Good to see here!
Yes, I agree, some pay some don't and yes, last year I did get a gift which I thought was thoughtful. However, it has been quite different over the last 18 months and I'm not so sure I'll be getting a gift again this year. Doesn't look likely considering his distance this past year. What I do observe is that when I text or email him as of lately, his responses back to me are much quicker. Believe me, I know it means nothing. It's just an observation. But I got this thread going because I thought it would be interesting to see how many LBSers are in similar situations as I. I think we are a minority. Where H is semi-vanished or vanished, but still continue to be financially responsible. And, part of my curiosity is that I don't have kids. MLCers seem more likely (not all) to remain financially responsible with kids, but without kids is very unusual.
“In the end, you’ve got to be your own hero because everyone’s busy trying to save themselves.”