it,
did not see your post in time.
Keep doing what u do
Happy Holidays,
New Moon tonight..... and it looks pretty darn promising...
Tonight will be the November New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. We have an opportunity for a new start, a fresh cycle where we can tune in, vision and aim our arrows of light to what we desire. This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our centre.
The Sagittarius New Moon is full of energy, Sagittarius is a fire sign which draws on ambition and creativity. Move out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or everything has been moving too slowly lately, then get ready as things are about to speed up and become a lot more exciting in a big way.
This is a fiery New Moon, full of strong feelings and passion. Fire has a way of burning off dead wood and cleansing past hurts and guilt. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on, and use it to heal your spirit, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This New Moon will give us a boost of confidence and empowerment. So be bolder, brighter and braver than usual, go for what you thought you couldn’t do before, take a chance and see where it takes you. Stay open to new discoveries and adventures. Seek out who you truly are and where you fit in the world. Now is the time to ask questions and seek answers.
Now is the time to honor the struggles and battles we have faced in the past. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. This new Moon is full of vigour and renewed energy, we will start to feel uplifted. We are entering a very positive and upbeat period. We can turn our hopes and desires into reality, make wishes, ask for more.
Sagittarius is considered the sign of the seeker and the philosopher as well as of Cosmic Law. It focuses us on the important questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? It also gives us a sense of wonder and joy as we contemplate some force greater that calls to us. The archer points his arrow to our future.
This New Moon encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision, you may experience strange or psychic dreams at this time and your psychic awareness will be enhanced.
Tonight is The Full Cold Moon, it is called the Cold Moon because after tonight the temperature will start to drop rapidly. It is also known as The Oak Moon and Yule Moon. This is an especially special Full Moon because it is the final Full Moon of the year. This will also be one of the biggest and brightest Moons of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Gemini, it will be an intense highly charged Moon filled with strong emotions coming to the surface, don't hold them back let them out, this is a time of release, of letting go and being our own true authentic selves, let the world see the real you. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out.
This is a particularly lucky Full Moon, so don't be afraid to go for the things you want, lady luck is shining on you right now so be ready for all that the universe is ready to gift you, open your hands and your heart and take your universal gifts. Don't be scared to dream big and ask for more. Be positive and open yourself up to allow the good to come in to your life. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you.
This is a time to look back on the year passed and reflect on all the lessons we have learned and the people who have come and gone in our lives. As we come to the end of this year we should use the energy of this Full Moon to energize ourselves for the coming new year. All the inner work you have focused on this year will now be the foundation for bringing more power, love and energy into your life in this creative, forward-moving period. On this Full Moon we can truly bring in change and transform ourselves to be who we want to be, we will feel braver and more confident than usual. Good fortune will be on your side. Let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some on this Full Moon in Gemini, we may feel at a cross roads in our lives and are unsure of which path to take, trust your instincts and let them guide you. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight, but don't worry this will pass.
We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides. Embrace the changes coming and steer them in a positive direction. Yule (Winter Solstice) is just a few weeks away, when we welcome back the light.
Let the Gemini air element blow away any negativity, let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and heal your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you, body and soul. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can we do something about it. Now is a time of reaping the rewards of all the hard work we have put in this year and try and relax a little and let the current take you to a new and exciting New Year.
Kind of interesting when I looked at some of the threads this morning....
Tonight will be a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn. It is the final New Moon of the year. We have an opportunity for a new start, a fresh cycle where we can tune in, vision and aim our arrows of light to what we desire. This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our own centre.
The Capricorn New Moon is full of energy, Capricorn is an earth sign which draws on ambition and creativity. Move out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or everything has been moving too slowly lately, then get ready as things are about to speed up and become a lot more exciting in a big way.
This is a fiery New Moon, full of strong feelings and passion. Fire has a way of burning off dead wood and cleansing past hurts and guilt. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on and use it to heal your spirit, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This New Moon will give us a boost of confidence and empowerment. So be bolder, brighter and braver than usual, go for what you thought you couldn’t do before, take a chance and see where it takes you. Stay open to new discoveries and adventures. Seek out who you truly are and where you fit in the world. Now is the time to ask questions and seek answers.
Now is the time to honour the struggles and battles we have faced in the past year. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. This New Moon is full of vigour and renewed energy, we will start to feel uplifted. We are entering a very positive and upbeat period. We can turn our hopes and desires into reality, make wishes, ask for more.
Capricorn is a sign of strength and will give us some much needed strength as we head into a New Year. This is a lucky New Moon and things will start to go right for you. Use this new found luck to your advantage. Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.
Here you are..... A couple of days late but now you can read what happened in your life a couple of days ago <snort!>
Tonight will be the first Full Moon of the year. It is called the Wolf Moon because at this time hungry wolves would howl up to the big bright January Moon outside towns and villages. It is also called the Cold Moon, Winter Moon and the Old Moon.
The word January comes from the Roman name for this month. It was named after the God Janus, who was the God with 2 faces. This was the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. This Moon is a time of protection and strength for guarding ourselves. While it is the first Full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. We have said goodbye to the old year and are now looking toward the new year in front of us.
This is not a light and casual Full Moon. It is kicking off 2023 in a big way, with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and be released in our lives. We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of. This Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer which will give us great strength and courage to meet any new challenges coming our way.
This can be a loony lunar peak, stand by for moments of irrationality or lashing out. Your emotions will be on high alert for a while so watch what you say to people in heated moments. Try to find some time to relax and calm down and to soothe frayed nerves. It may feel hard to make decisions at the moment you may feel you're being pulled in all direction and are not sure which way to turn. Try to stay calm and the right decisions will come to you.
The Cancer Full Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. Feelings are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings. Watch out for mental obsession, when we worry we focus on what we do not want. Wherever your mind goes energy follows. Focus on what you want to happen, not on what you do not want to happen.
This Full Moon asks us to make a decision, we will feel at a cross road, to stay with the old familiar or to move into the unknown of something new. Try not to go to extremes, it is all about keeping a balance, the waters of Cancer may seem out of control now but they will calm and you will feel a clarity and see everything for what it is. This may bring up crisis points but also the potential for major realizations. Breakthrough moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose. We are looking at big changes coming this year, steer the changes in a positive direction. open yourself up and allow love, support and happiness to enter you life.
Use the water element aspect of Cancer to wash away the old stuck and negative energy and cleanse your spirit, let the waves of energy heal you both physically and emotionally. Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
And, if you wondered why you were feeling odd yesterday.....
Tonight is The Full Snow Moon so called because the last snows and frosts of winter will begin to appear around this time. The February Full Moon is also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon. It is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of new possibilities. The Snow Moon uses the same force upon us.
This Moon we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will quickly pass.
There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves, now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.
February's Full Moon is in Leo, this is the sign of ambition, truth and work, you should feel a rush of energy and want to get things done. The Leo Full Moon message is awaken to your heart’s desires and act on your truth, figure out what it really is you want from life, then work out a bold plan to achieve it.
This Full Moon can be emotionally charged. Leo is larger than life. Leo rules big emotions. You may feel overly sensitive to the remarks and actions of other people. The Leo Full Moon may feel pretty intense. If you like things intense, you may well enjoy its spark and energy, but if you’re already feeling somewhat jaded and in need of a rest, it might be a good time to lay low and let the world pass you by for a little while rather than engaging too deeply with it!
The Full Moon will be very bright tonight as it highlights our lives and shows us underneath the masks we all wear on a daily basis. This is a time to harness your inner power and your strengths and look to the future, make plans, and be brave in your decisions. The cosmic message is to balance your heart with your head. Find the middle ground in your relationships. Live from your heart, yet, be practical in your approach to your dreams and goals. Plant the seeds of fate within ourselves and watch them develop over the coming months.
The best part of Leo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart. Let go of the need to criticize and judge yourself and others, this will kill your creativity, instead allow yourself and others to make mistakes, it is the only way we learn what works and what does not work for us. There’s a sense of free spirited enjoyment, a faith in happy outcomes and the ability to speak from love and the heart.
The Moon is plump with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. This is a celebration Moon. Rewards for the hard work and intense striving will come to you. Leo is a fire sign, Let the fire cleanse and heal you, let the moonlight take away any negativity. Mother earth is transforming right now as we move from Winter into Spring and will soon start to blossom and bloom. Let the earth transform you into a beautiful new direction full of potential. This is a time for personal growth and deep cleansing and gathering our strength for what's to come.
And today is the New Moon....
Tonight is a New Moon in Pisces heralding in a powerful new start. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it is the end of the astrological year.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to our personal evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it's chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes to the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us now.
This is the perfect New Moon to work with our dreams and visions, with art and creativity, music and writing, to let our inventive side take over. Pisces is a water element and water forms a doorway to other realms, a way of being which lets us shape-shift into what we want to be. You may find yourself drifting and caught by distraction, unable to focus. Your psyche is pulling you away from the normal world and into a place of the imagination. This is no time to resist or hold back, let your mind run wild. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want.
This New Moon makes a bold statement leaving no stone unturned, it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to a new path that is yet untraveled and shoot you in a new direction. The New Moon will bring in wonderful surprises. There will be twists and turns around every corner. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may come out of the blue.
The Pisces New Moon will be a very emotional one. We will be feeling everything much more deeper than usual, we may find ourselves happy or crying for no reason. We will find it hard to sleep and we may experience weird or unsettling dreams. This is our minds way of dealing with our emotions and releasing them.
During the next few days you may experience a feelings of anger or a sense of being misunderstood. You may be feeling frustrated and that you need to get moving in your life, that things are happening too slowly. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative (traffic, work, relationships etc). Your pets may start acting strangely, there will be more spirit or ghost sightings. There will be more intense weather patterns happening such as storms or thunder. Try to stay calm as these will pass. There is a major shift happening right now on the earth and within us and we will physically feel this energy.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. There will be a small uncomfortable time of adjustment as we move into the new but we will come out of it feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Here is the forecast for this full moon! Enjoy!
Tonight is the Full Crow Moon also known as the Worm Moon and the Sap Moon. Called the Crow Moon for the cawing crows around this time that signal the end of winter. As the earth thaws worms start to appear. And it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
The Spring Equinox will be in a couple of weeks, when both day and night are at equal length we are reminded to find our own inner balance. focus inward toward inner wisdom and self-analysis. This Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo, this will give us a keen eye for detail, we will see things and people and situations in our lives with crystal clarity, a light will be illuminated allowing us to see beyond the shadows. This is a time of cultivating and growing, just as the Suns energy and nature is doing at this time. Plant the seeds of new ventures, plan for the future, think about what it is you want and need and set about putting a plan into action. Use this energy for your own personal transformation, rebirth and regrowth.
Tonight's Full Moon illuminates our inner feelings and desires, so emotions can be quite raw and enhanced. The Virgo Full Moon means we may be over critical of ourselves and of others, try not to see the bad in everything instead look for the good. The Virgo sign is a very hard working and practical sign so use its energy for getting jobs done that you have been putting off for a while. Virgo is not scared to face deep issues so tackle any problems and bring them to an end.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some during this Full Moon. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight. We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides.
The world as it stands is challenged by many opposing forces now. We feel them both personally and collectively, pushing against our own will, raising difficult questions, triggering issues we would rather avoid. How we keep our own balance of light and dark and manage our own inner conflicts largely dictates how we manage outside ones. If we struggle with our own anger or hatred, telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel this way, we will struggle to respond effectively to the anger of others, allow yourself to feel angry or upset, but don't let it take over, keep a balance. If we fear our own power, preferring to see ourselves as victim rather than creator we may succumb to the power wielded by others, adopting their thoughts and priorities, behaviours and lifestyles without discerning the right path for us. If we refuse to acknowledge our own inner selfishness that demands its own way no matter what, we may project it onto the world around us, pointing the finger of judgement and even becoming a bully. Don't suppress your feelings, embrace your light and your dark sides as one cannot exist without the other. We need both. Let go of guilt and allow yourself to feel what you're feeling without self-judgement.
Let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and cleanse your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you mind, body and soul. let the earth element of Virgo take away negativity. Stay away from self-doubt. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can you do something about it and begin to heal.
Tonight is the New Moon
Tonight is the New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries. This will be a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. We will be able to see what needs to be seen in order to fill in the gaps we have been missing and piece together the puzzle. We will see the world with a sharp clarity.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. Any plans, thoughts or actions seeded now could grow into something amazing.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the surface, this New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. This will be a time of seeing illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. Aries is the sign of bravery so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you stay focused on your destiny. don't be afraid to ask for more, think big and dream big. With this potent Aries energy we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars the God of war so there may be some arguments or pent up anger being released in the next few days so try to stay calm and avoid conflicts. This is a good time to look at our personal relationships, either with family, a partner, work or friends. Look at what may need improving and how to make things better. It is also a time to work on our relationship with ourselves, to realise your inner beauty, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you do. You will get a boost of new found confidence.
During the next few days you may experience high emotional surges, there will be more intense weather patterns, such as storms or thunder. You may be feeling that you need to get moving in your life. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. There will be more spirit/ghost sightings. People will be acting more assertive and arguments will happen. Pets may start acting strangely.
The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone unturned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is yet untraveled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the universe has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want. Aries is a fire sign and is full of ambition and determination, use this energy to go for and get what you want.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you and burn away any negative energy. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
I come back from time to time to read this. Thank you so much for posting!
I come back from time to time to read this. Thank you so much for posting!
Hi Tyks! Nice to "read" from you again.... Hope that you are doing well
I'm a bit behind due to being on vacation for 3 weeks but here you are:
Tonight is the New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries. This will be a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. We will be able to see what needs to be seen in order to fill in the gaps we have been missing and piece together the puzzle. We will see the world with a sharp clarity.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. Any plans, thoughts or actions seeded now could grow into something amazing.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the surface, this New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. This will be a time of seeing illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. Aries is the sign of bravery so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you focused on your destiny. don't be afraid to ask for more, think big and dream big. With this potent Aries energy we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars the God of war so there may be some arguments or pent up anger being released in the next few days so try to stay calm and avoid conflicts. This is a good time to look at our personal relationships, either with family, a partner, work or friends. Look at what may need improving and how to make things better. It is also a time to work on our relationship with ourselves, to realise your inner beauty, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you do. You will get a boost of new found confidence.
During the next few days you may experience high emotional surges, there will be more intense weather patterns, such as storms or thunder. You may be feeling that you need to get moving in your life. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. There will be more spirit/ghost sightings. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative will happen. Pets may start acting strangely.
The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone unturned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is yet untraveled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the universe has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want. Aries is a fire sign and is full of ambition and determination, use this energy to go for and get what you want.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you and burn away any negative energy. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Tonight is the Full Pink Moon. The Moon won't actually be the colour pink, the name comes from the herb, moss pink or wild ground phlox, and pink blossom which are bright pink in colour, they are one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring. Other names for the April Moon are Seed, Wind, Sprouting Grass, Egg and Fish Moon.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Libra. You can't hide anything from a Libra, they are natural detectives. This is the time when everything will be brought to light, secrets and lies will be found out. We will see things as they really are. Libra is an air element, which is all about the intellect, seeing the truth and asking questions, we will feel emotional around this time and our minds will clear allowing us to see what we could not see before.
In April the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes spreading life all around from one place to the next. This is a brilliant time to start any new projects or ideas we may have, our minds will be filled with creativity and the spreading of thoughts and ideas. This is also the perfect time to conceive as fertility is abundant at this time.
The pull of the past can be strong on this Full Moon. People we haven't seen for a while may contact us, we may find ourselves thinking of our past and the people from long ago. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits and fall back into old destructive patterns. Try and be strong and not take the easy option, instead take the road which will give you the best results. Stay away from bad habits or patterns that keep leading you down a certain path of unhappiness, break the cycle.
Emotions are running high on this Libra Pink Moon, our smallest emotions can be magnified and intensified making us feel a little overwhelmed at times. This is the time to put your gratitude forth for all the many blessings in your life and to clearly speak aloud your desires, let what you want be heard by the universe as we step across this edge to the other side, where miracles and magic can happen, dreams can come true. Allow yourself to ask for more.
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Shed your old skin to allow new growth. At this time we can be surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the winds of Libra gently blow over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
Tonight is the full moon again.....
Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.
Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the suns energy. The Full Moon is in Scorpio and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, you cannot hide anything from a Scorpio. We will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.
Like a scorpion shedding its skin as a form of renewal, the Full Moon in Scorpio calls to each of us to shed the layers that are bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.
This Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass in the next few days.
This Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era, and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.
These are magnificent times. Change and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant. Surrender to the universal gifts that are coming your way. Let the waters of Scorpio wash over you and cleanse your emotional pain and heal you.
Since last Thursday was a holiday in Germany (Ascension Day) and I had a) a day off on Friday and my kids were with me the entire weekend, I am late.....
It was May 19th
Tonight is the New Moon in the sign of Taurus bringing with it a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. Truths will be spoken and what was hidden will now be uncovered. So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light, This New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see.
Tonight's New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Bull. It's time to enjoy life's simple and physical pleasures, savour good food and enjoy activities that bring us in touch with nature and with our bodies. It's time to stop and smell the roses and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This will be an emotional New Moon, Your feelings may become overwhelming, you may feel a flood of different emotions all coming at you all at once, you may even find yourself becoming empathic and feeling others emotions. We may find that we have been carrying around a lot of heavy emotional energy that belongs to our friends, lovers or relatives and we will need to recognise that it is time to try to off load it and to stop feeling responsible for how other people feel.
The Taurus New Moon is about strengthening our sense of security. It is a time for re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions and to figure out what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. It's a time for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. We should be concentrating on what it is we can do to increase our own feelings of self-worth. We are asked to get in touch with what it is that we truly value and want in our lives and to part with those things or situations that are not contributing to our feelings of worthiness. This includes identifying those things that give us a false sense of security.
This is a time for getting back to to nature and seeing the beauty all around us at the moment, trees are full with foliage, flowers are starting to open up and bloom, fields are lush and green, days are bright and warm, birds are singing. Look at the beauty in our lives and be grateful for all you have. Try to stay positive and steer clear of negativity, look at the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. Taurus gives us strength so now is a good time to get any tough jobs done you may have been putting off.
Use this New Moon to grow both materialistically and spiritually. Nature is giving us so many gifts at the moment don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things, ask for more, do more, be more. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. This is a powerful time of healing and cleansing our spirits, to release the old and stale energy to allow a new and more positive energy in.
Better late than never I guess....
Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Sagittarius's energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.
This Full Moon can be an emotional time, our feelings will be intensified, we may start thinking about the past more and lost loved ones, we may find ourselves wanting to reconnect with people we haven't seen for a while. You may experience some restless nights and have wild and vivid dreams.
This will be a passionate Full Moon, Sagittarius is brave and bold and will give us a boost of creativity, courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things, only by doing this can we learn and grow.
This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.
This will be a very bright Full Moon, the Sun is at the height of it's power now with Summer Solstice just around the corner. We may be feeling a little lost or confused about our futures and where we are going. After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.
Tonight's Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an awesome summer. The earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the fire element of Sagittarius burn away any negative energies and cleanse and heal your spirit.
It did look good UM!
It's time - the full moon was last night (night from July 3rd to 4th in Europe)
Tonight is The Full Stag Moon, so called because young male stags will start to grow their antlers at this time. It is also called the Thunder Moon because of the thunder storms brought on through the hot and humid air.
Change or be changed is the message of this Full Moon. Since the Summer Solstice you should have felt a sense of something shifting both within yourself and with the outside world, this is because we have crossed a line. The first half of the year is over. We have now entered the second half of the year. This a good time to look back over the last 6 months and look at what you have learned, what you have lost and what you have gained. Take lessons from what you have learned good or bad and use them in your future endeavours whether this be in work, relationships or family.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming. Emotions could hit extremes of both highs and lows and everything in between, with quick, inexplicably crazy shifts. We will experience storms in the sky and a few storms in our lives under the influence of the Thunder Moon energy.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the earth element of Capricorn take away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. With harvest just around the corner it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
Last night....
Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Cancer. There is a wonderful spark to this New Moon. Something feels refreshing and even inspiring. Soak in the awesome energy.
This New Moon speaks of new life. It encourages us to have faith in our potential alongside a deep resolve to ensure that potential is fulfilled. Just as an acorn contains the imprint of the tree it will become, so too do we contain our future selves in a form within us, waiting, slumbering, gestating, until the time is right to come forth into life and purpose.
In the darkness of this New Moon we are invited to dream our future selves into being. This is an intuitive Moon that has so much it wants to share and ask us. There will be cosmic gifts coming your way be ready to receive them.
The Cancer New Moon reminds us that no matter how much we resist change, the fact is the change has already happened. We are already transformed, we just haven’t realised it yet, it wants us to stop striving now, to relax, be still and recognise the deep peace within, in which our potential is coming forth, it tells us there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. At this moment, right now, we have everything we need to be who we are meant to be. We are already complete.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honouring our deepest and most intimate feelings, recognising the sense of security and safety we need from our homes, jobs, family, partners and friends, allowing ourselves to accept support and offer support to others who need help.
On this New Moon we will feel emotional, our feelings will be pulled in all directions making our heads spin, but let them come through, don't suppress them. Your feelings reveal what you truly love and value. They are your guidance system. Your passion for life is fueled by your feelings. They nourish your creative, artistic and intuitive abilities. In fact, having all the wealth in the world does not matter if you do not feel good. Your feelings count. Trust your emotional instincts on this New Moon. Tap into your deepest darkest feelings for they will reveal who you really are and what you truly want.
Take time to be near water such as a stream, lake, river, waterfall, rain, sea, ocean or take a bath. It is helpful to attune yourself to the Cancer water element, flow and be. this will refresh, renew, cleanse and heal you. Let the waters of Cancer wash over you and wash away negative energies.
Full Moon tonight - there are 2 this month, one tonight and one on the 29th.....
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a wind of change. The whole of earth is going through a massive transition at the minute, Summer is fading and Autumn is coming in, leaves are starting to change colour on the trees, plants and flowers are dying and seeding the earth for next Spring. But at the same time crops in fields are flourishing with the harvest, fruit is now at it's most ripest. We will feel this energy of transformation, we should use it to help transform and shape ourselves into what we want to be.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.
Super moon.
Change is slapping me upside my head this morning. It’s all in a good way, but still a bit unnerving.
I just read this: :)
A rare super blue moon arrives this week. Here's how to see it.
CBS News
Updated August 28, 2023 at 8:13 AM
A rare super blue moon will shine in the sky as August wraps up.
The month already featured a supermoon as it began, but the second full supermoon of the month — which will appear on Aug. 30 — will also be a blue moon. A blue moon is not actually blue in color; the term signifies a second full moon within a single month.
August's first full moon rose on Aug. 1 and was the second of four consecutive supermoons. On average, supermoons are about 16% brighter than an average moon. They also appear bigger than the average full moon. According to NASA, it's similar to the size difference between a quarter and a nickel. The phenomenon occurs when the moon's orbit is closest to Earth at the same time the moon is full.
The Aug. 30 supermoon will appear to be even closer than the full moon at the beginning of the month. The last of the four consecutive supermoons this year will be the Sept. 28 "Harvest Moon."
The silhouette of treetops on a hill seen in front of the
The silhouette of treetops on a hill seen in front of the
Those who miss out on the blue moon will have quite a wait before the next one. While around 25% of full moons are supermoons, just 3% of full moons are blue moons, according to NASA. The next blue moon after the one on Aug. 30 will be in May 2026. Astronomy fans will be in for a special treat come 2037, which will feature super blue moons in January and March.
This Wednesday's super blue moon will reach its peak at 9:36 p.m. EDT. Those looking to the skies may also spot Saturn, which will be visible near the moon around 8:42 p.m. EDT and appear to swing clockwise around the moon as the evening progresses, according to NASA. Saturn should be visible just by looking up, but binoculars or a telescope will help viewers make out some of the planet's distinguishing features.
Saturn moved directly opposite the sun on Saturday night and will stay there through Sunday night, with the sun's illumination allowing the ringed planet to appear bigger and brighter in the sky, according to NASA. It will remain visible until February of next year.
And here's what it all meant....
Tonight is a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon occurs when there are 2 Full Moons within the same month, this is the second Full Moon of August. The name Blue Moon comes from an ancient word which is 'Belewe' which means to betray, so the Blue Moon literally means Betrayer Moon. Monthly Moon phases were each given names, this helped farmers to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations, so the extra Full Moon in a month would often confuse people giving it the name Betrayer Moon.
Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time.
There is so much happening around this Moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances. It’s as if we are all on the edge of something so big and we have to make the decision to take the path we’ve always taken, or to jump into the territory of new possibilities. Tonight's Full Super Blue Moon is very rare as there won't be another until 2037.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces it is about celebrating our individuality, our little quirks that make us different from everybody else. Let your creativity come out. Do something a little different, dress a little differently, wear your hair a little differently, rebel against the norm. Take a walk on the weird side of life.
Our minds will be clear and uncluttered around now, we will be able to see things as they really are, we can take off our rose tinted glasses and take a good look at ourselves and the world around us as it is and not how we want it to be. This will also have us asking ourselves if we are happy with where we are and what what we're doing.
As amazing as this Moon will be, and necessary, it’s going to be one that challenges us on every single level. In the build up to this lunar event we may have been feeling restless, or have had an excess of nervous energy. Our pulses may have been racing and it may have been harder for us to relax or fall asleep at night. Our spirits can sense that we are on the verge of something big, but it’s up to us to initiate change. We are on the threshold of having massive pieces of the puzzle collide or fall into place.
There may be big changes or upsets in the status quo during the next several weeks. We may find ourselves acting in ways that only a few weeks ago we never thought possible, but Pisces is lighting a fire inside of our hearts and daring us to break the boundaries that have held us back for far too long.
While we may feel anxious at all of the possible changes being presented to ourselves, know that the universe won’t bring us anything we aren’t ready for. The truth of it is there is no such thing as the perfect time, so now is as good a time as any.
Everything that we have been going through the past year has been leading up to this Moon. It’s the time of infinite possibilities, of desires bubbling over and manifesting themselves in our lives in ways we never thought possible. No matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted, we just have to make the choice now to not let it go.
Because certain chances only come around once in a Blue Moon.
Tonight is the New Moon for September - written from a VERY Northern Hemisphere perspective....
Tonight is the September New Moon in the sign of Virgo. The earth is going through a major transition at the moment, dark is taking over light, cold is taking over warmth, death is taking over life as we speed into Autumn. We will be able to see and feel these energies all around us. We can also use these energies of transformation, to become what we want to be, to shed our skin and start a fresh and make changes that will improve our lives.
With this New Moon we are essentially working on a blank canvas where our ideas can gestate into reality. We can create the world around us and shape our futures to what we want, we just need to be willing to put in the work. All work done around the Virgo New Moon will pay off and give big rewards. This New Moon brings attention to the details and is asking you to listen to your conscience or rather the wise voice from inside, look deep within yourself and ask yourself what it is that will make you happy, what will make you feel whole.
Now is the perfect time to push ourselves and to get things done, make lists of tasks and tick them off one by one. Virgo is the worker sign and you will get great pleasure from getting jobs done. Do work on your home or start a new project or hobby. There is nothing better than working hard on something, seeing the results and reaping the rewards of your labour. You can also strengthen your financial foundation. Set your intention for a financial increase this Autumn. Think big and dream big.
Virgo rules awareness of the body and mind, making full use of resources, attention to details, organisation, self-preservation skills, order, and critical thinking. Virgo sees flaws in systems, whether those systems are our daily routines, the methods we work with on our jobs, our relationships, or our bodies. Striving for perfection can be a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t allow ourselves to become overly focused on flaws and make ourselves feel guilty or stressed about them. Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect, no one is.
You may be feeling a flood of emotions this New Moon coming from all directions, your feelings will be amplified. You may be finding it hard to sleep, you may be having weird thoughts and feelings and strange dreams. Don't worry as this will pass very soon. We are sensitive right now to the shifts of the Summer ending and Autumn beginning. The New Moon will bring with it a new and clear path for us to follow, it will clear out our emotional baggage and let us see things in a new light.
This New Moon is a time for a deep cleansing, to get rid of clutter not just in the home but your emotional clutter. Let the power of the dark Moon cleanse your spirit. Let earth sign Virgo heal you both physically and emotionally. Move to a place of allowing and acceptance. Set your intention for what you want to create this fall. Stay out of negative thinking. Instead ask, ‘What supports my balance?‘ Don’t project out into the future. You are not there yet. You can scare yourself with the ‘What if’s.’ Stay present. Your power and effectiveness are in the here and now...
Here we go - this is the last Super Moon of the year as well so we are "livin' large!"
Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because in September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest of the year so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Aries. This will be a fiery Full Moon deep with raw emotions. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Try to be around nature tonight it will be very healing and nurturing to you. It is ok to cry a little and let yourself feel all those pent up feelings we hold deep down inside us, let them out and wipe the slate clean in your heart. Aries is a fire element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive at the minute, you may have trouble sleeping and when you do sleep may have wild and vivid dreams, but don't worry this will soon pass.
This Aries Full Moon is here to burn away what holds you back, to accept that healing is needed and necessary, Sometimes you have got to be brave and open an old wound in order to rip out what is holding you to the past and making you unhappy and allow the wound to heal. There is something sacred about this painful process, it is something no one can help you with, it is something only you can do, but it is necessary if you wish to heal and move forward. put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energy project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Aries will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how's’ and ‘when's.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the fires of Aries cleanse you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigour and energy.
So, if you were wondering why your weekend was weird..... Full moon was Saturday night....
Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.
We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.
This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the earth sign of Taurus pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Taurus Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
Tonight's Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.
Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head deeply into Autumn, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the Earth element of Taurus destroy any negative and destructive energy let moonlight cleanse and heal you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.
Brrrrrrr....... It is winter in the Northern Hemisphere now....
Tonight is the Full Frost Moon, so called because the frost and ice will start to set in as the earth grows colder, animals will start to hibernate for the winter months, the last leaves will fall from the trees and the land will become barren. The Moon is in the sign Gemini. We are amidst some strong planetary alignments that are heralding a need for profound change and revolution inside and out. Our attitude is of foremost importance during this time and can empower us and see us through whatever we are facing. Gratitude for what we have and a willingness to move with the energy that is calling is required.
This particular Full Moon will not be boring and will have an unpredictable vibe along with it. The places we have been feeling stuck in our lives may suddenly begin to move or shift. If emotions are clogged, they may surface and flow, let them, don't hold anything in, let your emotions out. The Gemini Full Moon will be filled with raw emotions. Everyone is going to feel it on some level. You can feel your emotions go from high to low to all over the place. We may have trouble sleeping and experience wild and vivid dreams but don't worry as this will pass over the next few days. Be aware of dualistic thoughts, emotions and behaviours, this may be generating a lot of mental stress and tension plus sending out mixed signals to others and the universe. Try to stay grounded and find a balance. Finances are illuminated on this Full Moon, to watch what we are spending and to improve or bring in any extra income.
Tonight's Full Moon brings change, we are coming to the end of the year with Yule and the New Year fast approaching we must become empowered to make the changes necessary to shift our situation. It is up to us and the time is now. We must let go and surrender to the deeper current that is transforming us. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and other people. Learn from your past mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new.
This Full Moon is about communication, higher learning and our sense of creativity and adventure. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out. We are magnets to our desire right now, we have the power to attract what we want toward us. Gemini is the sign of deep thinking, creativity and learning, this will give us a boost in mind and body power, we will be able to see things more clearly, we will see our own truths and a fog will be lifted that can show us a path that can lead us into improving ourselves both spiritually and mentally.
This Full Moon look into yourself and ask yourself what you need to move forward, ask yourself how you are going to achieve this and ask yourself if you feel that you are strong enough to do this. If you feel that you are not strong enough, use the energy of this Full Moon to heal and gain strength. Ask for guidance to lead the way to a more positive and happier life. Tonight is a good time to determine just what you value and want to stand for, what you want to create in your life and carry forth into the next cycle of your evolution.
New Moon tonight
Tonight will be the final New Moon of the year. We have an opportunity for a new start, a fresh cycle where we can tune in, vision and aim our arrows of light to what we desire. This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our centre.
The New Moon is in Sagittarius and it is full of energy, Sagittarius is a fire sign which draws on ambition and creativity. Move out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or everything has been moving too slowly lately, then get ready as things are about to speed up and become a lot more exciting in a big way.
This is a fiery New Moon, full of strong feelings and passion. Fire has a way of burning off dead wood and cleansing past hurts and guilt. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on, and use it to heal your spirit, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This New Moon will give us a boost of confidence and empowerment. So be bolder, brighter and braver than usual, go for what you thought you couldn’t do before, take a chance and see where it takes you. Stay open to new discoveries and adventures. Seek out who you truly are and where you fit in the world. Now is the time to ask questions and seek answers.
Now is the time to honor the struggles and battles we have faced in the past. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. This new Moon is full of vigour and renewed energy, we will start to feel uplifted. We are entering a very positive and upbeat period. We can turn our hopes and desires into reality, make wishes, ask for more.
Sagittarius is considered the sign of the seeker and the philosopher as well as of Cosmic Law. It focuses us on the important questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? It also gives us a sense of wonder and joy as we contemplate some force greater that calls to us. The archer points his arrow to our future.
This New Moon encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision, you may experience strange or psychic dreams at this time and your psychic awareness will be enhanced. Let the fires of Sagittarius cleans and heal you and burn away any negative energy. Use this New Moon energy to clear out old clutter as we go into the New Year.
The last full moon of 2023...
Tonight is The Full Cold Moon, it is called the Cold Moon because after tonight the temperature will start to drop rapidly. It is also known as The Oak Moon and Yule Moon. This is an especially special Full Moon because it is the final Full Moon of 2023. This will also be one of the biggest and brightest Moons of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer, it will be an intense highly charged Moon filled with strong emotions coming to the surface, don't hold them back let them out, this is a time of release, of letting go and being our own true authentic selves, let the world see the real you. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos demands that we let it out.
This is a particularly lucky Full Moon, so don't be afraid to go for the things you want, lady luck is shining on you right now so be ready for all that the universe is ready to gift you, open your hands and your heart and take your universal gifts. Don't be scared to dream big and ask for more. Be positive and open yourself up to allow the good to come in to your life. Be ambitious, go for what you want or put plans into place to get what you want in the future. You will have an inner strength now that will pull you through anything that comes up against you.
This is a time to look back on the year passed and reflect on all the lessons we have learned and the people who have come and gone in our lives. As we come to the end of this year we should use the energy of this Full Moon to energize ourselves for the coming new year. All the inner work you have focused on this year will now be the foundation for bringing more power, love and energy into your life in this creative, forward-moving period. On this Full Moon we can truly bring in change and transform ourselves to be who we want to be, we will feel braver and more confident than usual. Good fortune will be on your side. Let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
This Full Moon brings light to whatever was hidden in the darkness or buried within the subconscious such as emotional pain or our deepest desires, but once awareness happens you are able to make realistic changes. Our emotional levels move like strong turbulent waves in the ocean during high tide for some on this Full Moon in Cancer, we may feel at a cross roads in our lives and are unsure of which path to take, trust your instincts and let them guide you. Emotional reactions may be strong, energies may feel irritable or uptight, but don't worry this will pass.
We are amidst great times of transformation which are heralding major new beginnings. Change isn't always easy or comfortable and it’s constant, so we must strive to keep our balance during these changing tides. Embrace the changes coming and steer them in a positive direction.
Let the Cancer water element wash away any negativity, let the energy of this Full Moon wash over you and heal your spirit, use it to heal you both emotionally and physically. Let the moonlight bathe and sooth you, body and soul. Seek a balance of light and dark and see the truth in your life however much it may hurt, only then can we do something about it. Now is a time of reaping the rewards of all the hard work we have put in this year and try and relax a little and let the current take you to a new and exciting New Year.
I've been on Christmas Holiday (had to use vacation days or loose them) so I am a bit behind here but....
The first New Moon of 2024..... January 11th
Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn. This New Moon is one of the most significant as it is starting energies for the year ahead and is going to help blow away the cobwebs of 2023 once and for all. 2023 was a year of endings astrologically, which means that 2024 is going to be a year of new beginnings. This death and rebirth cycle is playing out in all of our lives in some way or another and in the coming weeks you will start to feel the “rebirth” occurring. This rebirth energy won’t fully shift into gear until the Full Moon in about 2 weeks, however this New Moon is definitely going to start setting the wheels in motion.
A new cycle is beginning for you. The Capricorn New Moon can empower you to move in a bold direction. You may break free from bad habits and relationships. You are no longer distracted by fear and doubt. You are ready to be who you were born to be. This is a time of great luck, so go out and try new things, use this lucky time to grow businesses, start new jobs, start new education, learn a new skill, find a new love. Change what isn’t working for you. Often when things don’t feel good in our lives we want to change everything all at once, but just take small steps, just change one small thing at time.
Our emotions will be heightened for the next few days and can be confusing, we may be feeling happy and overjoyed one minute then sad and crying the next. You may have problems sleeping and you may have weird and vivid dreams. Our nerves may be on edge and arguments and misunderstandings could flare up. But don't worry this will pass soon. This is our body, mind and spirit aligning the transformations happening at the moment as the earth enters the end of winter with the last of the snow storms and cold weather as we look toward Spring and Imbolc.
Don't shy away from hard work or challenges right now they can bring big rewards. If you start to see your challenges from a different perspective, you will see your challenges as opportunities for growth, they keep your life fresh and lively. Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. New opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe when you wish upon a star your wish will be granted. The star is shining on you right now. The New Moon is opening up a new pathway for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened and you can see it.
This New Moon will strengthen the impact for change. Don’t allow anything to hold back your dreams and desires. Listen to your intuition, because your intuition is your inner knowledge, allow your higher self to guide you to new starts and goals. Sudden unexpected opportunities can come to you from out of the blue at this time, seize them and make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.
There are new perspectives to be enjoyed now and this New Moon reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed from where we want to be we can always get back there as long as there is hope and the will to move and grow.
Capricorn is ruled by the element of Earth, use the energy of this New Moon to allow us to plant seeds in the earth to grow over the coming year. 2024 is going to be a challenging but amazing and lucky year, so take this moment to enjoy the new vibration and the fresh start that this New Moon offers.
And, for tonight, here you are......
Tonight will be the first Full Moon of the year. It is called the Wolf Moon because at this time hungry wolves would howl up to the big bright January Moon outside towns and villages. It is also called the Cold Moon, Winter Moon and the Old Moon.
The word January comes from the Roman name for this month. It is named after the God Janus, who is a God with 2 faces. This is the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. While it is the first Full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. In these respects, the Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. We have said goodbye to the old year and are now looking toward the new year in front of us.
This is not a light and casual Full Moon. It is kicking off 2024 in a big way, with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and be released in our lives. We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of. This Full Moon is in the sign of Leo which will give us great strength and courage to meet any new challenges coming our way.
This can be an erratic Full Moon, stand by for moments of irrationality or lashing out. Your emotions will be on high alert for a while so watch what you say to people in heated moments. Try to find some time to relax and calm down and to soothe frayed nerves. It may feel hard to make decisions at the moment you may feel you're being pulled in all direction and are not sure which way to turn. Try to stay calm and the right decisions will come to you.
The Leo Full Moon is reminding you to use your feelings to guide your life. What you think and feel matters. Feelings are your indicators in every moment. Feelings don’t lie. Feelings are never right or wrong. your feelings and emotions are the best part of you. Your power lies in what you do with your feelings. Watch out for mental obsessions, when we worry we focus on what we do not want to happen. Wherever your mind goes energy follows. Try to focus on what you want to happen, not on what you do not want to happen.
This Full Moon asks us to make a decision, we will feel at a cross road, to stay with the old familiar or to move into the unknown of something new. Try not to go to extremes, it is all about keeping a balance, the fires of Leo may seem out of control now but they will calm after burning what lies in your way and you will feel a clarity and see everything for what it is. This may bring up crisis points but also the potential for major realizations. Breakthrough moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose. We are looking at big changes coming this year, steer the changes in a positive direction. open yourself up and allow love, support and happiness to enter you life.
Use the fire element aspect of Leo to burn away the old stuck and negative energy and cleanse your spirit, let the flames of energy heal you both physically and emotionally. Sometimes like a phoenix you have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes a stronger and wiser you.
New Moon tonight......
Tonight is a New Moon in Aquarius heralding in a powerful new start. This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to our personal evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it's chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes to the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us now.
This is the perfect New Moon to work with our dreams and visions, with art and creativity, music and writing, to let our inventive side take over. Aquarius is an air element and air forms a doorway to other realms, a way of being which lets us shape-shift into what we want to be. You may find yourself drifting and caught by distraction, unable to focus. Your psyche is pulling you away from the normal world and into a place of the imagination. This is no time to resist or hold back, let your mind run wild. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want.
This New Moon makes a bold statement leaving no stone unturned, it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to a new path that is yet untraveled and shoot you in a new direction. The New Moon will bring in wonderful surprises. There will be twists and turns around every corner. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may come out of the blue.
The Aquarius New Moon will be a very emotional one. We will be feeling everything much more deeper than usual, we may find ourselves happy or crying for no reason. We will find it hard to sleep and we may experience weird or unsettling dreams. This is our minds way of dealing with our emotions and releasing them.
During the next few days you may experience a feelings of anger or a sense of being misunderstood. You may be feeling frustrated and that you need to get moving in your life, that things are happening too slowly. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative (traffic, work, relationships etc). Your pets may start acting strangely, there will be more spirit or ghost sightings. There will be more intense weather patterns happening such as storms or thunder. Try to stay calm as these will pass. There is a major shift happening right now on the earth and within us and we will physically feel this energy.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. There will be a small uncomfortable time of adjustment as we move into the new but we will come out of it feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Let the winds of Aquarius cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Full Moon was mid-day Saturday....and it was a mini-moon (the opposite of a super moon)....
Tonight is The Full Snow Moon so called because the last snows and frosts of winter will begin to appear around this time. The February Full Moon is also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon. It is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of new possibilities. The Snow Moon uses the same force upon us.
This Moon we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions we don't even understand, happy and laughing one minute, teary and sad the next, we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will quickly pass.
There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves, now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.
February's Full Moon is in Virgo, this is the sign of ambition, truth and work, you should feel a rush of energy and want to get things done. The Virgo Full Moon message is awaken to your heart’s desires and act on your truth, figure out what it really is you want from life, then work out a bold plan to achieve it.
This Full Moon can be emotionally charged. Virgo is larger than life. Virgo rules big emotions. You may feel overly sensitive to the remarks and actions of other people. The Virgo Full Moon may feel pretty intense. If you like things intense, you may well enjoy its spark and energy, but if you’re already feeling somewhat jaded and in need of a rest, it might be a good time to lay low and let the world pass you by for a little while rather than engaging too deeply with it!
The Full Moon will be very bright tonight as it highlights our lives and shows us underneath the masks we all wear on a daily basis. This is a time to harness your inner power and your strengths and look to the future, make plans and be brave in your decisions. The cosmic message is to balance your heart with your head. Find the middle ground in your relationships. Live from your heart, yet, be practical in your approach to your dreams and goals. Plant the seeds of fate within ourselves and watch them develop over the coming months.
The best part of Virgo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart. Let go of the need to criticize and judge yourself and others, this will kill your creativity, instead allow yourself and others to make mistakes, it is the only way we learn what works and what does not work for us. There’s a sense of free spirited enjoyment, a faith in happy outcomes and the ability to speak from love and the heart.
The Moon is plump with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. This is a celebration Moon. Rewards for the hard work and intense striving will come to you. Virgo is an earth sign, Let the earth energy cleanse and heal you, let the moonlight take away any negativity. Mother earth is transforming right now as we move from Winter into Spring and will soon start to blossom and bloom. Let the earth transform you into a beautiful new direction full of potential. This is a time for personal growth and deep cleansing and gathering our strength for what's to come.
New Moon last night......
Tonight is a New Moon in Pisces heralding in a powerful new start. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it is the end of the astrological year.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to our personal evolution, like a butterfly coming out of its chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes to the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us now.
This is the perfect New Moon to work with our dreams and visions, with art and creativity, music and writing, to let our inventive side take over. Pisces is a water element and water forms a doorway to other realms, a way of being which lets us shape-shift into what we want to be. You may find yourself drifting and caught by distraction, unable to focus. Your psyche is pulling you away from the normal world and into a place of the imagination. This is no time to resist or hold back, let your mind run wild. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want.
This New Moon makes a bold statement leaving no stone unturned, it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to a new path that is yet untraveled and shoot you in a new direction. This New Moon will bring in wonderful surprises, there will be twists and turns around every corner. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may come out of the blue.
The Pisces New Moon will be a very emotional one. We will be feeling everything much more deeper than usual, we may find ourselves happy or crying for no reason. We will find it hard to sleep and we may experience weird or unsettling dreams. This is our minds way of dealing with our emotions and releasing them.
During the next few days you may experience a feelings of anger or a sense of being misunderstood. You may be feeling frustrated and that you need to get moving in your life, that things are happening too slowly. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. People will be acting more assertive and argumentative (traffic, work, relationships etc). Your pets may start acting strangely, there will be more spirit or ghost sightings. There will be more intense weather patterns happening such as storms or thunder. Try to stay calm as these will pass. There is a major shift happening right now on the earth and within us and we will physically feel this energy.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. There will be a small uncomfortable time of adjustment as we move into the new, but we will come out of it feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse and heal you. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
New Moon and a massive Solar Eclipse in the US today....
Tonight is the New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries. This will be a very intense period of new discoveries and new awakenings. We will be able to see what needs to be seen in order to fill in the gaps we have been missing and piece together the puzzle. We will see the world with a sharp clarity.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of it’s chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives. Any plans, thoughts or actions seeded now could grow into something amazing.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the surface, this New Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. This will be a time of seeing illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. Aries is the sign of bravery so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you stay focused on your destiny. don't be afraid to ask for more, think big and dream big. With this potent Aries energy we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.
This New Moon is ruled by Mars the God of war so there may be some arguments or pent up anger being released in the next few days so try to stay calm and avoid conflicts. This is a good time to look at our personal relationships, either with family, a partner, work or friends. Look at what may need improving and how to make things better. It is also a time to work on our relationship with ourselves, to realise your inner beauty, and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you do. You will get a boost of new found confidence.
During the next few days you may experience high emotional surges, there will be more intense weather patterns, such as storms or thunder. You may be feeling that you need to get moving in your life. There may be some anxiety and impatience over where you are and where you want to be. There will be more spirit/ghost sightings. People will be acting more assertive and arguments will happen. Pets may start acting strangely.
The New Moon in Aries makes a bold statement and thus leaves no stone unturned as it may symbolically or literally directly point the way to the path that is yet untraveled. Within the unknown or unfamiliar, the universe has the opportunity to bring in wonderful surprises. This is a time to make wishes and go for what you want. Aries is a fire sign and is full of ambition and determination, use this energy to go for and get what you want.
This New Moon is all about change, it is a breath of much needed fresh air. Get rid of old baggage that holds you back. Let the fire of Aries cleanse and heal you and burn away any negative energy. This is a lucky time, so do things that you felt you couldn't do in the past, be a bit bolder, a bit louder, ask for what you want from the universe, let your thoughts and desires manifest into something real.
Tonight is the night......
Tonight is the Full Pink Moon. The Moon won't actually be the colour pink, the name comes from the herb, moss pink or wild ground phlox, and pink blossom which are bright pink in colour, they are one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring. Other names for the April Moon are Seed, Wind, Sprouting Grass, Egg and Fish Moon.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. You can't hide anything from a Scorpio, they are natural detectives. This is the time when everything will be brought to light, secrets and lies will be found out. We will see things as they really are. Scorpio is a water element, which is all about emotions, seeing the truth and asking questions, we will feel emotional around this time and our minds will clear allowing us to see what we could not see before.
In April the thunderstorms of March are beginning to subside and the wind picks up. Seeds are being blown about on the breezes spreading life all around from one place to the next. This is a brilliant time to start any new projects or ideas we may have, our minds will be filled with creativity and the spreading of thoughts and ideas. Plant seeds of ideas to grow in the future. This is also the perfect time to conceive as fertility is abundant at this time.
The pull of the past can be strong on this Full Moon. People we haven't seen for a while may contact us, we may find ourselves thinking of our past and the people from long ago. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits and fall back into old destructive patterns. Try and be strong and not take the easy option, instead take the road which will give you the best results. Stay away from bad habits or patterns that keep leading you down a certain path of unhappiness, break the cycle.
Emotions are running high on this Scorpio Pink Moon, our smallest emotions can be magnified and intensified making us feel a little overwhelmed at times. This is the time to put your gratitude forth for all the many blessings in your life and to clearly speak aloud your desires, let what you want be heard by the universe as we step across this edge to the other side, where miracles and magic can happen, dreams can come true. Allow yourself to ask for more.
We are in a powerful time where we are asked to look at what is no longer working in our lives, where is the old skin stuck and inhibiting our further growth. Shed your old skin to allow new growth. At this time we can be surrounded by things, people, situations, attitudes that are actually toxic and need to be burned in the fire, so we can rebirth ourselves from the ashes like the phoenix does.
Use the light of this Full Moon to cast away negativity and the negative aspects of our lives and to let positive and good pour in. Open yourself up and allow your vessel to be filled with the blessings that the universe is sending out right now. Let the waters of Scorpio gently wash over your spirit to cleanse and heal you.
Last post for this thread..... Next time around it will be Full Moon Alert VII
Tonight will be the Full Flower Moon, named because of all the flowers blossoming and blooming at this time. May's Full Moon is also known as the Bright Moon because it is very bright and the Corn Planting Moon because this is the time when farmers would plant corn for it to be ready for the harvest.
Like nature at this time, we are blossoming, we are growing day by day with the strength of the Sun. Like solar panels we are soaking up the suns energy. The Full Moon is in Sagittarius and it shines its light in the darkest places, encouraging us to peer in and see what’s there. Things that were once hidden will show themselves to us, Sagittarius is a sign of truth and does not shy away from seeing things the way they truly are. We will be able to see ourselves and others in a whole new light and look at our lives more clearly.
Like animals shedding their skin and fur around this time, The Full Moon in Sagittarius calls to each of us to shed the layers that are bringing a rebirth, allowing a new skin to emerge. Welcome change, allow your light to penetrate the dark areas of fear, shame and deep seated resentment that lies hidden underneath. Give yourself permission to heal and move forward in your life, use the potential of the Full Moon to symbolically die to be reborn.
This Full Moon emotions will be raw, we may find we are feeling a flow of different emotions and a feeling of being pulled in many different directions. There will be storms both in weather and in our lives. We may have trouble sleeping and when we do we may experience weird and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass in the next few days.
This Full Moon will bring lessons in self transformation pulling you toward a more effective destiny, such as moving on to bigger and better things. Continue to maintain balance as you clean up the residue of what is already fractured in your life to allow new and positive beginnings to start. We are now in a new era and are on the threshold of things beginning to develop a lot more quickly than they have in recent months. While things may still feel somewhat slow, they are about to quicken in a big way.
These are magnificent times. Change and life shifts are to be welcomed. Let the energy of this Full Moon help you see where you are emotionally stuck and resistant. Surrender to the universal gifts that are coming your way. Let the fires of Sagittarius cleanse your emotional pain and heal you.
Next Thread is here: https://mlcforum.theherosspouse.com/index.php?topic=12187 (https://mlcforum.theherosspouse.com/index.php?topic=12187)