I can't feel compassion for someone who intentionally hurts or mistreats me. I don't want to either. On the other hand, if there is no intention to do so and if there are some mitigating factors then I may feel compassion. The context matters to me. In my own situation,,, I don't believe my h did have intentions to hurt me. I was just collateral damage along the road to him selfishly finding himself.
I'm one of those who no longer puts much weight on what ow says or does to influence my h nor whether she is controlling or not. She truly is nothing in the big scheme of MLC things. If she dropped dead tomorrow he would still be a MLC wreck.
I do feel compassion for him in a detached way. It's impossible for me not to notice the many ways he is living his life in misery despite these being his choices to live this way. He can't see the forest for the trees and he is truly a slave to his ow addiction - he needs the fix but to stop needing the fix he has to go through the withdrawal and he is no where near strong enough for that. Vicious cycle so yes, I do have enough compassion for the trapped life he's unwittingly built for himself to move on to forgiving him. On the other hand,,, it would be hard to forgive him if he left and clearly has a fabulous new life that's everything he ever dreamed of. No compassion for him is needed in this case. He's fine but had to destroy my life to have that great new life - tough to find compassion or forgiveness. But that's not my h's case so compassion and forgiveness are clearly more obtainable.
fwiw, I have no sense of cognitive dissonance, nor am I trying to will myself to have compassion. I either feel it or I don't and nothing is forced. tbh,,, I think the more detached I get the less compassion I have. It's not just compassion I feel less of either,,, it's all emotions I feel less of...as I get more detached. I wonder too at times if forgiveness needs to come before compassion. idk... therapist appt later this week so I'll bring it up.