I would not be standing if it were not for the articles on HS and HB. I would have thought my husband lost his mind and left him. I understood what he felt he needed to do and that was something I could accept. But the HOW is so horrible that knowing this is basically a script they are stuck following in spite of themselves gives me the ability to be patient and compassionate and not hold it against him personally in the long run. Each day is still a huge challenge but understanding the big picture is what sustains me for the long haul. The strategies and advice are also invaluable.
As for the forum, it provides me with food for thought and ways of looking at things that I might not otherwise thought of on my own. But it is really the articles that guide my actions.
While everyone here says there's nothing we can do to save our marriage, I think it would take dumb luck to manage to save a marriage without the advice here. I do think people who survive this are doing something to help it along, but there just isn't any empirical evidence or studies to say what it is exactly.