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Author Topic: Discussion MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2

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Oh wow Ready,

I hadn't heard about Scott's break down.  He's one of my favorite singers.  Just wow.
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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So sad. He was REALLY out there, and of course some of the celebrity tabloid sites had fun with that. Even some of the comments about this now are like, "yeah, but he's an addict! He'll never stay sober!" - completely unsympathetic to the fact that a lot of bipolar people self-medicate with drugs and alcohol, and now that he's receiving treatment, he can get on top of it. Or my favorite, "I thought he was born again!" - as though that cures bipolar disorder, or that it's funny someone would be saved and then get sick. People love to watch others fall, and it's no wonder so many choose to withdraw from society for fear of judgment.
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What about Charlie Sheen and his escapade. He really went off the deep end. Can you pull MLC out of that somehow? There were drugs and alcohol involved so you don't know how many brain cells he's burned over the years. But his behavior kinda seems like an extreme MLC.
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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13

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What about Charlie Sheen and his escapade. He really went off the deep end. Can you pull MLC out of that somehow? There were drugs and alcohol involved so you don't know how many brain cells he's burned over the years. But his behavior kinda seems like an extreme MLC.

I agree. When I heard the Scott Stapp thing it immediately reminded me of the whole "winning" thing with Charlie. He had about two weeks of over the top crazy, then went back to narcissistic run of the mill crazy. I wonder if he hasn't always been a bit bipolar, self-medicating with the drugs and booze? All of the women and sabotaging his relationships because of bipolar hypersexuality? Of course it's all just speculation, but we ascribe a lot to people as "bad behavior" that probably has more below the surface.
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I'm going to throw one name out there.  Maybe this is MLC or not.  Tiger Woods.  His father, who had a huge influence on him, passed away a couple years prior to his break up from his W.  Then, had several public affairs that have led to other break ups.  He just doesn't seem like he is "all there" mentally.  Perhaps a MLC?  Not sure.  Golf is a majority mental game and if he isn't thinking straight, he won't perform.  He seems to have lost that edge that he used to have.  Interesting to see what happens moving forward with him.
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If you are feeling down, know that God Has always had a wonderful plans for you.  Unfortunately, there are things that happen and forces that work to try and keep us from reaching what He has for us.  The good news is that there is healing at work.  God is always working in and through your life to try to get you to where He wants you.

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I'm going to throw one name out there.  Maybe this is MLC or not.  Tiger Woods.  His father, who had a huge influence on him, passed away a couple years prior to his break up from his W.  Then, had several public affairs that have led to other break ups.  He just doesn't seem like he is "all there" mentally.  Perhaps a MLC?  Not sure.  Golf is a majority mental game and if he isn't thinking straight, he won't perform.  He seems to have lost that edge that he used to have.  Interesting to see what happens moving forward with him.

I think you're on to it. Don't know how much of a serial cheater he was prior to his father's death, but certainly, the public change in him after that illustrates more than just a grief shift going on. But when you think about it, this guy didn't have a normal life growing up due to his gift, and was so successful so young, there were a lot of lessons he didn't learn. I think biochemistry plays the biggest role, but certainly the things those changes bring to the table reflect back on what he may have "missed". Will be watching where he ultimately ends up with it.

new thread:
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« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 06:56:14 PM by Anjae »


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