Niek, don't know if it's low self esteem, suggests it a bit doesn't it. My H is with a girl 14 yrs younger and we looks and acts it. He seems to be head over heels in love with her. I think she's quite attractive but my friend said she just looks like a gawky teen! I don't get it in terms of her maturity, she must be so annoying, my friend who has met says she is and pretty immature. Feel like my H really needs to punish me for making him so unhappy. He sees me as his mother and he has suppressed rage at the way she abandoned him and the way she treated him. He's been and is in denial about that anger towards her but he is having hypnotherapy and it seems to be coming out. I told him I had always thought he had latent or misplaced anger at his mum and his step mum! When I started to live with him I asked him to help with housework and he would get so defensive and not lift a finger and then one day he said I made him feel like his step mother did when she wanted him to hel out. Is this my fault or his?