What this discussion is pointing out to me is that if I'm standing, getting stuff off my chest is not going to help my stand. Of course, I knew that, but seeing several people's view of how venting comes across, I'm starting to really realize that it's time for me to stop this.
I'm glad nobody 2x4'd me when I posted my vents, because I was still at a stage where I needed to do that. This is one of the invaluable gifts we receive from HS, the chance to heal and say how we feel with (usually) not too much criticism, and lots of encouragement. And often, we work it out ourselves in the end.
Milly, am I correct that you're saying that we naturally need to vent--but to do it HERE instead of at our Hs/Ws?
That's something I had to learn--to do the so-called "180" and NOT be the person H sees me as but the person I TRULY am. That is one of the best ways to prove him wrong, after all...
But then, further, that *how* we vent here is important. If we do it in a way that creates or maintains hardness in ourselves, it takes us in a different spiritual direction than coming from a place of compassion and love does. We want to honor our own feelings, yes, but the way I see it, the bottom line is that what I wanted in the first place was to love my H. That was the whole point! So I let go of the idea of getting "justice" from him. I would rather he see a contrast between my true self, the loving person that I always intended to be, and the broken, immature OW that is sure to increasingly annoy him and grate on his nerves like the affair down she is.
I feel angry often, but I feel more compassionate and loving as I go along. It's a process to shift the percentage from one side to the other. I don't judge myself for the anger. It's certainly justified. But in the process of getting where I want to be, letting go of anger improves my experience in the present as well as "paving the way" for future relationships of any kind.
Mego, I don't know if my musings make any sense to you...I'm sorry you're hurting (as we all are or have been). We're just saying, in a way, that if we want to build something, there are more and less effective ways to use our tools.
Maybe think of it this way...MLCers can't learn as well from our words at this point (maybe at any point?) as they can from the "vibe" we show them--kind of like pets.