This is a quote from Nas from the previous thread... I wanted to respond but we needed to start a new thread.
This isn't the situation with my H, but for those of you where your H became a vanisher because of pressure from an insecure OW, I often think that even though you can't see it, the resentment must build and build over the years. The more the MLCer is forced to give up to appease the OW, the more I'm certain that at some point, they will grow to resent the OW and blame her for how they feel.
At some point, they have to realize that what they did was supremely sh*tty and cowardly and then they feel guilt and shame and they can't reconcile those feelings because they vanished and now they can't talk to the LBS about it, so it just compounds and they have to keep trying to smother the knowledge that they're sh*tty cowards to keep it out of their mind.
When they felt like crap in the marriage, they blamed us. When they continue to feel like sh*tty cowards for vanishing and causing way more damage than was necessary, who are they going to blame? Not themselves. Who made them vanish? Who pressured them to do such a sh*tty, cowardly thing?
It might take a long time, but I really do believe in those cases, they will come to blame the OW and the resentment will cause the relationship to implode.
I believe this to be so true in many cases. It's difficult for many LBSers of Vanishers b/c most just do not know what's going on. Sure that's a good thing in some ways but also it can eat at us that they just danced off into the sunset and started a new awesome life. Easy to imagine b/c of our shared history,... we did dance off and we did have a awesome life. BUT... there was no guilt, there was no baggage, I didn't steal him from his real family... I would never do something like that.... what kind of person would?
An insecure piece of sh!t.... that's who. They are messed up every single time. I'm lucky enough to have space yet also have had many people approach me with stories of how pathetic the "girl" behaves,... how sick so many people are about how my ex-husband has "changed"....
The Leaver himself has leaked to me how his new life "makes him sick".... then he turned around and married her.... why?
He doesn't know what else to do. He made his bed and he's too weak to fix it. Yes, I do think the resentment will build to the point that it will explode. I also think this is common for many of the vanishers.