I currently have an at home MLCer. So interaction every day.
1. What does Detachment mean for you personally? (In your own words or a quote that best describes your thoughts)
Detachment for me, is delineating personal meaning from my H’s words and actions. It’s not emotionally investing in an outcome....of anything, the marriage, his crisis, a conversation and interaction ect. It’s separating me and my ability to be okay, safe, happy, content from the actions or words of another person. It’s surrendering control or even the ability to influence the outcome of anything but my own words and actions and thoughts. It is detaching emotionally from the marriage.
2. What did you do to gain a measure of it?
Grieve the losses. First by accepting that my H, who I was to him, my marriage our family, life as I knew it was gone. Then grieving the loss of what all those things meant to me. Grieving the loss of the roles I had held and their personal meaning to me.
Finding the root of what bothered me, or upset me, or caused an emotional reaction in me and then letting go of the expectations I was holding that caused the emotions.
Accepting the end of the marriage meant grieving the loss of all the expectations I had for H for his treatment of me, for his interactions with S15.
Examine my motivations for any interaction with H, and taking time outs to work through my emotions and let go of things before allowing interactions.
Internal self talk. Not letting me take things personally, make things about me, or assign meaning to things that were out of my control.
Taking all my hurts and frustrations and injustices to God. Telling him about my struggles and questions and doubts and fears.
3. What positives did Detachment bring you?
The ability to see things more clearly. Emotional stability. More clarity of thought and choice. The ability to focus on myself more. It allowed me to focus solely on me and my feelings, thoughts and needs and wants. The ability to respond rather than react. Perspective. Self regulation. The ability to separate my compassion and self worth and self love and general happiness from other people’s feelings, emotions, words or actions.
The ability to listen. A sense that no matter the situation I was okay. Trust in myself. A more consistent version of myself that wasn’t dependent on what was happening to me or around me to feel safe, or in control.