Stayed has said that love can be re-kindled at a later time. I have had to blindly accept that statement - because if I think about it too much - I have doubts that this could actualy happen.
In a regular, non MLC affair it can be done. After a MLC I think it depends of all that has happened. The LBS will change and move on so it may never be possible to do so.
I don't know if the LBS doesn't or won't care if they come back or not. I think we need to accept the fact that they may or may not come back.
It is really a difficult concept. To live like they are not coming back - in my mind - means that I go forward with my life. I do not plan to be alone for the remainder of my, eventually, I would imagine that I would be open to a new relationship.
But, I am not divorced. I remain legally married. So, until my divorce is through - I continue to live my life as if I am married? But, I have no partner. I am alone (with my kids...thankfully).
Exactly, living if they are not coming back means move on, find someone new, remarry, have a new life. Like you I still legally married (against my will). I have dated, I liked the man but, you see, I was still legally married.
The concept does not work very well. If we really live like they are not coming back there is no more room for them. Unless, of course, the LBS has no plnas to have another relationship ever or the MLCer turn up when the LBS is still not in another relationship.
So....let's take it further - if my H finally divorces me....I am a free woman. There are many Standers here who are divorced...and yet continue to Stand for their marriage.
When are you really living like they are never coming back?
I dare say, in that sense, they are not. They are wainting for the MLC process to end and, hopefully, have their MLCer abck. Some of those LBS, of course, may end up finding someone and, in that case, I think things will change.
To it is more about Standing for ourselves, until we re fit and strong enough to move forward, with or without the MLCer. Standing for a marriage that does not exist and a vanishing husband, in my case, does not make sense.
I think that this is the fear or concern of many Standers - who have been Standing for some time (1, 2, 3 + years). Will I still care? Will I even want him/her back? I wonder about this.....
Like the MLCer we will cycle and, again, it will depend of what happens in the LBS life, how long they are in crisis, the type of contact/relationship we have with out MLCer. In the end many of us may not want the MLCer back. But we had become strong, know our selves better and know what man/woman we want in our lives.
Well, we have a normally depressed spouse, when they stop being depressed we do not have a patient and therapist relationship with them. Like you do not have a patient therapist relationship with a true borderline spouse.
However, I have no wish to be looking after a broken MLCer. The more the LBS is on their own, the more detached and strong we become the less appealing the thought of having a broken MLCer back. To me, having a person in that condition in my life would mean go backwards.
So, it may be that if not too much time as passed and the LBS has not become too detached, too strong, too moving forward and living like they are not coming back, the LBS may still find some appeal in the returning MLCer.
Yes, at a point the MLCer will have many needs the LBS no longer has.
I know that i sound a bit Pollyana - but wouldn't it be great if we both were to heal ourselves and reconcile as two healthy people? But, it seems that many (most) MLCers return broken (if/when they return).
Yes, that would be great. And that may happen if, for exemple, LBS and MLCer are divorced, the MLCer has had its crisis and, latter on, reconnects with the LBS. If the LBS remains single both partner may, by then, be happy and healthy. Having a broken MLCer back will see the couple on a bumpy road that may lead to happiness and a great marriage but the LBS will have a tough time, toughter than during replay. If the LBS is happy and healed way before the MLCer is out of the tunnel and has found a new life, I’m not certain the MLCer has a chance. Most likely the MLCer will not have a change in those circumstances. The LBS, on the other hand, will be a very well grounded happy person
Many here believe it is temporary. Many here believe that if they are not nice or compassionate about MLC, including understanding that the affair is a symptom of the character disorder, that the MLCer will not come back to the marriage.
Don’t think MLC is a character disorder. To me it is a mental, psychological and emotional disorder. Don’t even think there is such thing as a character disorder. There are character flaws. For me it pretty soon become irrelevant if I’m not or not nice to my MLCer. I’m nice, in the few times I speak to him, because I’m not a rude person but that is all. I’ve never walked on egg shells and have always told him what I thought.
Personally I think that is a waste of life, but others may feel that it IS their life's calling to be forever devoted to their husband or wife--even if that husband or wife does not return the devotion.
Waiting forever is not an option for me. It never was. The only thing I’ve been waiting for years is the legal end of the marriage. To me it is a waste of time to wait forever. Waiting is more a case of the LBS to be well enough to move on healthy than for the LBS to wake up.
EITHER outcome is very, very sad. It hurts a great deal to give up on the hope that the character disorder is temporary (or temporary enough) and move on. I think that except for the very religious here, where hope is not the driving factor, and religion dictates standing as a rule no matter why or what, our biggest fear is that right after we move on in life and enter a healthy and loving relationship with another person, our MLCer spouse--often the parent of our children--would transform themselves into an ideal character worthy of being our partner again. But it'd be too late, the door closed. This breaks our hearts.
For those with children I understand that there is a want to have the marriage back. In my experience, a point will come when the LBS will no longer care if the MLCer will transform into an ideal character. We’ve moved on, the door is closed. And, at that point, our hearts will no longer be broke, we’ve moved too far, the MLCer and its crisis are in the past.
But nothing that CL has said here conflicts with anything we know about MLC, except that many of us feel MLC is a temporary character disorder, and CL is urging us to consider the possibility that MLC is not as temporary as one might like to think.
MLC is a temporary disorder except of those few who enter it and never come out. But it was not a disorder that was there 10/20/30 years ago. I think we know our spouses and we have not been mistaken for 10/20/30/35 years. A loving spouse that turns into monster had a change. For most the change is temporary. Problem is some of them take too long to be done with their crisis.
And sometimes, with careful nurturing (feeding the squirrel!) the MLCer emerges from this awful process as a battered but better person, and a beautiful reconciliation can occur (after a lot of work.) CL is right when she says this is not a common occurrence. But I would maintain that what RCR has set up here--a primer on MLC and standing--is a unique workshop that can increase the odds of successful reconciliation.
The reconciliation in not a common occurrence. The MLCer coming out of the crisis is the most common result of the MLC. And when they do they normally are, first a battered person, then a better person than before. The thing is, how many of us, once we have become strong, detached, healed and have been living a life without a spouse for ages are willing to have a wreck back into our lives? Not many, probably.