I have popped back to the forum after many months and was happy to see an Oldtimers thread happening! BD for me was Dec 2011, almost 7 years ago so I’m guessing I qualify as an Oldtimer.
I suppose I got to thinking about HS again because my H (XH now, sadly) married the original and only OW last month. I was surprisingly unfazed when my D23 shared the news but over the next few weeks different thoughts have wandered through my mind.
My D16 shrugged her shoulders and said “doesn’t affect me” but my D23 found the news very upsetting, angry mostly that they kept their plans a secret, only announcing after the event. After a few days, she was able to realise that keeping it a secret was H’s way to avoid a potentially difficult / awkward conversation for as long as possible. She also said to me “she’s so clearly a bandaid but she just might stick forever”
I admit I thought well they must be happy together to be getting married but over on my freshly started thread it was suggested that perhaps happiness was still elusive so they thought they would give marriage a go. A useful perspective for me.
My point is that seven years in MLC is still going strong!!!
Thankfully my life is much calmer these days. Yes I still think about him most days but not with pain and sadness, almost just whimsical thoughts or memories. Occasionally anger and bitterness but hey I’m not a saint. I really like osb’s thought of the moon - waxing and waning but ever present, cool and calm. I’ll try to think of that every time I look at the moon.
My daughters seem mostly settled, studying hard, happy groups of friends, ambitions for future careers and lives. Pragmatic, independent. Some hesitancy to trust in romantic relationships but I think they will get there. Very appreciative of the stability and sensitivity I’ve provided, the three of us share a close bond forged by MLC.