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Author Topic: Off-Topic Hearts blessing?

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Off-Topic Re: Hearts blessing?
#50: April 29, 2011, 05:16:35 PM
HB--I hope you stop by one more time to read these posts.  I noticed this earlier this week, but as you know, and told me it's okay, I don't often have time to post these days as my focus is on my H and reconciliation. 

I want to thank you for all you have given to all of us here.  Even when the posts were on the threads of others I learned from them.  They always mysteriously seemed to appear and say just what I needed to hear. 

I also wanted to tell you that you were 100% correct in something you told me months ago in my thread about OW.  You said she was pestering him.  I recently confirmed that was the case at that time.   Your advice to me was correct about it.  I may not be where I am today without that advice from you at that time.  I knew it in my heart, but I needed to have it confirmed by another.  That other was you.  Thank you.  (I'm adding this after the original post.  I just went back to my old thread and read the post I referred to again, and the advice you gave me at the time.  It was so just amazing how correct and accurate you were in what you saw and told me to do.  I did it the best I could at the time, and he came back.  It's enough to bring tears to my eyes.  I can't thank you enough for that HB.)

I also want to thank you for showing me and reminding me through your posts what it means to know that God is in charge and to "let go."  It was a very special gift. 

I'll always remember your advice and think of you.  You deserve the very best for all you have given to each of us. 


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« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 05:45:09 PM by Patience »

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Re: Hearts blessing?
#51: April 29, 2011, 06:39:01 PM
Y'all are going to think I'm nuts; but so many of the posts I'd written over time I don't remember having written them....I've heard people before ask me if I remembered saying certain things because they were either true or it came to pass that certain things were confirmed; and, honestly, I don't remember them once I've either written or said them.

I'm not supposed to; if I retained every memory of everything I said/wrote; there wouldn't be any room for the Lord to deal with me directly.

The message, such as it is; is not for me; but for the person it was said to/written to; and I went on my merry way; my memory having been wiped clean; until someone says something later on. :)

Patience, I had to find that post you were talking about; I wasn't sure where it was located; or which one of your threads it was on; but I finally did find it; and I saw clearly where the Lord was speaking through me at that time, as He has so many times.

He has been there with you/for you all this time; and He only used me to help you when you were confused; and unsure.  :)

He is also the reason these various posts 'appeared' just when they were supposed to show up; when the need was the greatest.  Just so you know, I had nothing to do with that, personally; it was all Him.

HB--I hope you stop by one more time to read these posts.  I noticed this earlier this week, but as you know, and told me it's okay, I don't often have time to post these days as my focus is on my H and reconciliation. 

As well as it should be; the tools were given early in your time of starting reconciliation; and if there's any question; go back and re-read the threads from where you need a certain answer.

Don't worry about this board; your marriage is on track; and has been for a period of time; the time now is to focus on yourself, your husband, and the rebuilding of your marriage.

You may come back later on and post a complete success story in this area; but for now; get on with what you're facing now, and concentrate on the finishing aspect; it's going to take some time to get there, but you will.

You, your husband and your marriage are the most important aspects, now; and I had already been looking for you to begin detachment from the board once areas  in your lives had gotten on track to rebuilding/reconciliation.

Remember that God IS with you; and He won't leave you hanging; He will help you become even stronger; more confident and more able to assist with the rebuilding phase of your marriage...given time, it will be successful; and this time in your lives will become a distant memory.

All is possible as long as you have faith and believe in the One who created marriage in the first place; and His Glory is reflected in such a way that the marriage becomes stronger and more bonded as a union between yourself and your husband.  :)

HB will always be in a special place in my heart.  She has been a light in a very dark time.  Now, it is time for us to say thank you, God's speed and we wish you peace and good health, HB.  We will miss your words of wisdom, but you are right, we know what we need to do, and we can look to each other for support. 

That "light" you speak of was not me; but the One who lives in me; throughout time, I have given credit where credit was due; for without Him; I could never have accomplished even a fraction of what He sent me to do for a time.

Hold on to His hands, Subooru; He will be the one who takes you through this; no human person can do what He can and will do, as long as you hold on to Him. :)

If it had not been for the Lord continuing to be with me, encouraging me, strengthening me, and helping me; I could not have come as far I as I did within my own trial and life.

There is something to be said for supernatural power that is completely believed in, and utilized so that you receive help just when you need it.  :)

All righty then, gone again. :)

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Re: Hearts blessing?
#52: April 29, 2011, 06:47:56 PM
HB, I do declare, I think your a clinging boomerang!
I hope you can come back to visit us, but more than that I hope your finding the happiness you
deserve. I hope I don't offend but I think your talent and skills are wasted behind the wheel of
a semi. You understand more than almost all the counselors on the planet.
Surely your worth a couple hundred buck an hour!

God Bless you and yours.
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Re: Hearts blessing?
#53: April 29, 2011, 07:12:54 PM
HB, I do declare, I think your a clinging boomerang!
I hope you can come back to visit us, but more than that I hope your finding the happiness you
deserve. I hope I don't offend but I think your talent and skills are wasted behind the wheel of
a semi. You understand more than almost all the counselors on the planet.
Surely your worth a couple hundred buck an hour!

Rebel Yell,

You can blame the LORD for bouncing me back and forth; He keeps sending me in to tie up these loose ends; in PMs; and on this thread. :)    It's literally painful every time I get sent back in; but as long as people keep posting whatever they want to post to this particular thread, OR it reaches 10 pages; He will keep sending me back when someone adds a post.  :)

I went through something similar before years ago; and even then, it looked like I was a clinging boomerang; as you so aptly put it; but it did come to an end, eventually; and it didn't take long. :)

Either way, once this thread reaches 10 pages; I'm done, regardless..and the thread should be locked up. :)

You're not offending me at all with what you're saying; yet, freely my gifts were given; and freely I give; I've been given money for my time before; but I don't ask for it; I'm not supposed to...that's the reason I never became a counselor in real life; there are limits to what I can do in the way of counseling; and if I started charging for my time on my own; Poof, there would go every gift I had; as they would be taken.

There are greater things in this life for me; and they don't include money; I make enough driving a semi to pay my bills; and help support my household.

And I happen to enjoy my job; even though I've already seen around 80 percent of the country in the past 9 years.

I know for a fact that He never meant for me to become a counselor in IRL; I know, I asked Him about it some years ago.  His response at that time was that He would decide whom He would send to me, and where He would send me; but that my needs would be met in other ways; and so, I drive a truck for a living.  :)

I've never questioned Him again about it.

I know that sounds controlling on His part; but hey, He makes the rules; I just follow them; but on the other hand think of it this way, too: If I took on clients, it would limit the freedom of counseling others on the side; and I don't like that idea; I take time with the people the Lord sends to me; and between both sides of equation; if you thought I got tired before; I would really be tired, then. :)

And had I become/been a professional counselor; I would not have been sent here; I would have been elsewhere.

He has worked with me in this way before; He would send me one or several to work with for a time; then when it was time, He would move me over into other areas to do something different; but this is all in His hands; not mine; and I have no idea what comes next, or really, when.

Maybe I'll get a good break; I haven't had one in literally, YEARS; before; I would get a two year break; then something else would happen; but I'd been at this for a little over 11 years; with NO break.

Who knows? :)

Gone again! :)

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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.


Red Star

Re: Hearts blessing?
#54: April 29, 2011, 07:44:28 PM
HB! It's so good to see you here again! I too am sorry to hear that it is your time to go from here. I understand that there is a season......but I will surely miss your inspirations. Thank you ever more for sharing your gift.

Blessings sent your way... :)
Beautiful Star
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Re: Hearts blessing?
#55: April 30, 2011, 04:40:18 PM

I don't know how to say this,
but I thank you very much
for always being there for me
you're honest, friendly touch

You helped me to get better
and stop what I may regret
you helped me through my hard times
that, I can never forget.
HB - thank you

You understood my problems
in a kind and caring way
and without your help
I may not be smiling today
HB - thank you

I trusted you with my feelings
they were difficult for me to understand
I needed your advice, and now in my heart I know
It is my own intuition that needs to grow
HB -  thank you

wishing you a happy and peaceful future Miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B xxx
PS anyway we can let you know the final chapters of our stories ??
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Re: Hearts blessing?
#56: April 30, 2011, 06:51:08 PM
(((House Blessing)))

I understand your empathetic nature; it helps me to understand your need to detach from this site.  There have been days I have had to do the same, and I know you understand what I am saying.  The sadness and hurt in everyone lives here reaches us to our core; so much we can literally feel their pain.

You have been such a wonderful source of comfort to me the past five months; your words resonate in my daily thoughts; you are remembered in my daily prayers by name, as you have  been my guide too.

There will never be a time that I don't look up into a cab of a truck looking for you.  I know the male drivers would get a thrill out of that thinking it as a ego boost; not knowing I will be looking for you and not at them.

I pray you will be led back here at times to slap all of us here upside the head with one of your 2X4's.  As you know, these lessons are a major challenge for most of us here.

You are greatly loved and appreciated on this board; thank you from everyone for your wonderful wisdom and knowledge of the experiences we are living that have brought us to this site.

Stay safe, and thank you for everything you have done for all!

Much love,

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Re: Hearts blessing?
#57: April 30, 2011, 11:27:17 PM
I pray you will be led back here at times to slap all of us here upside the head with one of your 2X4's.  As you know, these lessons are a major challenge for most of us here.

Everything you need can be looked up in the way of 2x4's, past advice, etc. :)   I wrote a great many "universal" type posts that weren't exactly directed at any one person; but each one that read these always got something out of them. :)

I can't say if I will come back to visit at a later time; I draw a blank on that at the moment...but then, again; it was 8 years after I left the other board that I was directed to return; but that was because of what my husband didn't do in his initial crisis....his choosing NOT to face that final issue of his which put us both on the path we walked for quite awhile.

IF he had done what he was supposed to have done; I would not have been here for this time...yet, God works in mysterious ways; I've known this for a very long time. :)

There is nothing "accidental" and I know for a fact, when my husband exited the first time, back in late 2002; the Lord KNEW it wasn't right; and somewhere within me; I knew; but it wasn't clear; it wasn't supposed to be....I honestly think that if I'd known I'd probably have cut and run; and He knew this of had taken what I perceived to be so long; when, really, it was a short period of time, as 3 years is actually short in the time of MLC; and I see now, that he should have 'cooked' a lot longer in the MLC oven; but he didn't; he got in a hurry to finish...out of fear; and the thought that he could just put that last issue aside; and not ever have to face it.

Yet, it wasn't  to be; and I can look back, and see key times where the Lord worked hard within the situation; using me; using him, and using our son to keep our marriage together in spite of his crisis and my transition.

Oh, but it was worth the end I've seen and still see; as my husband is still changing, growing; and there's nothing left to fight on his part.

So, I'm done, finished; and ready to take on whatever the Lord has set for me to look at going forward; even as the rebuilding of our marriage continues to commence at this time. :)

The door is closed at this point in the way of my possible return to the board; as all things and one's work must  come to an end, given time.

Even mine. :)

IF I do make a return; it may be years down the line; and I would suspect that I will find the stories that post an end....but I make no promises, nor guarantees; I can't do that; and I would be lying if I made this type of promise; so, I will leave it within the hands of the Lord; who has strictly instructed me to bow out; it is time.

Take care, all. :)
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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.

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Re: Hearts blessing?
#58: April 30, 2011, 11:54:08 PM


IF I do make a return; it may be years down the line; and I would suspect that I will find the stories that post an end...

Crikey HB I hope you don't find me still posting when you do, is there another level after hero member!!!!

Much much love. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Hearts blessing?
#59: May 01, 2011, 11:02:49 AM
Crikey HB I hope you don't find me still posting when you do, is there another level after hero member!!!!

If I did find you posting; it would be for a reason; and you would know why; there are some people whose work extends out and beyond for a time; and I believe it is because they must learn a number of things, including compassion for others; AND the MLC'er they deal/dealt with that may be still going through the MLC.

The lessons of love, compassion, and so forth are learned in various different ways; what isn't learned is recycled; yet, if God didn't have people in this particular field exclusively doing this work; you'd have people falling by the wayside every day.

I don't claim to know the work of others; I only know what I need to do at any given time; but I have gotten enough from people over time to know; and have an idea why they are where they are at a given time.

No one "sticks" you here; nor do you get stuck in a certain place.  If you're willing to follow the instruction of the Lord at all times; you will always know where you are supposed to be.

One of the hardest lessons I ever learned was to develop compassion for my husband; and the Lord came down hard on me more than once; I knew that he was aware of most of the things he was doing/saying; and I had the attitude that he would get it, or not; which was true; but I was called upon to help him at times with COMPASSION, and LOVE; even though I had to be tough at times.

I got stuck at times, too, as I cycled back and forth, myself; and there were confusing aspects that I had to learn/face; but to move forward; I had to be willing to keep an open mind and heart to what He was showing me in my own individual situation.

Stay open to His guidance; understanding you are where you are for a reason; His reasoning is not like ours; He is the only one who knows what is ahead; none of us do.

On the other hand; MLC takes a long time to complete IF it ever completes within a person; it's a true process where many things are learned; tears are cried, and you wonder if you will EVER make it through....but you will; coming out stronger than before; bearing the tools of a lifetime. :)

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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.


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