I think this is such a rich thread. This is something we all uniquely share and so, for me, it's really important to read other people's experiences. And weirdly reassuring that most of us, despite being treated horrendously, still found (find) it hard to cut the dealer of bad deeds out of our emotional lives. If at all. For me, there has been a really frustrating cognitive dissonance. Seeing clearly the behaviours but not being able to marry them to the person I knew all those years.
And as for “thinking” myself into detachment or trying to make it happen. No $&@#ing way! I knew exactly what I needed to do but you can’t just wave a wand and make it happen. It genuinely was a function of time and the result of certain external events. It’s something you can’t force.
I relate to this. What has helped me is to keep telling myself to have Zero Expectations. This is an easy mantra for me, and when I feel myself going into the psychic realm of speculation, I repeat it and then try to insert some white noise into my brain

I am just over 1.5 years in, so I am fresh out the gates in this fun run we call MLC, but I am gradually reshaping my life, filling the hole left by my H with new experiences and love from family and friends, old and new. There is still pain, but now, I can genuinely say, I have more joy than pain and I like my life.
I also really respond to Evermore's 'squirmy' feeling about the past. I guess, after time, we can see the dynamics of the relationship much clearer, see ourselves and our spouse's roles and personalities. I always knew subconsciously that my H was the more passive player in the R - in many ways he kind of grafted onto my life, because he never really had a strong sense of direction. I was the navigator I suppose, and we went on many exciting adventures because of my job. But I would have done the same things with or without him. I know this. Not true the other way around though. So I don't regret much in that respect, but I do have lots of fuzzy question marks now about the depth of his love. At this point in time, I feel like I was a good navigator for him, until I wasn't.
For many of us, our spouse was the person we matured with, and so, for me anyway, I don't have another significant romantic relationship to compare it to. I can only know the marriage I had with H. That's something I think I need to reflect on as part of, not detachment, but maybe moving and evolving forward.