Hi Acorn-
Thank you for giving a place where we all can share. I see myself in each of these posts so far

Because trauma was inflicted upon my daughter and I and brought to our home in the daytime by the AP's husband beating on my front door and trying to get in my patio door wanting my husband at any cost, I was spun around and forced to act swiftly and quickly. So my first actions looked like:
1) Take pictures of distraught husband (hers) and call my neighbor quickly. He left phone numbers in my mailbox and notes, not only to me but my neighbors. Once I was able to get him out of the community, with the help of my neighbor we acted quick. I called ex-H, he wouldn't take my calls. I called his co-workers and left the message with him that way. He never came home. When he did call later he said he wasn't talking about anything. OK??? Wake up call begins. Time to detach until we can talk.
2) Meanwhile, I contacted the AP's husband and reviewed a lot of what I needed. Photos's text, etc. Told him to stay away from my family. Don't call anymore. Then I contacted a lawyer, who had me get to the bank. I took what was required for my daughter and I and the rest had to settle out in court. We filed an emergency order to get temp. possession of the home and my daughter. I called the police. I filed reports. Enacted a no trespassing on all parties and warned my then husband. As only in MLC style, he only cared when he realized the accounts took a hit. He was later fuming that he and she thought they were getting the house and my daughter and that failed. Had a great attorney. Took a little bit to get the AP's husband to stop calling, so when the attorney's were going to handle it, he finally got the message. It was more shock and needed someone to pair with in trauma and I wasn't having it, nor desired it in any form.
3) I had monster at least the first year non-stop. So detachment for me was key to maintain my strength and not do anything to lose our daughter or the home. I 180'd quickly, she and I counseling and started healthy boundaries and detachment. As soon as he got out 3 months later, I changed everything and reduced him to a drop off and pick up. It was another monster season. I let him have his fit and he knew with the new cameras installed outside the home, he better walk a clean line. He was livid because he had all these preconceived notions on how little bit he was going to give me. How we had to have these special rules and do things together at school for the daughter, like sit together in front of old friends. How I had to pay this bill and that bills, blah..blah...blah...his mind was brewing in narcissism down to convincing me that I would be OK in a condo. Insert one of Ursa's pics - lol. I just nodded and on the inside I was thinking you just wait mister. Things will NOT turn out as a favor from you to me. It will be a favor from above and you'll be paying a long time. And so it was. I can humbly say, EVERYTHING he set out to think he was entitled to, fell on it's face. I was actually entitled to more and no stone was left un-turned. This helped me to detach in a healthy way. I wanted to think he had our best interest and it was a breakdown. I woke up fast. Wiser and stronger because of detachment.
4) After the first year whenever he would be given a chance to come in for a quick minute or he'd want to help around the home (it was for daughter) he would start fuming and getting mad. After my 3 strikes rule, I said you can't be in the home anymore. I'd make him leave right away. Of course, he had to say a few choice words to have a dramatic effect. I took away the privilege since he was disrespecting me and my home. That went on until divorce settled.
5) I walked away from him at the courthouse, he followed me and I never looked back. Then he spent the next year punishing by withholding all the things he was required to give. So I spent money on a few more orders to get him to comply or be held in contempt going forward. So, I again took the privileges of him coming to the home and anything for our daughter, he had to meet out. Then I started to feel so much better overall when court was done.
6) Last year I was hit with the feeling now it was time for me to deal with how I truly felt about things. After all, he left, still no explanation, no apology, but he could only tell our daughter he wasn't giving up the AP. He would have touch and go's via the parenting app, but I stayed business like and detached. I ran into him at the store and I had tears in my eyes and asked if he had anything to say? He said "No, I'm OK with everything". Like we could just be friends as nothing happened. So I left stunned and thought, OK...that's where my standing took a shift. That's when another level of detachment kicked in, but not in a mean way. More of what kind of person would be so cruel and still strutting around like he's a peacock? I never put up with these types of guys in my dating years and I knew this was not what God wanted me to live with at all. I would lose myself if I didn't keep moving forward.
7) I spent almost a year of working through my feelings without him knowing anything. The holidays, the birthdays, everything it was grueling, but I tried to go do something opposite than sitting at home. My counselor said create a new memory on those days. So I did. Before I knew it I had joy, a spring in my step. The only detachment I had left to work on was trying to get through a whole day without thinking about him like this was a bad dream.

Now, I have realized that he can't see all he is doing, as I didn't years ago. I realized it wasn't personal, but he had to stay away as the monster is the opposite of the guy I knew for 28 years. This person, only had his best interest in mind. In time, as many of you have posted, he would have to prove himself with his actions and words lining up. I can say I am not the person to take him back at this point, but I would love to be back in the position of understanding and listening as he still has much sorting on the journey ahead. I have no doubt it will hit him hard. I agree that being mean and cruel to someone trying to find their way out isn't the answer. The time will come for me to say what I need for him.
I like SS's story from a Christian perspective on the type of person I want to be towards anyone that I love. All in that love thy neighbor approach. I want to continue my boundaries and let him in based on how he is moving in the tunnel and is putting in the work. Not make him my idol. Not be abused by him or his new choices. I will always love him. We miss him, but I do not like nor trust this person he is today. So I have to practice receptivity without letting him hurt or destroy us any longer. I do believe he will crash very soon. Until that time, now I will continue on as if he is not ever going to see me again in this lifetime. Soon enough my daughter and I will be leaving the state and he will have what he has wished for. Nothing of us will be here. He is shocked as he thought I would be moving after graduation once I sold the home, but not leaving the state. This time will help her and I to grow in our own ways in a new life. If he should ever call and want to talk, he knows he can as long as he takes ownership of what he has done and has the tough talk and puts in the work, nothing less. He understands that I will not let him come back as friends and have two women in his life. I deserve better. I will always wish him well. Now I need to stay detached to keep healing my inner person who was crushed beyond measure. I will be handling him at the best pace for me at that point. If he chooses that I'm not worth it or he doesn't have it in him, I respect that and he must continue on. For me, I would not have lost anything as I have been rebuilding the new me.
I thank you all for being real on this site and showing me the way to keep moving through on many days I didn't think I could do it. He will never know for a long time how hard it has been. That's OK..I've grown into a new me and I wouldn't have had that if all this hadn't happened. My daughter and I have a bond that he can't break. He doesn't see her much at all now. I told him "Cats in the Craddle" sir, "Cat's in the Craddle". Those words echoed on him as he monstered again. Some things need those truth darts. He must find his way out and start the journey back to his new self, if he chooses not to get stuck.