his reason for going so long without admitting it to himself or anyone else - ego.
I had the rare gift of my ex actually telling me everything we want to hear... his choices haunt him, he thinks of me and the life we used to have together, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Then what? He married her and disappeared. Well, I'm no Yellow. I would not have made it easy for him to return, his fragile ego would have taken a beating. Can't have the hockey guys and the band people laughing at him with, "I told you so's", now could he? That's why, I believe, most vanishers don't return.
I really believe the true MLCers, especially the vanishers feel this way, no matter how they behave. They are cowards, frightened little boys who can't face reality, so they hide because it's the path of least resistance. They stay where they are because they don't want to admit to their friends and family that they blew up their world, and destroyed everything that was good because of their stupid ego.
Yellow's husband showed up because he wanted to show up. His ego is still preventing him to let his mask completely fall, but he is making baby steps b/c of Yellow. She went on with her life, she didn't try to control the situation, so he is inching towards her like a shy little kitten. But read her thread... oh he wants to be famous, he has this cool house, forgot her birthday, blah, blah, blah... all ego.
Classic vanisher behavior but b/c Yellow is so cool, this might be a rare return.
I'm on the edge of my seat.