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Author Topic: Off-Topic My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word

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Off-Topic Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#50: October 14, 2018, 08:49:10 PM
For what it's worth,,, I am moved by all I've read so far.  It's a real account of years of a horrible experience - the bomb, the shock & denial, the swearing, the revenge attitude, the endless emotional agony, the need to run (unsuccessfully) from the horrible pain. 

I can't relate in all ways to the way you reacted to the events following your BD but nevertheless,,, I get it.  I totally get it and I'm not in the least offended.

The swearing, spouse bashing, etc isn't too much for me even though I don't swear or bash my spouse (hardly, anyway).  You are being real and showing the unvarnished truth and how you dealt with it, to your credit or not.   I love the raw honesty and I find your book is a page turner for me.    I can't come up with any criticism or suggestions for you even on the price.  I willingly paid the price not because I 'know' you from HS, but because I know it was written by someone who has also walked the same path I am on.   

I am a few years behind your BD.   For me, your experience illuminates the twisty path forward, and often shows me my own experience, pain and reactions are not at all unusual, crazy, or out to lunch given the nature of the bomb that blew up my happy life.   That alone is worth the price of the book.
No criticism from me.   Just a big thank you for being so bluntly honest and courageous for baring your soul for all of us to see.

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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#51: October 14, 2018, 08:55:59 PM
I have only one critic, and that may be because I only read the free part.The writing was uneven. The first chapter was written in a rudimentary style, imo, very vernacular, a little stilted  . Chapter 2 flowed better,  had more complex sentences and was easier to follow, but then chapter 3 went back to the style of chapter 1.  Unless each chapter is from a different persons viewpoint, I like my writing to stay the same throughout.  My preference was for chapter 2, but either way would be ok. Just keep it the same so the writer doesn't look a bit crazy.

OffRoad, I wasn't sure what you were talking about, so I went back and compared the 3 chapters. 

So strange that you picked up on that...

I started writing this book very shortly after BD.  My life was over, right?  So my original book started from the summer we met, (summer loving, Chapter 3) to Bomb Drop, now chapter 1 of He.Never.Said.A.Word but originally the first chapter was supposed to be the last chapter of the book I threw away.  Well, all except those two chapters which were both written in 2013. 

My emotions were too much, I put the book away for a few years then I realized, my life wasn't over at BD, it had just begun.  That's why I took the last chapter and made it the first.  I kept "summer loving" because I felt I wanted to show a piece of what we used to have, so weird that you picked up on that chapter 1 and 3 were almost written by a different person, they were, they were written by shell-shocked me, as opposed to relaxed writing by a beach me.

So funny you actually wrote "a different viewpoint" b/c without me even knowing it, I guess they were!

 All of my novels were 300+ pages and I sold them for the recommended 4.99$.

I think the page count on Amazon (as you know it changes depending on the format) is 367, I thought $4.99 was a decent price, E thought it should be higher, I thought 3.99, we compromised at $4.99.  It seems the consensus on here is that it is too high.  I most likely will lower the price but I will discuss with E, as I have put him in charge of the business side.  Both of us are overwhelmed with a zillion other things going on.

And G, that's so cool that you have been writing for years...

Know any good proofreaders?   :)
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« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 09:13:40 PM by nah »
married 1986
BD April 6 2013 day after family went out for sons birthday.
I packed his bags two days later...semi-vanisher


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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#52: October 14, 2018, 09:12:15 PM
For me, your experience illuminates the twisty path forward, and often shows me my own experience, pain and reactions are not at all unusual, crazy, or out to lunch given the nature of the bomb that blew up my happy life. 

Anon, Thank you for everything you wrote but this ^^^^.

That is EXACTLY why I wanted to write and publish this book.  Believe me, especially writing about my daughter, I struggled if I really wanted to expose the good, the bad and the ugly.  But there was a very long time that I questioned myself.  I felt so alone, I felt so misunderstood, I felt like maybe it really was me.  Why else would so many people that I believed loved me turned on me so viciously?  Divorce happens all the time, then why did I feel like I was the only one acting like a lunatic?

That's why I'm sending it out to the world, even if the "world" is just a handful of people.

Thank you Anon, you made my day!!
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married 1986
BD April 6 2013 day after family went out for sons birthday.
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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#53: October 15, 2018, 01:35:13 AM
IM  curious as to what some opinions are from people that haven't experienced what we all have. When they read it , do they feel the pain? do they understand it?
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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#54: October 15, 2018, 04:28:20 AM
That's a good question, although I don't know why they would buy the book in the first place.

Nah, don't they have a Customer Review section for comments?
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."


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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#55: October 15, 2018, 06:39:44 AM
Nah, don't they have a Customer Review section for comments?

Probably but I can't find it.  Something else I will have to get E to find out for me...poor guy,  ;D ;D

IM  curious as to what some opinions are from people that haven't experienced what we all have. When they read it , do they feel the pain? do they understand it?

So far, the response from family and friends has been awesome.  Many people seem to be able to relate, even if they haven't been through the same exact thing, many have been through some kind of heartbreak.

Here is my favorite comment from my niece who, btw, had a baby girl on her 16th birthday.  She is now thirty and married (not the father of her baby) and also has a son.  She earned her GED, then a CNA certificate, and is going back to school to be a nurse!  For anyone who has read the book, she is also the sister of my nephew that died.

Aunt nancy! How are ya?! So I had to let you know I saw on Facebook that you wrote a book. Well I love to read and instantly went over to amazon to buy the ebook. I have to let you know I bought it last night and finished today lol. I loved it. And I wanted to let you know how very strong I think you are and how proud of you I am. Keep reaching for your dreams! You are truly an inspiration in all that you have been through ❤ p.s I cant wait for the paperback to come out I know some close people that can relate and would love to read your story as well. Thank you for sharing

I was actually crying at work when I read her words.  Which brings something else up.  I am reading every single persons comments and messages, on here and other sites.  Of course, I am recently getting slammed with actual work at my company, so I'm reading on my phone when I get and extra minute or two but it's really difficult to respond as I wear two to three sets of gloves and my phone is in a ziplock bag b/c I work in a clean room.

During breaks or late at night when I'm exhausted, I'm trying to get to everybody but I'm starting to hit the wall.  I really truly appreciate everyone's support so know that I'm reading but please understand if I take awhile to get back, or if I somehow forgot you.  There's some comments on here that I also want to address, I just haven't had the time to give the response I think they deserve, I will get there though, I promise.

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married 1986
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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#56: October 15, 2018, 06:53:36 AM

As for the name-calling in the book, I think some name calling is perfectly acceptable and captures your feelings at the time and that is good.. It became a bit too repetitive though and I think a few less pages devoted to name calling or name calling mixed with more substance beyond name calling would be good.  That's all.

You know, Goner, I re-read the early chapters and I agree with your assessment.  I saw a few spots where I might ease up a bit.  Not completely gone but not so repetitive.  Thank you.
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married 1986
BD April 6 2013 day after family went out for sons birthday.
I packed his bags two days later...semi-vanisher

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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#57: October 15, 2018, 06:59:19 AM
Aw how nice of her to write you!   :)

I just looked and, when you get time, right under the name of the book and your name there is a comment section.  : )

I reread your first few chapters again and I have to say, I really like how you started the book..with the "I met someone."  Really makes a person want to read more.
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."


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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#58: October 15, 2018, 07:24:46 AM
Oh, I see it now,...

"E" thanks you.   ;D ;D
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married 1986
BD April 6 2013 day after family went out for sons birthday.
I packed his bags two days later...semi-vanisher

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Re: My Book - He.Never.Said.A.Word
#59: October 15, 2018, 09:04:13 AM
You're welcome Mr. E.   :)
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."


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