I think it is very, very important for the LBS to come to the realization that they have to let go. Let go of everything that is not positive in your life and focus on living to the best possible standard for yourself.
It takes a while for this to happen because feelings and emotions get in the way. But, you just have to keep working on it, day after day. And, after a while, you will realize how great life can be and how happy you are with yourself. You will see others struggling to hold onto control over others and you will shake your head and be glad that it is not you.
I am very grateful for the friends of mine who have not cast judgement and have been ever so patient with me as I try to find my bearings. They are waiting in the wings with exciting things to do...all for when I'm ready.
As for this thing we call Mlc, the stages have presented themselves to me in the order they were written. Each stage has appeared differently than I had expected...not so absolute. It has been that "oh, I didn't think it would look/feel this way, but this is it". The present stage that I believe I am in, is Acceptance. For me, it's not about feeling that I accept that it is all over, that you forgive and forget, or anything. No. For me, its about feeling inner peace and understanding that bad things happen, and this is called living. You can understand and accept that Others have crossed over to the dark side for a bit ,but this is all part of the fabric of living. LET IT ALL GO. You can accept the fact that improvement can be worked on in your own day by day living, and that this will be an ongoing process. Others will notice too! They will want to know your secret to such happiness and contented living. And that secret is to understand that life is just life, you will go with the flow, carry on being your authentic self and build happiness into your life, day by day. It's ongoing for me, it feels good. Yes, my h has disrespected me, done crazy stuff to himself and to me. He will eventually fix it. But for me, I'm working on me every day and it's worth it.