Hey Scooby,
I've been following/catching up on your threads. Hang in there. I know how hard this stage is. Hubby says he's filing for D, so I'm basically at the same point as you. Just fed up with all his shennanigans and mess. He is truly a like a teenager. It blows the mind.
When FB first started getting popular my H was like, "I'm never going on FB...what a waste of time...blah, blah, blah", but within a few months he did. He was connecting with old high school friends, childhood friends, and he was sucked in like a magnet. It slowly became his world, his platform, and he had women hanging all over his threads, especially one who became the alienator...fueling his ego, singing his praises. He felt validated and empowered by it , and it truly became an addiction and his downfall. He did go off FB for about 3-4 months at the end of 2012. He put a big going-away post up about how he was wasting too much time on FB, and that he has "an addictive personality", and FB was an addiction. He stuck to it for 3-4 months, but once he went back on FB and fired up the chexting and FB messaging again with OW he was sucked back in and left me within a month of reactivating his FB account.
I'm not saying that he wouldn't have had an MLC if there was no social media involved. It was pretty much inevitable because of his FOO issues and emotional maturity issues, but social media/texting/e-mailing was like gasoline on the fire.