For me paving the way was a goal. It gave me something in the distance to aim for. For me it meant being a better person, a lighthouse, someone to follow. It didn't necessarily mean it would get me my H back, but it implied that I would be becoming a better person whatever were to happen with my H.
This is the kind of person I am anyway, so it fit in well with my personality. I do feel that I lost some of the grace I was born with during my marriage, and I was happy to try to regain it.
I am a stander - for now. I am a stander until I don't want to be one any more. I do feel that more recently on HS behaving like a stander gets retaliation from some members. I, too, am uncomfortable relating all my feelings now a days. As a stander, I'm going to do what I feel would be the behaviour that would attract me.
I can't forgive yet. I hope to do so some day just for myself. I do think that if my H were to apologize or show remorse, it would be much easier for me to forgive him. Without this, I'm not sure I'll be able to completely forgive him. If my H doesn't come back, I would want to forgive him just so that I reach that place where thinking of him and what he did to us won't bring up all the anger again. So that would be completely for me, for my own peace. I'm much less angry now than I was a couple of years ago, so I'm thinking I might reach that place with time any way.