I don't post on my own thread often, but something happened while on vacation that was interesting to me.
I'm still broken, but better. Very odd, I've never heard of legs stopping working (was told it was severe arthritis) then reversing but it seems to be happening. I am no longer in constant pain, can stand for long periods and even D noticed I can move faster than before. Not complaining, mind you, just observing. I changed my seat configuration to a forward lean, rearranged my keyboard and mouse to an incline and the shoulder pain is completely gone and I can stand up without pain or feeling like I'm going to fall. You won't find THAT in the standard book of ergonomics, but I'm sold.
Went on vacation with a friend. An off road walker (Veloped Trek, way awesome
https://www.trionic.us/en/veloped-trek-c-10/veloped-trek-14er-m-green-black-orange-p-204) at the Biosphere 2 works, but that hill going down and coming back up is a killer on the arms. We also hit several Native American ruins and Heritage sites, Meter Crater and Petrified Forest/Painted Desert. Southern AZ has a shortage of hotel workers and no knowledge of what an actual ADA mobility disabled room should look like. Fortunately, I am creative and managed. The snow drift around my car on the morning we were to leave Flagstaff (northern AZ) was my biggest issue. We relied on the kindness of a stranger to get the snow off the windshield and my friend had to back it out so I could get in. So much for 3 inches of snow...more like 8. But 4wd is my friend once I got in the car and I was smart enough to have left it in 4wd when we parked the night before. But I digress.
We were passing through the desert on a dirt road on the way to a heritage site (no snow at this point) and as I was looking at the scenery, a memory came back to me that made my forehead wrinkle, so I relayed the story to my friend.
Not long before BD, XH asked me if I'd like to visit Joshua Tree. Of course I said yes, I had been to many mines there with my off road group, but never a standard visit. We went and I was having a good time (having no clue BD was on the horizon). We got out at one stopping point and in the distance you could see some hills. XH pointed to the hills and said their might be some petroglyphs over there, why don't we go over. It was moderate temperature (not summer), I estimated the hike across the desert to be about 2 miles, and while I was fairly sure there was nothing over there I said sure because I thought it was nice that he was thinking of the things I liked to do. I grabbed my water pack and off we went. As happens in the desert sometimes, it was not flat, but have downwards hills as it were. Down into a trench, back up over and over which made the hike more like 4 miles. (This was not an issue for me back in the day). We get to the base of the hills and look around at the rocks. At this point, my friend is sucking in her breath next to me, but of course this is hindsight. I said "Yeah, it's not just me, that's kind of creepy isn't it?" and she affirmed it was. I asked her when she first got the creepies, because for a long time it was actually a fond memory for me. She said at the moment he wanted to leave where the crowds were and hike across the desert where there was no one for miles. I said. "Hmm."
As I continued my story, I told her how he tried to get me to come over to a certain place to see if there were any glyphs. I could see from where I was there were none, and the the rocks were not of the type where you would normally find any and I said that we were just out of luck. For a reason that I didn't recognize, I would not go anywhere near him and thought it odd of me at the time. I started back, then he started back. As we walked back, he got further and further away from me to my right until we could hardly see each other. Sadly for him, orienteering was not his forte and he was heading for the wrong rock outcropping. When I lost sight of him, I called out and told him he was off course and he popped out from behind a Joshua Tree. Now, I thought maybe he was relieving himself, you know? But my friend once again sucked in her breath. And I said maybe he was just relieving himself and she said "What, like he couldn't have done that three feet from you?" which of course was true. Not like I hadn't seen it before or anything. He just stood there for a few minutes, and I continued walking towards the rock outcropping we came from and he started walking again, slowly closing the gap between us. We ended up back at the car and while I had a strange feeling about the whole escapade, I could not put my finger on exactly what was wrong because stupid me, I trusted him.
After I finished my story, my friend said "You might have been very lucky." and I said maybe he planned to do something, then couldn't. Or maybe it was just a harmless hike. She just looked at me and said she didn't think it was a harmless hike and had the circumstances presented itself, could have had a different outcome. BTW, this person sees the good in everything, which is why I told her the story because if it seemed weird to her, then my hinky meter wasn't off, I
just didn't realize it was going off.
Moral of this story. BD wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. I'll take that win.