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How often did you h/w/partner mention D before filing?

0 - never mentioned it and just went ahead and filed
4 (25%)
1 - I'm divorcing you and found an attorney and filed
3 (18.8%)
2 - First mention is a warning and second comes "true"
3 (18.8%)
3 - I've told you twice and this time I mean it
0 (0%)
XXX - So many times I can't count
6 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Voting closed: May 18, 2013, 05:20:33 AM

Author Topic: MLC Monster The "mention" of divorce and follow through

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MLC Monster Re: The "mention" of divorce and follow through
#10: March 19, 2013, 06:46:54 PM
I voted the first one. H told me he wanted out of the marriage during BD. I was encouraged by many to seek out a lawyer to get a formal separation agreement in place in order to protect me and my son.
I do recall my H saying that some people are separated for years and never divorce. I'm not sure what he was implying. At any rate, my lawyer sent him a letter and only then did he retain a lawyer as well.
I've done my side of the paper work. H has done nothing. I have decided to just be still and not push this along. If its what he wants, then he can do the work now. I have enough on my mind to copy myself. Right!?
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Re: The "mention" of divorce and follow through
#11: March 19, 2013, 10:23:17 PM
Since he left a year and a half ago, legal separation is mentioned about once a month on average or, if he perceives any criticism or slight.  He has got as far as downloading an agreement & 6 emails back & forth negotiating a settlement.  I do not believe his action/inaction in any way reveals his intentions or plans for the future; I mean whether or not he will actually go thru with it.  He expected me to file & he still expects me to do the work.  There is no advantage for me to file & until he withholds support or something I won't help him.  And yes, there is pressure from ow.
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