The original study is not from HuffPost. It is well know how affairs change the brain and that being involved in an affair is like being high or drugs, namely cocaine.
Have you ever been madly in love? If so, you know the feeling and how addictive it is. Nothing new in the brain being flooded with dopamine when there is an addiction with is what affairs tend to be.
What struck me more is that this article (and I read lots of things similar to this when I first learned about my H's affair) only explains what happens at the beginning of an affair - mostly the time when it's secret, usually even before BD.
The article is about the affair, not a relationship that may follow it. Most non-MLC affairs tend to just it, the affair.
Once there is no more secret and especially if the couple starts living together it will turn into what relationships turn into. Unless they two people keep doing things to make sure there is a high, the high will be gone.
If people remain in a relationship like Mr J and OW1, living apart and seeing each other once a week or so, the high and fantasy can carry on. However, there will be trust and other issues. You already know the person you're with can cheat/does not have a problem being involved with a married person.
Once the affair is out of the shadows and becomes the primary, or only relationship, it is no longer an affair. Affairs are secret things.
It doesn't explain the presumably varied and complex reasons that a person remains with an affair partner for 3, 5, 10, 15 years.
It doesn't because it is about the affair itself, the secret part, not about relationships that started as an affair. Relationships that started with an affair, which is what most of our MLCer have, or have had, is a different matter.
We like to call affair to the relationship or marriage to OW/OM, but it is not. As soon as it in the open it stops being so. Do you thing remarried MLCers are still having an affair? Or those that spend years living with OW/OM? I don't
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)